Mar 16, 20 / Ari 20, 04 16:31 UTC
Parliament Update - Aries 20, 0004/March 16 2020

The past week marks the beginning of the work needed for parliaments next digital sitting at the end of May. Parliamentarians are focussing on the legislative foundations that will help with Asgardia’s economic growth and its mission of humanity living, and thriving, in space.

May 5, 20 / Gem 14, 04 13:17 UTC
May 4, 20 / Gem 13, 04 19:26 UTC
Apr 18, 20 / Tau 25, 04 13:55 UTC
Very excited and cant wait!
Feb 25, 20 / Ari 00, 04 16:31 UTC
Upcoming Parliament Digital Sitting
The Digital Sitting is coming! Stay tuned for updates this week
Mar 13, 20 / Ari 17, 04 11:42 UTC
Hi hello
Mar 5, 20 / Ari 09, 04 00:27 UTC
Feb 29, 20 / Ari 04, 04 02:51 UTC
Where can I find a stream link please?
See all 4 comments
Feb 18, 20 / Pis 21, 04 16:23 UTC
Parliamentary Update Pisces 21, 0004/February 18, 2020

Parliamentary work has been focused on preparations for the upcoming digital sitting. Pending legislation continues to be refined and avenues for more are being identified.

Chairman Lembit Öpik has been meeting with the developers of Zoom, the platform in which the Asgardia Parliament uses ...

Feb 11, 20 / Pis 14, 04 16:58 UTC
Parliament Update 06-February-2020 / 10-Pisces-0004
This week’s meeting focussed on preparing for the upcoming Parliamentary digital sitting taking place from 03 - 05 Aries 0004 / February 28 - March 1, 2020, promoting Asgardia and licensing ideas. In the digital sitting, parliament will have eight pieces of legislation to discuss during the sitting. Two pieces ...
Feb 18, 20 / Pis 21, 04 18:27 UTC
Very true but we as To start Practicing the constitution. Chapter 3 of the constitution Space citizenship of Asgardia / Article 8 Rights and freedoms of citizens #4.f Right to access to information about the Activities of governmental bodies and Monitor them.
Feb 17, 20 / Pis 20, 04 22:24 UTC
I'm sure it will come in its own time. Let's be patient and in the meanwhile content ourselves with the news shared by the AMPs' own social media comments and other sharing after the sitting will be over...
Feb 16, 20 / Pis 19, 04 21:18 UTC
🥺 why not? We need to be as much involved as we can be.
See all 7 comments
Feb 3, 20 / Pis 06, 04 16:23 UTC
Parliamentary Update 03-FEB-20 / 06-PIS-04

This week, Asgardia’s parliament moves closer to passing key legislation and setting precedence as the most organized parliamentary systems in the world, working at every level of parliament. It also brought back Head of Administration of the Head of Nation Lena De Winne to attending the weekly meeting which ...

Feb 29, 20 / Ari 04, 04 02:17 UTC
Türkçe dil eklenmesi çok iyi olmuş, çalışmaların devamını bekliyoruz.
Feb 13, 20 / Pis 16, 04 19:07 UTC
thanks for telling us.
Feb 13, 20 / Pis 16, 04 19:06 UTC
thanks for informing us.
See all 4 comments
Jan 21, 20 / Aqu 21, 04 14:05 UTC
Parliamentary Update 21-JAN-20/21-AQU-04
This last week was busy for the Parliament of Asgardia. Parliament held two meetings, the weekly touch-base Q&A with the Chairman of Parliament and an all-day working meeting to discuss legislation that is being worked on. In the weekly meeting, the Chairman of Parliament and AMPs discussed the goal of ...
Jan 21, 20 / Aqu 21, 04 20:29 UTC
Kulai si necesitas algo envíalo a la coordinación del parlamento ya sabes el correo para que se analice y si es viable ya saben que todo queda en el registro y archivo
Jan 21, 20 / Aqu 21, 04 20:28 UTC
Saludos a todos los que han colaborado y siguen semana a semana las noticias de lo que estamos realizando , poco a poco pero con paso seguro ahí vamos!!!
Jan 13, 20 / Aqu 13, 04 15:54 UTC
Parliament Update 13-JAN-20 | 13-AQU-04
Members of Parliament met digitally for the first time in 0004 (2020) officially with the Chairman of Parliament, Lembit Opik. The meeting launched with a brief new year greeting and outlining the agenda of the day. The Chairman outlined the confirmed schedule for key parliamentary meetings throughout the year which ...
Jan 19, 20 / Aqu 19, 04 06:57 UTC
I am eagerly waiting for that live performance by Electric enemy. I think that would help send a message to people of our pop based culture
Jan 16, 20 / Aqu 16, 04 14:45 UTC
Is there any video of the meeting?
Jan 14, 20 / Aqu 14, 04 21:28 UTC
Great Job!
Jan 6, 20 / Aqu 06, 04 17:22 UTC
Reflections on Asgardia, 0003

What was 0003 like for Asgardian parliament and What challenges are the parliament facing this year?

