Oct 14, 19 / Oph 07, 03 13:52 UTC
Parliament Update 14-OCT-2019 | 07-OPH-0003

This week Parliament has been getting stuck into a wide range of activities for Asgardia including marking the 3rd Birthday of the Nation and bagging an invitation to the United Nations/Austria World Space Forum. ASGARDIA’S BIRTHDAY One of Asgardia’s most notable holidays happened on the 5th of Ophiuchus (Oct ...

Oct 7, 19 / Oph 00, 03 16:36 UTC
Hello there! This week, we've got quite a lot of news on the back of our extended parliament meeting - to prevent duplication of the content, you can go and view it in full at the following link: https://asgardia.space/en/news/parliament-meets-for-extended-session If you have any questions or comments, please don't forget that ...
Oct 12, 19 / Oph 05, 03 10:56 UTC
Good news! Regarding the digital meetings of Parliament, are there any recording of proceedings or documents, minutes, agenda etc available?
Sep 30, 19 / Sco 21, 03 12:28 UTC
Parliament Update 2019-SEP-30 | 003-SCO-20

Hello, again fellow Asgardians. We’re back with another Parliament update - But before we get into it, we wanted to let you know that it’s possible for you to directly contact Parliament. Our primary job is to represent the will of the people through the development and application of ...

Oct 1, 19 / Sco 22, 03 04:09 UTC
Awesome!! keep up the great work <3
Sep 23, 19 / Sco 14, 03 12:46 UTC
Parliament Update: 14-SCO-0003 | 23-SEP-2019

Hello again from Parliament. We’re back this week with another update about the work that we’re doing and the progress that the Nation is making towards its goals. We want to start out by thanking everyone that has shown their support for Asgardia by contributing the Citizenship fee. The ...

Sep 24, 19 / Sco 15, 03 10:13 UTC
This is a great update, thank you 😊
Sep 23, 19 / Sco 14, 03 13:47 UTC
Thank you for your hard work!
Sep 16, 19 / Sco 07, 03 13:08 UTC
Parliament Update 16/09
As you know, we have been working hard on furthering the development of Asgardia’s economy. This ecosystem is going to be vital for us as we need to generate an income, but It’s important to remember that while we’re talking a lot about the economy and money in general, Asgardia’s ...
Sep 24, 19 / Sco 15, 03 18:05 UTC
Hello Asgardia Parliament Official, I sent by email a business proposal that you should find very interesting and will make all what you have said above a reality. I ask that you please read my email and reply. Thank you kindly in advance.
Sep 20, 19 / Sco 11, 03 17:11 UTC
That we do, ChristopherBoardman! That we do.
Sep 20, 19 / Sco 11, 03 17:10 UTC
You can't currently get a passport from Asgardia for paying the Citizenship fee, no. The Citizenship fee will make you a resident - This way you're supporting the growth of the nation, and you also get to vote in referendums, have a say in changes to the constitution and a ...
See all 6 comments
Sep 9, 19 / Sco 00, 03 14:52 UTC
Parliament Update 2019-SEP-09 | 0003-LIB-28

Before we launch into our weekly update, on behalf of all members of Parliament, we wanted to wish Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli a happy birthday. A true visionary, without whom there would be no Asgardia and it would be a big step back for humanity’s journey into space. We wish ...

Sep 11, 19 / Sco 02, 03 11:26 UTC
It appears that not "all Asgardian residents have 100 Solars in their wallets" but only the ones who made a financial contribution or paid fees... before the new website was launched on April 12th 2019... Since that date, it doesn't appear possible to "buy" solars...
Sep 2, 19 / Lib 21, 03 14:56 UTC
Interview with Fernando Motte on The Asgardian Institute of Standards

There is a lot going on in Parliament ahead of the upcoming Sittings - and as outlined in our previous update - there is going to be a core focus on building up the Nation’s economy so that we can start to implement important Government services and strategies that ...

Aug 9, 20 / Vir 26, 04 13:40 UTC
Asgardians would #Love to have more information on #AsgardiaStandards
Sep 3, 19 / Lib 22, 03 02:37 UTC
Intense work with the collaboration of manufacturing deputy Mr. Burham, congratulations on your work and delivery
Aug 26, 19 / Lib 14, 03 12:11 UTC
Physical sitting to serve as a summit on Asgardia’s economy.
In Asgardia’s most complete digital sitting that took place on 26-28 July Parliament passed approval on the distribution of funds to hold a physical sitting. In recent meetings, Chairman of Parliament, Lembit Öpik revealed details about what will be Parliament’s second physical sitting since they met in Vienna on June ...
Sep 2, 19 / Lib 21, 03 00:48 UTC
Se eu não estiver enganado, este padrão usa o XML como base de arquivo.
Aug 27, 19 / Lib 15, 03 17:09 UTC
What is the Akoma Ntoso?
Aug 26, 19 / Lib 14, 03 13:15 UTC
Due to the fact that Mr. Öpik is interested in his national roots, I invite him to visit those places where his grandfather’s compatriots settled of their own free will and became successful, never complaining about the Soviet occupation and not cooperating with Hitler’s: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%AD%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F_(%D0%9A%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%8F%D1%80%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B9) https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%AD%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BA I hope he likes ...
See all 4 comments
Aug 19, 19 / Lib 07, 03 13:33 UTC
Parliament Update 0003-LIB-07 (2019-AUG-19)

We mentioned in a previous update that Parliament had approved the resources for a physical sitting and we are pleased to say that this has now been confirmed. The second physical sitting of Parliament will take place in Tallinn, Estonia in November and it is expected to run between ...

