Aug 4, 24 / Vir 21, 08 07:46 UTC
what if we would setup a thinktank on the Asgardian/Resident level.. it would be the goal to make the user experience better towards space related topics and to attract more Asgardians on this website.. we have had some good idea's in the past but they where never worked out.. i ...
Aug 4, 24 / Vir 21, 08 03:43 UTC
i have a moral question in regards to the parliament.. does the parliament operates in favor of the government or parliament or Asgardians/Residents.. the first gives an impression of being business oriented, the second looks like selfishness, and last option is the missing link as i can see nowhere a ...
Aug 4, 24 / Vir 21, 08 04:01 UTC
maybe a virtual AI based assistent could be helpful to keep it al organized in a logical way towards the future..
Aug 4, 24 / Vir 21, 08 01:18 UTC
i have come across a video with Dr. Egbert Edelbroek, CEO from SpaceBorn United.. here is the youtube link: grtz,dirk
Aug 3, 24 / Vir 20, 08 17:33 UTC
should Asgardia aim for tourist shops at space centers with the ROOM Space Journal.. personally i think they should.. not because the terms are profitable as i do not know them but more as a part of reinvestment towards future Residents.. if there is an add in the magazine to ...
Aug 3, 24 / Vir 20, 08 15:31 UTC
ok, this coming weekend of 10-11 august i am on a trip to the south of Belgium.. my plan is to visit the Euro Space Center on Saturday.. taking with me some Asgardia brochures and hope to meet some important people, but it is a wild guess, we will see.. ...
Aug 3, 24 / Vir 20, 08 06:24 UTC
i think it would be useful to start with a small text based google advertisement that works with keywords and is then listed in the search list of people.. i have done that in the past for our computerclub.. it costs money but it gives somewhat results.. if the government ...
Aug 2, 24 / Vir 19, 08 01:52 UTC
here is an example from chatgpt for a framework of a digital Asgardia.. Creating a digital Asgardia involves a robust framework that encompasses several key components: infrastructure, user engagement, content, and governance. Here’s a detailed framework for developing and maintaining a digital Asgardia: ### **1. Technical Infrastructure** **Platform Development:** - ...
Aug 3, 24 / Vir 20, 08 01:38 UTC
Engagement is key to keeping any new organization up and running. I know I talk about Asgardia to people interested in space and I am normally met with a chuckle, until I show them reality. While I still have not had anyone join, at least the idea enters their head, ...
Aug 2, 24 / Vir 19, 08 01:32 UTC
if we want to attract more users aka Asgardians we should follow the technological experiences of today.. by creating a digital Asgardia we could invite everybody into our future environments.. these environments could be setup in game environments, architectural environments, space environments, and many other environments.. for example a Sirius ...
Aug 1, 24 / Vir 18, 08 16:49 UTC
rewards list 07-2024..
this is a temporary list of the rewards list as of 06-2024 till 07-2024.. i have excluded some posters with a comment in the info.. this is the result for 2 months and will probably change as we advance in to the next months.. feel free to post comments about ...
Aug 2, 24 / Vir 19, 08 19:40 UTC
Ok, avisame si gano....:-D
Aug 1, 24 / Vir 18, 08 23:39 UTC
its a chatgpt rewards list for the posters, the prize colon represent solars in prizes, for the moment the budget is 200 solars.. it is a way of trying to attract more posters..
Aug 1, 24 / Vir 18, 08 22:07 UTC
Disculpa, Dirk, me quede perdido, de que se trata tus recompensas, es que esta mi nombre ahí....
Jul 31, 24 / Vir 17, 08 05:44 UTC
a question arises about salt.. what if salt came to the earth by a salty asteroid.. was the previous environment based on sweat water.. sweat water oceans and sweat water land.. it could have created a world with two different environments that where not compatible.. species dying off and others ...
Jul 30, 24 / Vir 16, 08 13:44 UTC
Special Issue of ROOM Available to all Asgardians.. link:
Jul 30, 24 / Vir 16, 08 14:06 UTC
as an action plan together with this news.. Asgardia could mail all subscribed Asgardians with a link to this download.. this could trigger the return of many with the possibility to become Residents..
Jul 30, 24 / Vir 16, 08 10:06 UTC
rewards list 06-2024..
this is a temporary list of the rewards list as of 06-2024.. i have excluded some posters with a comment in the info.. this is the result for 1 month only and will probably change as we advance in to the next months.. feel free to post comments about it.. ...
Jul 31, 24 / Vir 17, 08 01:31 UTC
Congrats to all of you who received rewards.
Jul 29, 24 / Vir 15, 08 15:09 UTC
what are the resources of Asgardia.. HoN investments.. Resident fees.. Executive memberships.. ROOM subscriptions.. business taxes.. others?.. but Asgardia has a big resource which it has not yet used.. the forces of the base aka the Asgardians.. this contains workforce, thinkforce and other forces.. if we only had some thinktanks ...
Jul 30, 24 / Vir 16, 08 09:02 UTC
Jul 28, 24 / Vir 14, 08 15:22 UTC
Weekly Community Wrap-Up 1. Anar Mustafayev - Who are there? Posted on July 28, 2024, at 12:48 in Azerbaijani Asgardians Anar invites the community to vote on an undisclosed topic with a lighthearted emoji. Participate and see what the discussion is about! 2. C. Weller - Challenge #04228-K210: Not So ...
Jul 26, 24 / Vir 12, 08 04:39 UTC
just a remark following the Sirius experiment.. does a washing machine operate in space?.. i guess it works thanks to gravity on earth but will it work efficiently in space.. a drying machine would do better i think as it is more spread in the machine for drying.. the washing ...
Jul 26, 24 / Vir 12, 08 03:47 UTC
Asgardia says we have to contact local city representatives.. but who are they.. how many are there.. which city's have one.. is there a list.. how are they recognizable.. how can we become one.. who is responsible to select them.. what is the communication channel.. why not create elections for ...
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