Jun 27, 20 / Leo 11, 04 16:35 UTC
Asgardia Legislative Forum - Proposals and Presentation by the Information and Communications committee
Lembit Öpik, Chair of Parliament, then reviewed the list of legal proposals currently in the early stages of development and presentations for the rest of the day. Dennis Shoemaker, Chairman of the Information and Communications committee spoke about the legislation that the committee has been contributing to such as the ...
Jun 27, 20 / Leo 11, 04 16:12 UTC
Asgardia Legislative Forum - Domicile Act and Guest speaker from Nation Builders
Next, MPs discussed the Domicile Act, brought up by Ben Dell, which still needs to have its official reading in a parliamentary sitting. It would help clarify how Asgardian citizenship would relate to a person’s citizenship on Earth. Guest speaker, Ross Cheeseright from Nation Builders, spoke about his organization and ...
Jun 27, 20 / Leo 11, 04 13:47 UTC
Asgardia Legislative Forum - Asgardia Business Act, Asgardia Companies Act, Asgardia Intellectual Properties Act
Chairman of the Trade and Commerce, MP John Fine, gave a presentation: A Future in Private Business. He explained what the Asgardia Business Act, Asgardia Companies Act, Asgardia Intellectual Properties Act will do for Asgardia and business people wanting to bring their business to our Nation. The Acts have been ...
Jun 27, 20 / Leo 11, 04 12:22 UTC
Asgardia Legislative Forum - Judiciary Act
After a short ten-minute break, the next piece of legislation up for discussion was the National Judiciary Act. MP Salvos Mouzakitis, Chairman of the Justice Committee, presented changes being considered to the wording of the Act and the ongoing development of the court system of Asgardia. Like the Currency Act, ...
Jun 27, 20 / Leo 11, 04 11:53 UTC
Asgardia Legislative Forum - National Currency Act
The next point of discussion of the meeting was The National Currency Act, including what stage it’s on and any changes that might need to be made to it from the Banking Act by Deputy Chairman of Parliament and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Ben Dell. He helped with ...
Jun 27, 20 / Leo 11, 04 10:56 UTC
Asgardia Legislative Forum - Opening and Codes for Criminal, Constitutional, Administrative, and Civil matters
Asgardia’s Chairman of Parliament opened the Asgardia Legislative Forum (ALF) with a warm welcome and thanks to the Members of Parliament who joined the all-day meeting. He reviewed the timetable and agenda of the day. Like most parliamentary meetings, the ALF is translated live in English, Spanish and Russian. The ...
Jun 27, 20 / Leo 11, 04 09:58 UTC
Asgardia Legislative Forum Today!
Today, parliamentarians from all around the world are coming together online to debate pending legislation and discuss topics relevant to Asgardia in preparation for their next digital sitting in August. We will be bringing you updates throughout the day about this meeting!
Jun 6, 20 / Can 18, 04 23:26 UTC
Parliament 8th Digital Sitting - Day Two - Reports from Committees
The last items of the day were the reports on work plans from the Committees of Asgardia. Parliament heard reports from the following committees: Foreign affairs - presented by Ben Dell Culture - presented by Cheryl Gallagher Manufacturing - Fernando Jimenez Motte Some discussions occupied more time so the remaining ...
Jun 6, 20 / Can 18, 04 22:34 UTC
Parliament 8th Digital Sitting - Day Two - Disqualification procedures for Members of Parliament
Chairman of Parliament Lembit Opik presented the document outlining the procedures for disqualification from Parliament. After receiving input and approval from MPs, the document will go to the Supreme Space Council for review. After the SSC meeting, the accepted document will be published on asgardia.space. These procedures were created in ...
Jun 6, 20 / Can 18, 04 21:37 UTC
Parliament 8th Digital Sitting - Day Two - National Bank of Asgardia

Member of Parliament and executive secretary of the Trade and Commerce committee, Ismail Sengul, presented the Nation Bank Act to parliament for parliamentary debate. This was the first time this legislative document was discussed by Asgardia's Parliament. The purpose of the Act expands on Article 13 Point 4 ...

Jun 11, 20 / Can 23, 04 08:27 UTC
National Bank of Asgardia is the bank of all of us.
Jun 6, 20 / Can 18, 04 17:40 UTC
Parliament 8th Digital Sitting - Day Two - National Currency Act
Benjamin Dell, Deputy Chair Parliament and Chair of Foreign Affairs Committee, presented this act to parliament for its first official reading. This Act was first presented for discussion in the last Asgardia Legislative Forum (ALF) which helps to determine the rules, regulations, and defining principles related to Asgardia's currency, SOLAR. ...
Jun 6, 20 / Can 18, 04 16:12 UTC
Parliament 8th Digital Sitting - Day Two - Judiciary Act
Asgardia MP and Chairman of the Justice Committee, Salvos Mouzakitis, presented the Judiciary Act for a second reading to Parliament. He highlighted some of the important changes made to each chapter of the Act in response to feedback by Parliament from the first reading. He explained what wording had been ...
Jun 6, 20 / Can 18, 04 16:11 UTC
Parliament 8th Digital Sitting - Day Two - Reformation of the Government
Head of Administration to the Head of Nation, Lena De Winne, presented the proposal of the Administration on formation of the Government of Asgardia to Parliament. It is planned to declare an open selection for the positions of Ministers of the government and its Chair. Lena De Winne outlined the ...
Jun 6, 20 / Can 18, 04 11:14 UTC
Parliament 8th Digital Sitting - Day Two By-Elections discussion
Chairman of Parliament, Lembit Opik, spoke about the by-elections that will run from July 1 - Oct 31. After the presentation, the floor opened to questions from MPs to ensure all information is covered so that Asgardia Residents can take part in this event. Questions included the need for the ...
May 6, 20 / Gem 15, 04 17:52 UTC
Asgardia MP Interview - Ugur Aydin
A new interview with an Asgardian Member of Parliament, Ugur Aydin, is now online! https://asgardia.space/en/news/mp-interview-ugur-aydin
May 6, 20 / Gem 15, 04 20:29 UTC
Excelente estimado Ugur!!!
Apr 30, 20 / Gem 09, 04 15:00 UTC
MP Interview with Asgardia Member of Parliament - Navid Bessari
Today is the beginning of a weekly series of interviews with Asgardia's Members of Parliament. You can find the first in the series with MP Navid Bessari in the Parliament news section of the website or follow the link below. https://asgardia.space/en/news/navid-basseri-interview
Apr 30, 20 / Gem 09, 04 18:34 UTC
Basseri yes is explendid!
Apr 30, 20 / Gem 09, 04 15:40 UTC
Excelente entrevista, felicidades al Vicepresidente del Comité de Información y comunicación, un profesional comprometido y un excelente buen amigo
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