Oct 3, 20 / Sco 25, 04 12:34 UTC
I have decided to throw my hat into the ring during these by-elections. As Asgardians, it is our responsibility to raise our voices and help build our nation. I would like to help bring those voices into Parliament. I am more than willing to discuss with you my platform and ...
Oct 3, 20 / Sco 25, 04 20:50 UTC
Thank you! I appreciate the support!
Oct 3, 20 / Sco 25, 04 20:26 UTC
I would really love to see you in the parliament ! Good luck !
Oct 3, 20 / Sco 25, 04 13:47 UTC
Thank you so much Martin! I really appreciate you supporting me!
See all 5 comments
Sep 9, 20 / Sco 01, 04 14:07 UTC

I'd like to wish Dr Ashurbeyli many happy returns on his 57th birthday today! Thank you for creating this great nation that I have the honor of being a part of!

Aug 3, 20 / Vir 20, 04 15:42 UTC
I hope all Canadian Asgardians are having a great long weekend! Remember to be safe and social distance!
May 27, 20 / Can 08, 04 20:19 UTC
Well, let's hope that Falcon 9 will launch on Saturday!
May 30, 20 / Can 11, 04 20:22 UTC
Next stop the ISS!
May 27, 20 / Can 08, 04 14:03 UTC
Today's NASA and SpaceX Launch!
Are you a part of the 15K (and rising!) sentients waiting to watch the launch today? This will be the first time since 2011 that astronauts will fly to the space station from the US. In the immortal words of my favourite space engineer: EXCITING!
May 27, 20 / Can 08, 04 15:19 UTC
42k+ now! Wow!
May 18, 20 / Gem 27, 04 14:45 UTC
Umbrella Academy Season 2 premiere date announced!
They're back with a great announcement video recreating that iconic dance scene from season 1. What champs of social distancing! It returns to Netflix on July 31, 2020!
May 15, 20 / Gem 24, 04 14:00 UTC
SpaceX has put online a docking simulator that allows you to get to know the controls that are used to dock their Dragon 2 vehicle with the ISS space station. This is pretty awesome and wouldn't it be amazing if we could develop simulators like this for Asgardia? https://iss-sim.spacex.com/
Feb 24, 21 / Pis 27, 05 21:05 UTC
muy divertido !
May 13, 20 / Gem 22, 04 16:17 UTC
Van Gogh by Car - Get your culture from your car!
Hey Toronto Asgardians! Get your culture on from your car in the Immersive Van Gogh exhibition next month! This amazing exhibition will be housed at a Toronto Star warehouse that will allow people to drive their cars in and see it over a ten-day period during the Gogh by Car ...
May 4, 20 / Gem 13, 04 17:14 UTC
A little Star Wars music for today!
A few years ago at the Moscow Conservatory, Darth Vader and his Troopers came to listen to the Imperial March theme from the movies.
Apr 21, 20 / Gem 00, 04 12:46 UTC
Star Wars backgrounds for video calls? Yes please!
Come on, admit it, who hasn't wanted to sit in the cockpit of the Millenium Falcon or view Naboo from a window on the Interceptor or plot your next takeover from the throne room on Exegol? Well, now you can, virtually, during those long work video conference meetings. (And hide ...
Dec 16, 19 / Cap 14, 03 16:00 UTC
Top Gun: Maverick - Trailer #2 is out!
What a way to start off a Monday! Set for release on June 26, 2020. The summer blockbuster battle is heating up!
Dec 11, 19 / Cap 09, 03 23:15 UTC
Star Girl coming to the CW
Well, looks like we've got the series that is going to replace Arrow next fall. Definitely reserving judgement until I see more about it but at least the effects are pretty nice.
Dec 10, 19 / Cap 08, 03 14:44 UTC
War of the Worlds - 2019
This looks really good! I really like the multinational characters and cast. It has already aired in North America so it's going to be fun hunting down a copy to watch. Have you seen it? What did you think?
Dec 9, 19 / Cap 07, 03 15:01 UTC
TOGO Official Trailer
I'm already tearing up from emotions just from the trailer. I think Disney+ may have another classic story on their hands.
Dec 10, 19 / Cap 08, 03 15:57 UTC
That's touching. Looks like it's worth the time. Unfortunately, I don't have a friend anymore. They leave too quickly. Another one has been hunting in rainbow fields for a year now.
Dec 9, 19 / Cap 07, 03 14:51 UTC
Free Guy - Official Trailer
Video games take on a whole new life... with Ryan Reynolds. I have to admit, this looks really fun! Here's hoping the movie lives up to the trailer.
Dec 9, 19 / Cap 07, 03 14:40 UTC
With one trailer, the 2016 reboot movie never happened. Ghostbusters is back baby!
Dec 10, 19 / Cap 08, 03 15:44 UTC
:-) However, the time machine works!
Greetings Asgardians! I am running for the position of Mayor of Toronto for Asgardia. It is my hope that I can help with representation for other Asgardia communities within the Golden Horseshoe so that we can build the southwestern Asgardia community so that other leaders can step up and take ...
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