Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Hey Asgardians! Rebekah here! Do you have a suggestion for the 12th Ministry? Do so here! Official is watching and wants your suggestions! We'd like to correlate all of the suggestions into this thread. Maybe you'll be the lucky one who makes the one we pick! Please keep the suggestions ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC

Ministry of Tourism?

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC

Ministry of Inclusion:

In today’s world on Earth, it is difficult to find inclusionof special needs to abled bodied individuals working together. That could bechanged by enacting a Ministry of Inclusion. As a wheelchair user there are timesthat I am judged long before I have ...

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC

Ministry of Earth Outreach

This or something similar.

Someone in charge of keeping connections with Earth residents to bring necessities and resources. Much like Trade, or comms. But for our more materialistic needs for our survival.

See all 46 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Good day Asgardians! There is a new article about Gender Equality and Engagement up in the Chronicles today! We encourage all Asgardians to read it and participate in the poll at the end of the article. CHRONICLES - Gender Equity. Now and Beyond Kind regards, Rebekah Berg, ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
once the topic of Asgardia becomes more mainstream, i can see more females taking notice of it. I have quite varied interests and being a residential architectural draftsperson, being in a subset of engineering fields the topic of asgardia had come up on my facebook feed a fair bit ago, ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
I agree with Phicksur on this one. I don't see where gender should play any significance in our country. The concept states that we are to protect earth from space and protect space from Earth. Even if our concept eventually expanded into space colonization (which, according to recent biological studies ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
The cookies themselves shouldn't impact the poll. The data is stored in the database. Access to post is restrictable by login, therefore it's restrictable to use poll if logged in. Even if this condition wasn't true, it's not a particularly good reason to be pushing traffic towards services they couldn't ...
See all 23 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Hello Asgardians! We have a new update of the Asgardia.space website and have launched a new contest through the official Asgardia Facebook page. Please find all of the details here: Kind regards, Rebekah Berg, Lead Community Administrator, Asgardia
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
So, maybe, Jason, you don't know **my** government, or even EU's governments at all. We're struggling in creating an "*european internet space*" exactly 'cause of the "*damages*" companies like FB 're doing worldwide. We had *[lawsuits](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Schrems#Safe_Harbor_.2F_European_Court_of_Justice_Case_2013)* against FB (have to say we **won** them: maybe you know [Max Schrems](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Schrems)), against ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
I agree @EyeR, the two way part is discouraged, I was only contradicting the statement that governments do not interact with citizens via Facebook in any form, when in fact in multiple cases they do.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
It's not just docile media - and no government attempts to actually conduct any affairs via such, when was the last time you'd had a .gov suggest that should you go to their FB page they will be able to assist you? possibly in a few cases some will be ...
See all 28 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Hello everyone! Things are starting to pick up for Asgardia and we will require your assistance on many things going forward so we would like to know how many of you are still available to do translations. Please comment below with the name you are registered with and if you're ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC

I'm also available, mostly during weekends. Just lat me know (mail for example) that there is some work to do and I will help with pleasure.

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC

Hi Rebekah,

I am also available during the weekend.

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC

Still interested, available every weekend, due to some uni studies :/

English <=> Portuguese

See all 8 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Hello everyone! A new post is up in the Asgardia News forum about the new Decree posted today. It's very relevant to this forum. Please take a look! Kind regards, Rebekah Berg, Lead Community Administrator, Asgardia
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Good day Asgardians! We have just posted Decree #3 by Head of State Dr. Ashurbeyli outlining Unity Day on 1 Asgard, year 1 (or 18 June 2017). An important day where Asgardians will cast their votes on the Declaration of Unity, the Constitution (created ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC

Stavo pensando alle prossime votazioni, a proposito del documento di Unità, della Costituzione e delle altre cose: sbaglio se dico che si tratterà semplicemente di una " raccolta di consensi "? Cioè, dato che nel relativo Regolamento non sono previste cose come il quorum ...

