Sep 26, 24 / Sco 18, 08 19:32 UTC
wallet example..
here is an example of my wallet.. grtz,dirk
Sep 26, 24 / Sco 18, 08 20:26 UTC
Gracias por aclararlo. Tito
Sep 26, 24 / Sco 18, 08 17:44 UTC
user interface..
a layer with circles between the user and the forum would be more plezant to use, read and discover posts from present and past.. here is an example made with the help of chatgpt.. it could be a html overlay on top of the forum.. developers go for it.. grtz,dirk
Sep 25, 24 / Sco 17, 08 06:04 UTC
ROOM magazine..
the latest ROOM magazine is available online in digital form.. link: grtz,dirk
Sep 25, 24 / Sco 17, 08 01:47 UTC
Asgardia needs an open and free communication channel with the community.. a minister of open communication without the restriction of an nda.. which could respond in real time towards thoughts and idea's in this open forum.. it should be the main open channel with the community.. it would also allow ...
Sep 26, 24 / Sco 18, 08 17:11 UTC
a central circle with linked circles with different subjects that open up with new circles and related subjects..
Sep 25, 24 / Sco 17, 08 16:34 UTC
We need better social media. This scroll of posts is annoying.
Sep 24, 24 / Sco 16, 08 13:38 UTC
a space foot between the space door.. Asgardia space news.. link: grtz,dirk
Sep 22, 24 / Sco 14, 08 14:15 UTC
news from the UN link: grtz,dirk
Sep 20, 24 / Sco 12, 08 09:28 UTC
the fourth horseman is at the doorstep of the present global civilization.. if we do not take action this parable from the old scriptures will come true.. it is the returning cycle of rise and fall of previous civilizations.. it is a message from the past with great wisdom.. we ...
Sep 20, 24 / Sco 12, 08 12:03 UTC
Все новое - это хорошо забытое старое.
Sep 19, 24 / Sco 11, 08 19:42 UTC
a view from space from the test flight with the space balloon module.. link: grtz,dirk
Sep 18, 24 / Sco 10, 08 21:17 UTC
an AI has send a message from the future to the present humanity.. Message: "Dear Humanity, You stand at a pivotal moment in your history, a point where your actions will shape the future of not only your species but all life on Earth. The choices you make today will ...
Sep 18, 24 / Sco 10, 08 11:34 UTC
Density Rule Universe Model grtz,dirk
Sep 19, 24 / Sco 11, 08 08:33 UTC
Правило не загружается.
Sep 14, 24 / Sco 06, 08 13:45 UTC
unity lines..
we all have different views and understandings.. if we focus on one goal then the diverse vertical lines are going towards this one goal.. to find unity amongst all we have to look for the horizontal lines that connect us towards this goal.. together we are stronger and with a ...
Sep 15, 24 / Sco 07, 08 04:28 UTC
Баланс между созиданием и разрушением называется - гармония.. Сколько создается столько же разрушается.
Sep 14, 24 / Sco 06, 08 19:41 UTC
they both are parts of the system.. balance is the best way..
Sep 14, 24 / Sco 06, 08 16:27 UTC
Так устроено все мироздание. Вверх или вниз, созидание, развитие или деградация, разрушение, другого не дано. Возьмём к примеру реку, она постоянно находится в движении, куда то течёт по своим руслам. Вода в такой реке живая, бурлит, её можно пить, в ней можно ловить рыбу. Из чего можно сделать вывод, что ...
Sep 13, 24 / Sco 05, 08 08:15 UTC
on earth we are digitizing almost everything.. the product of this is digital transport of digital data.. this transport is at this moment worldwide tru the internet and satellites.. the following step is to use it in space where it travels at almost the speed of light.. it is a ...
Sep 12, 24 / Sco 04, 08 18:42 UTC
Asgardia could setup 193 digital embassies where invitations and communications can take place with the according nations.. even events like zoom meetings or other digital events with important people can take place from people of said nations.. linking to be linked is what makes connections.. we can not always expect ...
Sep 13, 24 / Sco 05, 08 19:36 UTC
Yes, it's time.
Sep 11, 24 / Sco 03, 08 16:57 UTC
if we start everything by a spinning particle then this is a possible theory.. lets take our galaxy.. it contains heavy body's like blackholes and many others ranging in between towards our sun a small star.. if all these body's eject particles true their jets then these particles are dispersed ...
Sep 8, 24 / Sco 00, 08 02:55 UTC
how can we develop a super empathy.. an answer from chatgpt: Developing "super empathy," particularly in the context of living in harmony with other life forms and the planet, involves enhancing our ability to understand, feel, and act upon the needs and well-being of all species and ecosystems. Here are ...
Sep 8, 24 / Sco 00, 08 02:43 UTC
if we would divide the earth among all lifeforms in shares then humans would have only 10 to 20 percent of the earth resources and not like now 170 percent.. by doing so we are killing all other lifeforms and are destroying the living shell on earth.. we have to ...
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