Jul 5, 23 / Leo 18, 07 14:34 UTC
Hey there, space enthusiasts and cosmic dreamers! Get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey through the enchanting universe of V838 Monocerotis, or V838 Mon for short, as it's affectionately referred to within astronomical circles. Prepare yourself for an extraordinary event that left scientists worldwide pondering and exploring the depths ...
Jul 4, 23 / Leo 17, 07 15:05 UTC
Unveiling the Secrets of Astrophotography: Capturing the Moon's Beauty through Composite Images
Welcome to #TelescopeTuesday, where we embark on an exciting journey into the world of astrophotography! Today, we explore the fascinating process by which talented astrophotographers capture the mesmerizing beauty of the moon through composite images. Join us as we unravel the secrets behind this captivating craft and learn how these ...
Jul 3, 23 / Leo 16, 07 14:01 UTC
Hey there, fellow space enthusiasts! Today, we're embarking on an exciting journey to unravel the captivating mystery behind the distinct red color of our neighboring planet, Mars. As we explore this enigma, prepare to be amazed by the fascinating reasons that make the Red Planet truly worthy of its name. ...
Jul 5, 23 / Leo 18, 07 04:38 UTC
Yo te creo....
Jul 2, 23 / Leo 15, 07 14:06 UTC
Hey there, astronomy enthusiasts! Today, let's take a closer look at the star that lights up our world and keeps us warm—the Sun. We're all used to thinking of it as a "normal" star, but did you know that our Sun is actually a dwarf star? Intriguing, isn't it? So, ...
Jul 1, 23 / Leo 14, 07 14:25 UTC
Exploring the Cosmic Expanse: Mind-Blowing Distances in the Night Sky
Welcome, fellow stargazers, to a mind-expanding journey through the vastness of space! Today, we're about to embark on an astronomical adventure where mind-boggling distances will leave you in awe. Buckle up, as we dive into the mind-blowing distances our eyes can perceive on a captivating starry night! Did you know ...
Jun 30, 23 / Leo 13, 07 15:52 UTC
Unraveling the Cosmic Dance of Triton: A Space Adventure!
Hello, fellow cosmic explorers! Get ready for an astronomical adventure that will take you on a captivating journey through space! Today, we're setting our sights on Triton, Neptune's mesmerizing moon, to unravel its cosmic secrets and marvel at its celestial dance! Picture this: it's October 10, 1846, and the brilliant ...
May 5, 23 / Gem 13, 07 14:06 UTC
Next Webinar Event Announced!
🚀👨‍🚀 Attention Residents! Are you ready for our next event? Join us on May 18 at 16:00 UTC for a fascinating webinar “Dream of Spaceflight: From Science Fiction to Reality”. Lena De Winne, Asgardia’s Prime Minister, will host two distinguished panellists Jeffrey Manber, renowned commercial space pioneer and Asgardia Member ...
May 4, 23 / Gem 12, 07 16:56 UTC
Attention Asgardians! 🚨🚨🚨 Hold onto your helmets and get ready for some BIG news! 🤩🎉 I've just found out that tomorrow we'll be dropping some MAJOR deets about the next Asgardia webinar! 🙌🏼🎙️ Make sure you keep an eye on our social media outlets so you don't miss out on ...
Apr 12, 23 / Tau 18, 07 14:30 UTC
New Webinar on Long Term Isolation
🚀 The Asgardian webinars are back and we're excited to announce our latest installment: an insightful webinar on the challenges of long-term isolation in space!💫👨‍🚀 Join us on April 17th to learn more about this topic and how it affects spaceflight.✨ This webinar is a must-attend for anyone interested in ...
Oct 19, 22 / Oph 12, 06 17:20 UTC
The Next Government Webinar Date Set!
On 16 December 2022, the Space Nation Government will hold a webinar on AsgardiaTV and residents will have the unique opportunity to participate in the discussion. Ministers will prepare short reports, make live presentations and go over the results of their work for the second half of the year. Asgardian ...
