Jan 4, 23 / Aqu 04, 07 19:07 UTC
as i was targeting jupiter for the cause of sunspots in alignment with the sun and saturn.. i have gone further in this conclusion and found a more conclusive result.. it is not only because of jupiter and saturn being the biggest planets.. but because they are actually systems on ...
Jan 4, 23 / Aqu 04, 07 13:26 UTC
today some thoughts about expansions.. if we look at space then we can say it is an expanded cold place.. this does not mean it is empty.. it is expanded in to a balanced cold state where everything gets its allowed freedom, rest and coolness.. lets call it space freedom ...
Jan 8, 23 / Aqu 08, 07 10:20 UTC
I think the universe tries to find its balance as physics teaches us. This search for" balance "is continuously interrupted by the events that our instruments detect, supernovae, the formation of black holes, collisions between celestial objects that move chaotically on intersecting routes only between" N " years etc etc. ...
Dec 31, 22 / Cap 29, 06 23:33 UTC
Happy New Solar Cycle Earth..
Dec 31, 22 / Cap 29, 06 17:43 UTC
how can we create an Asgardian entity on earth that keeps active during a blackout.. recently there was a blackout in my region and i was totally without connection to the world.. what system could we use or setup in case of such an emergency.. we would need at least ...
Jan 8, 23 / Aqu 08, 07 10:46 UTC
If the problem is electrical just a simple and cheap autonomous generator of current, or a more expensive but environmentally friendly photovoltaic system. If the problem is internet connection you have to build a server and an interface network that covers the crash that has occurred. For Asgardia an autonomous ...
Dec 30, 22 / Cap 28, 06 11:49 UTC
if we would build a battery on the moon then we need 2 different matters with a difference in electrons.. i wonder which moon materials could be used for that.. an acid fluid could consist of human urine.. Grtz,Dirk
Jan 8, 23 / Aqu 08, 07 10:55 UTC
On the moon, as on the ISS, one must think that nothing must be wasted. The urine will be recycled as drinking water after all the necessary purification. Perhaps after more in-depth research we will find useful elements to build reliable batteries on site.
Dec 29, 22 / Cap 27, 06 06:03 UTC
i was thinking about hot plasma and i got a hint about crystals.. seems to me that where ever there is a cooling down of plasma there are crystals as condescend material.. so they are a kinetic energy source that contain plasma.. maybe in the future we can use them ...
Dec 29, 22 / Cap 27, 06 12:20 UTC
same for you Marius
Dec 29, 22 / Cap 27, 06 07:02 UTC
Very interesting Dirk. Thanks for sharing. By tge way thanks a lot for your SOL sent to me. A lot of appreciation, we still cannot use the internal messaging so i try this method. Happy New Year coming to you and family , make it the best year ever!
Dec 28, 22 / Cap 26, 06 17:16 UTC
speed in itself is actually the resistance in a certain environment.. even in space there is resistance.. do we know the differences of speeds in space.. what is the highest speed obtainable.. the one with the least resistance.. so if space is cold plasma then the particles that are not ...
Dec 27, 22 / Cap 25, 06 10:45 UTC
the UN has space for sustainable development goals.. link: https://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/space4sdgs/index.html we should find some subgoals to fit their agenda.. by choosing atleast one of them we will be able to make a bridge with them.. lets see where we can fit in and be of service to humanity from space ...
Dec 27, 22 / Cap 25, 06 00:36 UTC
we have a big data source from room magazine.. we should use that to do webinars over articles and events.. make presentations with it.. brainstorming and workmeetings.. Grtz,Dirk
Dec 26, 22 / Cap 24, 06 15:39 UTC
space.. endless possibilities for science.. space science.. space lab.. universities satellites.. science projects.. cooperation Asgardia.. sponsered by Asgardia.. Grtz,Dirk
Dec 24, 22 / Cap 22, 06 19:34 UTC
today something about rotation and poles.. we have the trend to put gravity as main force.. but actually it are two apart forces.. first we have spin.. spin makes a disk in matter.. even so if it are spheres.. it makes a donut and two vortexes.. the vortexes are the ...
Dec 25, 22 / Cap 23, 06 12:10 UTC
good reply.. under water or under ground.. from bacteria to higher forms.. and back to bacteria to new higher forms..
Dec 25, 22 / Cap 23, 06 11:01 UTC
Yup, like in eight weeks! The North pole will reach the 40-degree mark on the globe around March 1 St. It is speculated that once the magnetic pole gets in the weak field lines starting at 40 degrees things may escalate. Basically, it has been 780,000 years since a polar ...
Dec 23, 22 / Cap 21, 06 13:48 UTC
the great alignement.. earth to sun to center of galaxy.. each year around 21 dec.. Grtz,Dirk
Dec 24, 22 / Cap 22, 06 00:00 UTC
today the moon crossed the big alignement and there was extra solar activity..
Dec 22, 22 / Cap 20, 06 19:19 UTC
space weather from the sun.. https://isdc.gfz-potsdam.de/nowcast-hpo/ Grtz,Dirk
Dec 21, 22 / Cap 19, 06 17:30 UTC
where can we find the acts?.. Grtz,Dirk
Dec 23, 22 / Cap 21, 06 04:08 UTC
aah ok, i over looked it, thanks Ivan..
Dec 23, 22 / Cap 21, 06 01:51 UTC
OHOU Dirk, maybe this page? https://asgardia.space/en/documents/
Dec 18, 22 / Cap 16, 06 09:20 UTC
today something about near to space.. the earth is molten matter with a crust of dust.. over the billions of years there has been formed a bio layer between the atmosphere and earth.. all things that are gas are actually part of space because they are not solid or fluid.. ...
Dec 16, 22 / Cap 14, 06 18:59 UTC
end year report live has ended.. it was very informative in a nice environment.. maybe we can make standard space office backgrounds for next year.. there where some outstanding speakers, but the human factor and chaos factor is a nice touch, that is live and life.. for AsgardiaTV i suggest ...
Dec 16, 22 / Cap 14, 06 19:32 UTC
video on AsgardiaTV..
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