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Not only, ***@Yovy***, Asgardia claims it's managed by scientists: I'm asking if is "*scientific*" having so many projects without a **plan**. But I'm sure a plan exist so, why not making it **public**? (I asked it in the past: [here](https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/feedback-11/topic/roadmap-homepages-tabsection-2524/)) @Phicksur told "*there are no secrets*" but to ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
^ Maybe that's true. The point is that "digging" should be unnecessary. We should have a page in this site that we could click to listing a directory. Even universities have this on their websites. Pretty simple thing to do in my opinion.
See all 58 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Hello Asgardians! There is a new article up in the Chronicles on the asgardia.space website! The title is "Mars Exploration Is Just A Decade Away" and talks about some of the current Mars Missions that are scheduled to launch between 2020-2030. Please share your ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC

Great post! I think that the colonization of other planets is a reality that is taking form in the present, but slowly and patiently, because with every question, comes a response, sooner or later, and a new technology afterwards that alongs us to achieve that we can´t before. Finally, ...

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
The colonization of mars and other solar body's is a must. We will be able to do more science and the race will survive if anything were to happen to this earth. Just some of my thoughts. -Sliger
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
The idea is it'll stop the solar stripping more than "occlude" and the atmosphere should naturally thicken as the C02 melts eventually to the point of defrosting the H20.
See all 11 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Good day Asgardians! A new article is up on the Chronicles about the 68th International Astronautical Congress in being held in Adelaide, South Australia this year on September 25 - 29, 2017. It was submitted to us by the volunteer chapters of Australia and New Zealand. These chapters will be ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC

Alas. I cannot drive to Australia to attend.

Too bad, I know a bunch of folks who have promised me a party should I ever head down to the land down under.


Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC

Hi @ saizakout ,

This is an international event and was not arranged by Asgardia so I believe that all are open to attend.
On the subject of Visa applications you can find all the necessary information on this on The ...

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC

I am living now in Palestine and currently I just have a passport issued by the Palestinian Authority. Can I attend this conference ? Will the asgardian community in Australia invite me and do the required procedures for me to get a visa for Australia to attend this conference ...

See all 4 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Hello Asgardians! **EDIT: This meetup has been pushed to May 8, 2017. We will be announcing another way to RSVP to this event!** Due to some amazing scheduling we have an opportunity for an impromptu meetup at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada! It will be held on Wednesday, April ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Hey, I'm seeing the following message - is the link still valid? Thanks Official Asgardia Event in Montreal The form Official Asgardia Event in Montreal is no longer accepting responses. Try contacting the owner of the form if you think this is a mistake.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Yeah, that weekend happens to fall on my daughter's class trip, so I will be heading the opposite direction for that weekend. :/
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
It would be wonderful to meet many asgardians as possible! :D I'm personaly living in Montreal (I just hope the meeting will be held after 16h, since I'm workind until that time ... and will probably take me around an hour to get anywhere it would be held) I do ...
See all 4 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Hello Asgardians! There is a new Head of Nation Decree up on the asgardia.space webpage! This one outlines a proposed calendar for Asgardia using a 13 month format of 28 day long months and it starting on January 1 2017 and going to December 31, 2017 or "Year Day". It ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC

Just saw this video and made me think of this thread.


So, time is presently being measured by a human construction, not by exterior events. Continuing this theory, it doesn't really matter what calendar we use and why, it will never ...

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC

What day it is for us December 31?

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC

I still am wondering if leap days will be included.

Technically, leap days are used to make sure the Gregorian calendar stays in sync with the Earth's orbit period around the Sun, which is 365.242 days. But then, if Asgardia's calendar is meant for a space ...

