Jun 12, 24 / Can 24, 08 11:41 UTC
in what ways are asgardians unified.. first of all we are unified by the human soul.. this soul is pure and for all humans the same by birth.. it is the goal of humanity to keep that pureness during our lives and to tackle difficulties.. together we are stronger and ...
Jun 12, 24 / Can 24, 08 11:11 UTC
here we have a place to talk about Unity Day.. idea's and actions are welcome.. lets give some input for this event.. grtz,dirk
Jun 12, 24 / Can 24, 08 11:05 UTC
online Unity Day gathering in communities..
Jun 12, 24 / Can 24, 08 11:02 UTC
online community place to celebrate Unity Day.. link: https://asgardia.space/en/social/communities/2311/#activity grtz,dirk
Jun 12, 24 / Can 24, 08 10:51 UTC
some action idea's generated with chatgpt: 1. Welcome and Introduction Threads Introduce Yourself: Create a thread for new and existing members to introduce themselves, share their backgrounds, and express what they hope to achieve as part of Asgardia. Welcome Committee: Organize a team of members to personally welcome newcomers and ...
Jun 11, 24 / Can 23, 08 11:45 UTC
where are the asgardians in our local space environment aka the solarsystem.. to answer that question we would need a 3D map of the solarsystem with the tags of al asgardians.. the personal tag devices could be a badge, phone, idcard, etc etc.. an AI should keep track of all ...
Jun 10, 24 / Can 22, 08 20:16 UTC
we say that light has a constant speed in the whole universe and therefor the universe must be expanding.. but what if this is not so.. let me explain.. lets start with the idea that the universe is static with moving density's.. next we put light in different situations.. close ...
Jun 11, 24 / Can 23, 08 03:40 UTC
I find that a thought-provoking perspective.
Jun 10, 24 / Can 22, 08 05:56 UTC
if we have a base of 1000k asgardians then we should try to organize some things amongst us.. as we are mostly digital connected we should steer towards that.. here we have a forum, groups and events.. we should analyse the recent activity's and try to make combinations which could ...
Jun 10, 24 / Can 22, 08 15:57 UTC
Of course we should organise
Jun 8, 24 / Can 20, 08 17:42 UTC
https://www.youtube.com/live/2bKUUy1ali8 grtz,dirk
Jun 8, 24 / Can 20, 08 16:46 UTC
in space all things are mainly round due space pressure.. this pressure has different dimensions as from on earth.. here we have atmospheric pressure and oceanic pressure, even magma pressure.. in space we have particles like electrons and photons.. matter comes together in density's and forms layers towards the centers.. ...
Jun 8, 24 / Can 20, 08 15:27 UTC
how is citizenship coming along.. grtz,dirk
Jun 8, 24 / Can 20, 08 15:14 UTC
ok, back from slavery on earth, aka pension.. i have added my fee.. Residency 2018 — 2025 RESIDENT grtz,dirk
Jun 12, 24 / Can 24, 08 12:28 UTC
if asgardians are paying 10 years of fee then they have donated 1000 solars which is the amount of the original citizen subscription.. grtz,dirk
Sep 11, 23 / Sco 02, 07 17:15 UTC
Asgardia should start with a daily highlight of whatever asgardian or resident.. this way we come at least in somewhat spotlight during our short lives.. i propose to begin with elders so that they can see it during their lifetimes.. just take a short standard multi point choice interview and ...
Sep 9, 23 / Sco 00, 07 17:30 UTC
we humans tend to focus on heat while we should be aiming at coldness.. this is the only way to cool the rising heat down.. what is our biggest source of cold energy.. alas no longer the poles with their eternal icecaps.. it is the moon people.. the moon has ...
Sep 9, 23 / Sco 00, 07 10:33 UTC
Asgardia should have its own system to acknowledge if someone is safe or not safe.. it should accepts messages from all around.. and could start with a basic standard digital procedure.. like for example putting a red, orange or green dot on an emergency worldmap.. and communicate with local asgardian ...
Sep 8, 23 / Lib 27, 07 19:41 UTC
lets start with creating a dome on the moon.. insert an atmosphere.. place a steam engine.. this engine is then filled with cold moon rocks during its dark face away from the sun.. 14 days later the container with cold rocks is exposed to sunlight.. it forms steam from the ...
Sep 9, 23 / Sco 00, 07 21:04 UTC
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