Right now, while we wait for the Constitution to be accepted, the nation of Asgardia is building it's fundamental structures. This is all fairly underway and seems to be clearly laid out, after all we have hundreds of years of trail and error to fall back on.
Right now, while we wait for the Constitution to be accepted, the nation of Asgardia is building it's fundamental structures. This is all fairly underway and seems to be clearly laid out, after all we have hundreds of years of trail and error to fall back on.
However, what happens once we have all these structures in place? We would still by a nation stuck on a spinning rock in orbiting the Sun. So how do we get off this ride? The Ministry of Finance will no doubt at some point wish to collect taxes to support the needs of the nation and it government. While I have no problem with this if I am living in a space habitat or other such off world facility, I wonder how Citizens are going to feel about paying taxes to two governments?
There is no precedent for this. Previously is you ceded from another nation to form your own you immediately stopped paying taxes to that nation and started paying them to your new nation. This was easy to do as you automatically no longer resided in the previous nations territory anymore.
Things will not be so simple for us Asgardians. Until we have a place to call home among the stars we might have some difficulty making terrestrial governments understand why we don't want to pay taxes to them anymore. Can you see the comedic scene of you trying to explain to a Home Affairs/Home Office/Immigration Office Official that you want to emigrate to another nation but you are remaining in the country?
We will obviously need to find a way to fund our initial endeavors that does not rely on taxation.
But enough about money. Let's say that we have ways to fund projects. Where do we start? Do we go straight into Orbit or do we go for the Moon and work our way into Orbit from there? It takes a big rocket to get to the Moon, a rocket that costs a lot more than one that can get you to LEO. So the downside is that getting there is expensive, but the upside is that once there we have gravity (weak but it is there); resources that can be mined and shelter from impact and radiation. The alternative is to build Habitats in LEO, the upside being that it is much cheaper to get there and that resupply would be cheaper to launch. The downside being that living in micro gravity is hard and every expansion will require a launch from the surface of the Earth. Becoming self sufficient will be much harder and we will be much more vulnerable to impact and radiation. Perhaps the Capital of Asgardia should be built on the Moon?
Let us think on these things.