See all 99 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Hello everyone! Important opportunity for North American Asgardians to voice their opinion on a meetup taking place! If you live in North America, please be sure to vote in the below poll! Kind regards, Rebekah Berg, Lead Community Administrator, Asgardia
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Publicly posting email isn't a sensible procedure. Abuse potential is high. If no-one here signs you up for anything, the bots scraping this site for information will pick it up. Use of these services isn't advised for dating purposes. There's plenty of places specifically set up with this in mind. ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
The Northeast. Upper New York State area. Spacious inexpensive resorts we could meet at. The usually cloudless skies at night to peer into the stars. I work in the industry dealing with training, education, PR/AR, human services and so forth. Finding a large affordable place for everyone to stay as ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Hello community members! You may have noticed that to create new and reply to posts there is a new three letter CAPTCHA required to be filled out. We were on the fence of making this a requirement since the launch of the forums but in the last 12 hours there ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Hello Asgardians! A new article has been posted to the Asgardia Chronicles talking about raising awareness of the threat of asteroids and hints at the plan Asgardia has for helping mitigate that threat. What do you think of some of the global initiatives and ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
For anyone outside the UK (or that does not use a proxy/VPN), you can watch the BBC Horizon Special from a few years ago. **The Truth About Meteors: A Horizon Special, 2012-2013.** VK Mirror https://vk.com/video116059113_456239063 Original BBC page http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01r6dys (you may need a VK account to watch videos, but it ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Concerning the global initatives, more could be done sooner IMHO - but it's a start. Concerning proposed plans from Dr Ashurebyli, I didn't really notice any. It's pretty difficult to comment on "satellite constellations" when there's no details concerning distances and function of constellations or the mechanism upon which this ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
@HaddenB The Earth is relatively small. I remember the original model for Apophis' collision with Earth in 2036. Even then the asteroid wasn't going to hit the Earth at the center of its disc, at a perpendicular angle; but actually hit the Earth at the edge of its disc, almost ...
See all 6 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Hello! We have posted up a thread asking for qualified Asgardians to volunteers for the committee to help compile the community suggestions for a mobile application into a comprehensive project plan to be submitted to Asgardia Official. You can find that thread here: ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Hello everyone! We are opening up the floor to qualified volunteers to sit on the committee to help pull all of the great ideas together from the community into a comprehensive project proposal for Asgardia Official. We are looking for 8 - 11 people with Project Management, IT and Mobile ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
I fully agree with the brutally honest truth philosophy. It might not be appreciated commonly but it clearly defines areas for improvements. Someone professional wouldn't allow any facet to result in a "brutal truth" they find unappealing. Basically, this "app" you are describing - One that enters the database to ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
The sea of trusting to the skills of the IT team is already bloody, I am not sure if you really understand why I mention the delegation thing. What we saw until now is not the best possible thing, nor professional. It's not extremely unlogical to see some things about ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Yeah you even posted in there, sorry for that. :P Interesting point of view... I was under the impression that the app did not have any stated goal, and that was precisely why the discussion got started. It starts from: - There is a database with Asgardian users, ministry details, ...
See all 6 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
##**CIVIC ASGARDIA INITIATIVES - Updated March 3, 2017** Here is a list of Civic Asgardia initiatives currently in the works and planned. Some are Civic Asgardia ideas, some have been passed along from Official, and some were proposed by staff members and community members. If you would like to take ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Ok If I understand how it works, I'd love to participate on tech for everyone and online learning, let me know if you need something
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
I'm not suggesting you release it. Just some basic details on what it actually is. What it's supposed to be doing, and how it's supposed to be going about doing it. Without doing that, you might as well of not bothered to highlight it's existance for what use it is. ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Good point... Lets get back to the topic of the post, what *is* the "NEOsphere initative"? Because the only thing I can see appears to be a consortium of "marketeering companies" collating various data and training "AI" to be acting on wide and varied datasets to produce specific results.
See all 15 comments
Greetings Asgardians! I am running for the position of Mayor of Toronto for Asgardia. It is my hope that I can help with representation for other Asgardia communities within the Golden Horseshoe so that we can build the southwestern Asgardia community so that other leaders can step up and take ...
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