Sep 9, 17 / Sco 00, 01 01:53 UTC
Asgardia Psychology - colors & human emotions

This brief annotated bibliography talks about an article relating to company logos and their color affecting human emotion. However, this research could also be easily applied to designing innovative products for our physical Space Nation in the future.

NOTE: Annotated bibliography citation is done in ...

Sep 9, 17 / Sco 00, 01 08:58 UTC

My pleasure Ross, and thank you for taking the time to read it.

I hope to do more research for Asgardia in the near future, as well as design concepts for potential systems, services and products.

Sep 9, 17 / Sco 00, 01 08:33 UTC

Edit: appetite *

Sep 9, 17 / Sco 00, 01 08:31 UTC

This is very interesting, Edrick.

I have always been fascinated by the effect that colours have on triggering human emotions and how it can affect people physiologically. For instance, I have read that food-chains use Red a lot because it can spark our apatite.

A ...

Jul 12, 17 / Leo 25, 01 09:18 UTC
The Bigger Picture: What should we focus on?

Greetings all,

as an innovator running for the Strategist position on Asgardia, I seek to ask my fellow Asgardians what you believe we, as a nation, should focus on.
Is it ...

Jun 22, 17 / Leo 05, 01 13:55 UTC
A New Journey For You and I

Greetings everyone,

I am excited to be a part of this diverse community, this is a truly new and unique opportunity for myself and others. I wish all the best for Dr. Ashurbeyli and the Asgardia team.

As a student ...

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