Aug 22, 19 / Lib 10, 03 22:18 UTC
Thanks for the update. Looking forward to seeing what happens with Trade and Commerce.
Aug 12, 19 / Lib 00, 03 13:14 UTC
Parliament Update 0003-VIR-28-SAT  (2019-AUG-12-MON)

Voting results from the last Parliament Sitting have been published this week and participation was reported to be 97%! This data shows that Asgardia’s parliament is in good spirits and that they’re carrying out their duties. AMPs continue volunteering their time and best efforts, representing all Asgardians in creating ...

Aug 5, 19 / Vir 21, 03 12:25 UTC
Parliament Update - Vir 21 0003 (Aug 05 2019)
// Physical Sitting Confirmed // Parliament has agreed to hold a physical sitting after passing a vote on the matter during the Parliamentary sitting earlier this month. Chairman of Parliament, Lembit Öpik cited this physical sitting as an important moment for the nation as it would allow Parliament to come ...
Aug 8, 19 / Vir 24, 03 21:55 UTC
As an Asgardia MP I know our work may seem small at the moment but we are building a great foundation of our blossoming space nation.
Jul 22, 19 / Vir 07, 03 15:15 UTC
Parliament Update 0003 VIR 29 SAT | 2019 JUL 22 MON
Exciting times in Parliament. This week we are having our fourth digital Sitting. We will discuss important points like our legislative priorities for the next year and the process of amending the constitution. The Citizenship Committee recently had a meeting with mayors of several cities around the world, like Kuala ...
Jul 23, 19 / Vir 08, 03 07:08 UTC
Nice update. Things will become interesting.
Jul 22, 19 / Vir 07, 03 21:12 UTC
Meetings in Damascus? When , and how can I know about them?
Jul 22, 19 / Vir 07, 03 15:54 UTC
Thank you very much for update.
Jul 15, 19 / Vir 00, 03 13:14 UTC
Parliament are gearing up for the digital and physical Sittings
Hello Asgardians, if you’ve seen the updated Calendar, today is Saturday 28th of Leo and although it might be the weekend in Asgardia, for people using the Gregorian calendar, it’s the start of a new week and with it is our Parliamentary Update. It's been another busy week for Parliament ...
Jul 9, 19 / Leo 22, 03 15:45 UTC
AMPs in Chile: Attending Rare Solar Eclipse Event
This year 2019, we witnessed the star event most awaited by the astronomical world. On July 2, and for almost three minutes, a total solar eclipse was observed in the central zone of Chile that darkened the skies of the southern hemisphere, generating a halo of mysteries and emotions to ...
Aug 7, 19 / Vir 23, 03 14:06 UTC
Thank you friend, It was really an adventure for the Asgardians who made this trip, as well as Parliamentarian I feel the responsibility of pushing the actions and ideas to make things happen and not only be a spectator .... for Asgardia a Unit a Humanity I will soon be ...
Aug 7, 19 / Vir 23, 03 01:11 UTC
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Jul 8, 19 / Leo 21, 03 14:29 UTC
Parliament reaffirm commitment to transparency
Parliament is deepening its level of commitment, transparency and communication with Asgardians. Opening communication channels in our webpage and consistently sharing Parliament news in social media was the first step. Soon we are going to be sharing in an article more details about the functioning of parliament. Also soon we ...
Jul 10, 19 / Leo 23, 03 15:47 UTC
Yeah , i am really happy i can see light in our dreams . Thank you our parliament for changing how parliamentarian are usually
Jul 9, 19 / Leo 22, 03 04:09 UTC
Awesome, thanks for the information!!!
Jul 9, 19 / Leo 22, 03 01:03 UTC
Very good
Jul 4, 19 / Leo 17, 03 12:14 UTC
Meet John Fine, Chair of the Trade & Commerce Committee
John Fine is a big Star Trek fan. He has watched every Star Trek movie in existence at least 4 times, and some many times more. It is only natural that when MP Fine saw information about Asgardia in social media he was fascinated about it, and after some research, ...
Jul 5, 19 / Leo 18, 03 13:55 UTC
Thank you Yana, you are the best and continue to inspire me 😊
Jul 5, 19 / Leo 18, 03 10:30 UTC
I met John in Vienna. On the way back from the inauguration, we wound up at the airport together and had a really great conversation while waiting for our flights. Very genuine guy working hard for Asgardia.
Jul 4, 19 / Leo 17, 03 18:18 UTC
Dear John, what a great story of a very kind person!
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