Dec 16, 19 / Cap 14, 03 18:00 UTC
Parliament Update 16-DEC-19 | 14-CAP-03
Members of Parliament have been working hard this week as they return from Tallinn bundled with important tasks to progress the development of the Nation. MPs are very inspired after the meeting and we are working hard for Asgardia. Ariadne Gallardo Figuero from the Citizenship Committee shared a little information ...
Dec 9, 19 / Cap 07, 03 17:35 UTC
Parliament Update 9-DEC-19 | 7-CAP-03

We’re hot off the heels of the 4th Parliamentary sitting that took place in Tallinn, Estonia between 23-25 November and we wanted to give a little rundown of our time at this groundbreaking physical sitting. The Physical sitting was opened by the Chairman of Parliament, Lembit Opik ( and ...

Dec 15, 19 / Cap 13, 03 12:28 UTC
passport too argardian citizens, very important
Dec 15, 19 / Cap 13, 03 12:27 UTC
I would like them to develop a passport for the Algerian citizens, it would be very important
Dec 14, 19 / Cap 12, 03 20:01 UTC
Good sir
Dec 2, 19 / Cap 00, 03 13:41 UTC
A Month of “Paving the Way Into Space”

I can tell you without equivocation, as I fly home in this airliner 40000 feet above the earth surface, that I have just had one of the most fascinating, captivating, revelatory and fulfilling months of my life, and it’s all due to my life as an Asgardian, and specifically ...

Dec 4, 19 / Cap 02, 03 14:43 UTC
Thanks Ubaldo, happy to be working with you too! Thanks for your kind observations!
Dec 4, 19 / Cap 02, 03 14:42 UTC
Thanks, Ivan for your support!😊
Dec 4, 19 / Cap 02, 03 14:41 UTC
Thank you, I’m so glad!
See all 7 comments
Nov 18, 19 / Sag 14, 03 13:26 UTC
Parliament Update 18-NOV-2019 (14-SAG-0003)

With the Physical Sitting due to take place in Tallinn just days away on 23-25 NOV, Parliament is all systems go for this groundbreaking event. Much of Parliament this week has been preparing for the Physical Sitting. As well as the huge logistical undertakings that need to be completed ...

Nov 23, 19 / Sag 19, 03 22:40 UTC
excuse me why you don't but the Arabic language in your Translation, I am young Arabic and I ask you but the Arabic language. Thank you very much.
Nov 22, 19 / Sag 18, 03 08:23 UTC
Nov 19, 19 / Sag 15, 03 03:37 UTC
Will parliament also be discussing the amendments submitted by residents using the official avenues? =).
Nov 11, 19 / Sag 07, 03 13:52 UTC
Parliament Update 11-NOV-2019 | 07-SAG-0003

In this update, we’re going to be giving information about the upcoming Physical Sitting and sharing the exciting news about Parliament’s official Space Art Contest. Asgardia’s Parliament has officially launched its SPACE ART COMPETITION. The focus of this competition is Space Art and other Visionary Art dedicated to our ...

Nov 4, 19 / Sag 00, 03 14:02 UTC
Parliament Update 04-NOV-2019 | 28-OPH-0003
With the Physical Sitting due to take place in Tallinn this month, Parliament and Government have been buzzing with activity - The Physical Sitting will be one of the cornerstones of Asgardia’s financial development as it will see laws, processes and systems debated and agreed upon to allow the Nation ...
Oct 28, 19 / Oph 21, 03 16:02 UTC
Parliament Update 28-OCT-2019 | 21-OPH-0003
There is a lot of momentum happening in Parliament right now with members working hard to prepare for the Physical Sitting which is due to take place in Estonia on 23-25 November. Members of Parliament are working to develop important legislation that will define and empower our economy and allow ...
Nov 7, 19 / Sag 03, 03 00:38 UTC
Reward should be from understanding, the ability to do, and paitchens to learn.
Nov 7, 19 / Sag 03, 03 00:35 UTC
Tho as we truly transcend to space fairing we should transform to a monetaryless beings to truly equal society with goals always for the advances in understanding and awareness. To be as peaceful as possible. Money causes unnecessary indeffrences. And selfish actions.
Oct 21, 19 / Oph 14, 03 12:39 UTC
Parliament Update 21-OCT-2019 | 14-OPH-0003
We are writing this Parliament update off the back of #ASIC2019 - The Asgardian Science and Investment Conference - several members of Parliament were able to attend the conference and what a huge success it was. People came from all over the world to share in the common goal of ...
Oct 28, 19 / Oph 21, 03 13:01 UTC
Thumbs up!
Oct 27, 19 / Oph 20, 03 07:53 UTC
Its great thing
Oct 22, 19 / Oph 15, 03 02:04 UTC
What is happens with all the wonderful pictures there ?
See all 4 comments
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