Jul 15, 23 / Vir 00, 07 16:55 UTC
as we have the ISS cycling around the earth i was thinking about putting a minipc onboard from Asgardia.. we could upload it with AsgardiaOS and put our documentation in it.. in the future we could expand it with al sorts of hardware inside and outside the spacestation and expand ...
Jul 16, 23 / Vir 01, 07 08:40 UTC
this "room" article might be interesting for you: https://room.eu.com/article/asgardias-project-for-a-new-module-to-expand-space-station
Jul 15, 23 / Vir 00, 07 17:49 UTC
https://asgardia.space/en/social/users/794385 Jeffrey Manber could help us with it..
Jul 15, 23 / Vir 00, 07 17:41 UTC
Hello Dirk. Yes, that's a great idea. The only significant obstacle is that the International Space Station (ISS) does not allow uncertified equipment from participating countries on board. Any such equipment could, for example, fail to withstand the operational conditions and cause fires or interfere with the station's equipment. It's ...
See all 4 comments
Jul 9, 23 / Leo 22, 07 07:36 UTC
a cycle i saw recently is the cycle of approx 1430 years when the sun comes close to betelgeuse.. it also aligns with the date 600/06/06.. from there we go to the year 2030.. now we are close to this date and still closing to betelgeuse.. if betelgeuse is trowing ...
Jul 1, 23 / Leo 14, 07 05:19 UTC
a thing that was wished for from the beginning was an asgardian email address.. now is the moment to set up such a service for asgardians that would like such an email box.. we could ask 1 solar per email address and call it 1-solar-email.. grtz,dirk
Jul 1, 23 / Leo 14, 07 08:52 UTC
Si lo hacen avísenme...
Jul 1, 23 / Leo 14, 07 04:59 UTC
1 solar lottery 1 solar shop 1 solar A-VIP 1 solar interview 1 solar email ... grtz,dirk
Jul 1, 23 / Leo 14, 07 04:35 UTC
a next 1 solar service could be a 1-solar-interview.. people can get an interview which will be presented as a news item inside Asgardia.. in this way we can learn more from our asgardians all over the world.. we could make a standard interview question list so that asgardians can ...
Jun 30, 23 / Leo 13, 07 19:38 UTC
we could also create a vip service for a 1-event-for-1-solar digital vip arrangements.. could be whatever online event there is available.. or just an accompanied digital tour inside Asgardia.. could be extended to global service and space service.. grtz,dirk
Jun 30, 23 / Leo 13, 07 19:03 UTC
to start small with a business environment for the base.. we could setup the 1-solar-shop.. people make little items of the value of 1 solar.. we can send them by regular post or digital items over the internet.. it is up to the buyers how much they want to pay ...
Jun 27, 23 / Leo 10, 07 15:55 UTC
a visual presentation of a 3D ocean of waves in the universe.. grtz,dirk
Jun 28, 23 / Leo 11, 07 13:59 UTC
Wow !!
Jun 28, 23 / Leo 11, 07 03:25 UTC
the waves are anti matter which is electron based.. if the attractor is based on coldness then yes it could be based on electrons.. if it is based on heat then it attracts matter.. the problem with light is that it is not an exact science.. light can be old ...
Jun 28, 23 / Leo 11, 07 02:08 UTC
These waves, are they made up of dark matter? Also, do they flow toward the great attractor like we are hurtling towards?
Jun 27, 23 / Leo 10, 07 10:06 UTC
an asgardian lottery for the start of the nationbuilders.. every asgardian donates 1 solar.. 50 percent goes to prices.. the other 50 percent goes to projects that are part of the lottery.. we make a poll with 10 goals.. people choose 1 goal and donate 1 solar.. the polls can ...
Jun 28, 23 / Leo 11, 07 04:54 UTC
apoyo tu iniciativa
Jun 28, 23 / Leo 11, 07 03:35 UTC
if the base is not acted upon.. then the base acts on itself..
Jun 28, 23 / Leo 11, 07 02:01 UTC
Love it. Not even a significant amount for the good of Asgardia.
