Aug 18, 23 / Lib 06, 07 10:04 UTC
if we put all solars in a digital jar and give all asgardians who put cash or work in the todays asgardian system then everyone of them has the right to earn an equal amount of solars.. we could start with donating 1 solar per week for everyone.. the more ...
Aug 28, 23 / Lib 16, 07 01:13 UTC
Sowas muss ausführlicher Beschrieben werden. Ich glaube dass dies ein sehr komplexes Gestrüpp werden können.
Aug 18, 23 / Lib 06, 07 07:38 UTC
today i woke up with the question: what are we doing.. if we take a step back towards the overview and take a view at earth then we see earth being transformed in stones and stuff.. we work, have money, build houses and create waste.. if we die all that ...
Aug 16, 23 / Lib 04, 07 19:24 UTC
an idea could be to use the anatomy of fruits to design protected modules.. we have the protective outer shell, layers of fibers, compartiments that contain water, flesh and seeds.. in its core we could then ad an atmosphere for life.. grtz,dirk
Aug 17, 23 / Lib 05, 07 04:59 UTC
Good Idea :D
Aug 15, 23 / Lib 03, 07 04:39 UTC
if we would think logically of going to space then we should first acknowledge the two opposites of earth's gravity and space's weightlessness.. the balanced middle would be antigravity combined with gravity or visa versa.. that environment is the water on earth.. it is at first a source of life ...
Aug 15, 23 / Lib 03, 07 20:57 UTC
Interesting! When we have available propulsion systems of adequate power, capable of pushing the many tons that a wet abitat constitutes will be a project to be considered.
Aug 15, 23 / Lib 03, 07 04:05 UTC
to create a physical experience on earth from space we could build waterpods filled with warm salt water.. we are faced down like snorkeling and breathing relaxed.. the bottom of the pod exist's out of a curved led display with moving pictures from deep space.. this together in a dark ...
Aug 15, 23 / Lib 03, 07 21:12 UTC
Surely floating in stationary position in tanks full of water is one of the two experiences that isi can experience in training for astronaut training, in particular it is tested - buoyancy _ as the Earth's gravity is still present. Proof? just drop an object from your hands while immersed ...
Aug 15, 23 / Lib 03, 07 03:46 UTC
all things exist due waves and frequencies.. we should aim for a harmonic life style where spikes of frequencies are diminished and waves are flattened.. the waves of up and downs should be spread in length making them less stressful.. the intensifications of spikes should be lowered towards less impulsive ...
Aug 15, 23 / Lib 03, 07 03:26 UTC
building a hypothetical piramide to space.. we begin with the bottom layer as entrance.. we could build these piramide layers in a website.. each level of the piramide brings us closer to a digital space environment with the highest levels as physical partial anti-gravity towards partial gravity in space.. we ...
Aug 14, 23 / Lib 02, 07 19:08 UTC
as a protection in space we could us a freezing layer of water between the module outside and a compartment layer with frozen water.. under this layer as an extra layer we could use water with anti freeze.. and beneath that we could use regular warm water as environment conditioner.. ...
Aug 9, 23 / Vir 25, 07 15:27 UTC
noah saved the animals, mozes saved the slaves, jesus rebelled against money and power which took away love and care.. now we need new messengers to save the natural earth.. in the future the messenger will come from the noosphere to save it all at ones.. grtz,dirk
Aug 8, 23 / Vir 24, 07 07:16 UTC
latest issue : grtz,dirk
Aug 8, 23 / Vir 24, 07 02:12 UTC
2023 briefing book from copuos: grtz,dirk
Aug 7, 23 / Vir 23, 07 20:04 UTC
if we see no borders.. then why are we reacting towards borders.. we have to maintain our overview from space and react accordingly to all things earth.. we should quit political border behaviors and cooperate with organizations who work above the border limitations.. it is from this noosphere level that ...
Aug 27, 23 / Lib 15, 07 01:37 UTC
The limits are imposed. We inherently have to create boundaries above us, because we still have the animal instincts within us and cannot easily jump over that shadow.
Aug 7, 23 / Vir 23, 07 20:13 UTC
I definitely agree with you on that. If we got rid of political borders and start acting as a species, then we could focus on being better for future generations to come.
Aug 7, 23 / Vir 23, 07 20:07 UTC
launching ourselfs into the noosphere and operate as a world ambassador..
Aug 7, 23 / Vir 23, 07 06:28 UTC
something that came to my mind is the following.. making a hype of a high purpose or goal finances atleast the real low activity.. a common fact in reality.. grtz,dirk
Aug 27, 23 / Lib 15, 07 01:44 UTC
Not if money is considered as a fitness factor.
Aug 5, 23 / Vir 21, 07 15:45 UTC
just came to a digital idea.. it is something we could use as an interface for our library.. instead of showing maps and files in a GUI we could present them in layers like a picture.. as example we use a picture made up of different zones which we would ...
Aug 27, 23 / Lib 15, 07 01:48 UTC
How do you think the layers of the image are displayed instead of maps and files in the GUI. You have partially explained it but there are still quite a few elements missing to make this work.
Aug 5, 23 / Vir 21, 07 07:16 UTC
when two blackholes approach they are making ups and downs in space.. this goes together with stronger tensions of outgoing particles and energy.. we humans have observed such an event recently.. this is the part between 9 and 1.. a violent ending and a peaceful new beginning is approaching from ...
Aug 4, 23 / Vir 20, 07 00:57 UTC
a new path towards the future is a path that is both science and wisdom.. the new middle path as a balance between these two could be called "enlightened science".. grtz,dirk
Aug 5, 23 / Vir 21, 07 07:22 UTC
science is observing the past.. wisdom is foreseeing the future.. both are knowledge towards the future..
Aug 4, 23 / Vir 20, 07 21:37 UTC
A exact science ? Enlightened .. nice
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