Oct 19, 22 / Oph 12, 06 22:39 UTC
can you remind me in 50 days.. btw, a calendar with notifications would be useful for Asgardians..
Mar 2, 22 / Ari 05, 06 16:03 UTC
I challenge you to the Solar Saver Challenge!
Good day sentients! I have a personal challenge for you! I decided that for 0006 (2022) I want to save 10 Solar each month until the end of the year. So, if you'd like to join me and become a Solar Saver, let me know in the comments below! If ...
Mar 5, 22 / Ari 08, 06 17:10 UTC
I’m up for the challenge 🤩
Mar 3, 22 / Ari 06, 06 21:25 UTC
I am a citizen of Asgardia first, and a member of parliament second. I am the person who uses Solar the most in the parliament and earns Solar money thanks to the books I write. And I want to join this challenge using my first priority i.e. Asgardian citizenship.
Dec 3, 20 / Cap 02, 04 18:15 UTC
International Day of Disabilities - December 3
Today is the International Day of Disabilities. As a disabled Asgardian, inclusion, and consideration for my limitations are very important to me. I have been blessed to be able to work from home for Asgardia and the consideration they have afforded me has been incredible. I dream that Asgardia can ...
Jul 5, 21 / Leo 18, 05 19:59 UTC
Here here! 👏👏👏👏
Dec 3, 20 / Cap 02, 04 21:17 UTC
Where would Stephen Hawkins be without his support? We all need friends and a lovers to shine our light and live a life of human dignity.
Dec 2, 20 / Cap 01, 04 22:14 UTC
Taking the plunge - Fiction Verified is online!
Since my weekly article Sci-fi Sunday was discontinued I have been trying to find the time to continue bringing entertainment news to the community. Well, today I finally had some time and Fiction Verified is now online. You can keep up to date with us on Facebook and Twitter so ...
Oct 16, 20 / Oph 10, 04 14:20 UTC
Hello everyone! I have updated my by-election platform with a bit more information so you can get to know me better and understand my goals if elected. You can find the updated version here: https://asgardia.space/elections/parliamentary-by-elections/candidates/50?-link-339635 Thank you everyone who has already voted for me and I hope those of you ...
Oct 12, 20 / Oph 06, 04 14:06 UTC
Wishing all Asgardians a happy Founding Day! It's been an amazing four years and I'm looking forward to seeing what the next four years will bring!
Oct 14, 20 / Oph 08, 04 17:23 UTC
Good luck in the elections:))
Oct 12, 20 / Oph 06, 04 16:18 UTC
Oct 8, 20 / Oph 02, 04 19:08 UTC
Hello all! Fun fact about me, I am a gamer. I have been since I put a quarter in my first arcade game. Any other gamers out there in Asgardia? What games are you playing and have been your favourites in the past? I'm currently playing Baldur's Gate III but ...
Oct 8, 20 / Oph 02, 04 21:11 UTC
You and everyone wanted Baldur's Gate so bad my hubby couldn't even get it to start yesterday and he's been waiting for that release forever. I work and own my own companies, but still play Conan Exiles on a very active server. Nice to meet you! (by the way, I'm ...
Oct 8, 20 / Oph 02, 04 20:36 UTC
Cyberpunk 20177 looks like a lot of fun! I don't usually play first person games but this might just tempt me to start!
Oct 8, 20 / Oph 02, 04 19:46 UTC
I'm a tabletop gamer, enjoying many paper and pencil games over the years, going back to the original AD&D 1st Ed. I'm also a pc gamer. I'm not as fond of console games, because I'm overly fond of tweaking my games with mods. I'm also seriously looking forward to the ...
Greetings Asgardians! I am running for the position of Mayor of Toronto for Asgardia. It is my hope that I can help with representation for other Asgardia communities within the Golden Horseshoe so that we can build the southwestern Asgardia community so that other leaders can step up and take ...
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