Jun 25, 23 / Leo 08, 07 14:11 UTC
if we look at space like an ocean then we can say that waves are a transport of energy.. this energy comes from multiple blackholes spinning around each other.. this can go from small dense stars to massive blackholes.. the ripples or waves have a high point and a low ...
Jun 25, 23 / Leo 08, 07 10:33 UTC
it would be a good resource to gather waste plastics on earth and transform them to filaments for 3Dprinting in space.. grtz,dirk
Jun 28, 23 / Leo 11, 07 03:33 UTC
i would say everything depends on investors and inventors..
Jun 28, 23 / Leo 11, 07 01:53 UTC
Such a good idea. I am sure this is possible, but are we already there, or would this require some work to make it happen?
Jun 24, 23 / Leo 07, 07 20:27 UTC
building our spaceship in modules.. as a starting point i would take a sat with an Asgardian atomic clock.. all Asgardian activity should start with a link to the atomic clock.. then from there whatever hardware or software that is used.. further modules could be atomic energy, atomic propulsion, atomic ...
Jun 28, 23 / Leo 11, 07 01:42 UTC
I completely agree. Since time runs a bit different outside of the atmosphere the clock would need to be different. I believe it would need to skip forward a few seconds each earth year. I can't remember the science behind it.
Jun 25, 23 / Leo 08, 07 02:18 UTC
in space we need our own clock incase the clock of earth is defect..
Jun 25, 23 / Leo 08, 07 01:24 UTC
I had to look up the difference between UTC and the Atomic clock. What made you think of the atomic clock vice UTC or UT1?
Jun 19, 23 / Leo 02, 07 16:50 UTC
voting ends 22:00 utc.. grtz,dirk
Jun 18, 23 / Leo 01, 07 18:01 UTC
we should give every asgardian an assignment.. could be random out of a list.. by personal choice.. or the most needed.. they should be interchangeable.. allowing to form groups.. and with a little awarding at certain times.. grtz,dirk
Jun 19, 23 / Leo 02, 07 15:57 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! asgardia.space/elections/parliamentary-elections/candidates/177?-link-177. Best Wishes, Daniel ...
Jun 19, 23 / Leo 02, 07 08:26 UTC
Dear Asgardians, I inform you that I am running for a second elective term. If you wish to renew your trust in me, you can support me by voting for me on this link: asgardia.space/elections/parliamentary-elections/candidates/328?-link-328 Best regards. Asgardia's Member of Parliament Deputy Chair of the Citizenship Committee General Secretary and ...
Jun 19, 23 / Leo 02, 07 00:04 UTC
vote for my asgardian brother http://asgardia.space/elections/parliamentary-elections/candidates/87?-link-87
Jun 18, 23 / Leo 01, 07 14:38 UTC
we should make better use of the polls.. maybe we can advertise the polls in the social media.. we could do these polls on a regular basis.. in that way we would know the thoughts of all asgardians abouth the topics.. these could be about different routes, ideas, actions, etc ...
Jun 17, 23 / Leo 00, 07 13:18 UTC
Asgardia we have a problem.. why is one humanity divided in a digital space nation by language.. we need a translation AI.. we type or speak our mother language and the AI translates it to all other languages in whatever formats needed.. this must become our internal language standard.. it ...
Jun 17, 23 / Leo 00, 07 23:31 UTC
We are in a special moment. In a time when we can make dreams come true and propel Asgardia into a great future. I count on you and your vote so that together we can make Asgardia become great and glorious!
Jun 17, 23 / Leo 00, 07 16:51 UTC
I also agree. Language barrier is a serious problem that reduces participation. I also hope that technology will find more effective solutions for this problem.
Jun 17, 23 / Leo 00, 07 15:21 UTC
I think you are highlighting a real problem which brings together the mental burdens that smartphones and computers in general can represent with concentration problems , as well as the fact that there are probably early Asgardians who gave up because their language could seem abandoned on the web site. ...
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