Jul 20, 23 / Vir 05, 07 06:55 UTC
Hello there my fellow Asgardians! Sorry that I haven't posted an update this past week. I'm getting over a bit of a nasty cold at the moment. But I'm on the mend so I'll be able to start sharing updates again soon. - Ross
Aug 26, 23 / Lib 14, 07 16:45 UTC
Hope you are feeling much better Ross. I hope i can count on your vote tomorrow!!
Jul 20, 23 / Vir 05, 07 11:46 UTC
Jul 20, 23 / Vir 05, 07 10:16 UTC
same here.. heavy on the lungs.. maybe some mixedup covidstuff..
Jul 15, 23 / Vir 00, 07 08:50 UTC
Today, I'm going to be attending the ALF - Asgardian Legislative Forum - It's a big meeting for Parliament that will last up to 6 hours. In this meeting we're going to be going over a lot of things - including presentations from acting ministers, procedural information such as how ...
Jul 15, 23 / Vir 00, 07 08:52 UTC
thanks Ross..
Jun 30, 23 / Leo 13, 07 13:19 UTC
A quick AMP update from me about recent events.
A word from me about the shocking and sad news of Phil's passing, and a quick update about next steps for Parliament. I'll be doing another update in the coming days, hopefully with better news. Rest in peace, Phil.
Jul 1, 23 / Leo 14, 07 03:51 UTC
Excellent video Ros, all the senses that we feel are good to spread to the residents
Jun 29, 23 / Leo 12, 07 13:09 UTC
"Innovation is the Mother of Success." In this article I look at the innovation implemented by Ukraine during times of crisis and explore what lessons Asgardia can take away as a Digital Nation with innovation at its core. https://repoffice.space/lessons-from-ukraines-emergency-innovation-my-take-on-digital-preparedness/
Jun 29, 23 / Leo 12, 07 12:01 UTC
I am utterly shocked and saddened by the news about Phil... I was just speaking with him a few days ago - to hear this sudden news has left me speechless. Phil Appleby was a great man who lived an amazing life and contributed so much to the Development of ...
Jun 30, 23 / Leo 13, 07 13:12 UTC
What a pity! May he rest in peace!
Jun 29, 23 / Leo 12, 07 12:41 UTC
Thanks Ross.. sad to read this..
Jun 28, 23 / Leo 11, 07 08:54 UTC
Wishing a joyous Eid Ul Adha to everyone celebrating across Asgardia.
Jun 27, 23 / Leo 10, 07 07:31 UTC
In case you missed it: A quick update from me.
Hello there my fellow Asgardians. Asgardia's Social Network has been busy! So I just wanted to repost this update in case you missed it. It's just a quick update from me about the recent Parliament Sitting. If you want to keep up to date with me, or what's happening in ...
Jun 26, 23 / Leo 09, 07 13:20 UTC
The 1st Sitting of the Second Parliament - A Quick Update
Hello there my fellow Asgardians, As I said during my campaign, if elected, I will be sharing updates of my journey and the important work that we're doing in Asgardia. This is just a quick update from me about what happened this weekend! I'll be sharing more videos and updates ...
Jun 21, 23 / Leo 04, 07 19:33 UTC
Bit of a throwback today to one of the achievements that I'm most proud of from Nation Builder's - for Unity Day, we challenged ourselves to come together write, edit and publish the first Asgardian Book - a collection of short stories we called "Dreams of life among the stars." ...
Jun 21, 23 / Leo 04, 07 20:54 UTC
Awesome work my friend
Jun 20, 23 / Leo 03, 07 22:40 UTC
Your Votes have been counted -- We did it!
According to Annex 1 of Decree 71 (https://asgardia.space/en/document/decree71/) pending final background checks, I have been successfully elected to join Asgardia's 2nd Parliament after the relevant commissions validated the election! Thank you so much to everyone for your support - and a big congratulations to all my new peers whom I ...
Jun 21, 23 / Leo 04, 07 06:27 UTC
Likewise, Joshua Carter!
Jun 20, 23 / Leo 03, 07 23:25 UTC
Congratulations! Looking forward to working with you!
Jun 20, 23 / Leo 03, 07 07:11 UTC
Voting has ended and you have my thanks.
Voting has ended and it's been a blast connecting with everyone again. While we wait for the results to come out, I just wanted to thank all those that took the time to vote for me and connect with me. We've got so many great candidates this year and I've ...
Jun 20, 23 / Leo 03, 07 09:19 UTC
Wonderful words Ross, my respectful and joyful for you
Jun 20, 23 / Leo 03, 07 07:20 UTC
I hope so, too. I'm really looking forward to working with everyone. Fingers crossed.
Jun 20, 23 / Leo 03, 07 07:19 UTC
i hope everyone gets a job..
Jun 19, 23 / Leo 02, 07 07:17 UTC
The Final Day Has Come!
Hello my fellow Asgardians, Today is the final day to vote in the Parliamentary Elections. If you haven't cast yours yet, I would love your support so that we can work together to make our nation of the future. Vote here: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/parliamentary-elections/candidates/272 Until next time - Stay curious, stay hopeful ...
Jun 19, 23 / Leo 02, 07 09:28 UTC
Already got my vote, good sir :) Voted for you yesterday haha.
Jun 19, 23 / Leo 02, 07 09:24 UTC
Voting will commence on 01 Leo 0007 (18-19 June 2023). Prof.Dr. Sebahattin Devecioglu VOTE PLZ https://asgardia.space/elections/parliamentary-elections/candidates/95
Jun 18, 23 / Leo 01, 07 17:30 UTC
I'm here to represent you - Get to know me - Visit repoffice.space
There are some people who worry that the campaign profiles don't have enough information on the candidates to make an informed choice. This is why I have put together a campaign page so that you can learn more about me and some of my past achievements in Asgardia. Visit https://repoffice.space/ ...
Jun 18, 23 / Leo 01, 07 09:53 UTC
Voting is open NOW!
Here we go! Asgardia's Parliamentary Elections are officially open and I need YOUR vote so that we can work together to build the nation of the future. Vote here: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/parliamentary-elections/candidates/272 Stay tuned for updates from me and follow my progress as I campaign to become your elected representative. OHOU.
Jun 18, 23 / Leo 01, 07 14:14 UTC
You got my vote, Sebahattin. Looking forward to working with you.
Jun 18, 23 / Leo 01, 07 13:05 UTC
Voting will commence on 01 Leo 0007 (18 June 2023). Prof.Dr. Sebahattin Devecioglu VOTE PLZ https://asgardia.space/elections/parliamentary-elections/candidates/95
Jun 18, 23 / Leo 01, 07 12:09 UTC
Merci bien, Benedetto!
See all 6 comments
Jun 7, 23 / Can 18, 07 12:55 UTC
Not long now!
Voting for the Parliamentary Elections is going to begin on the 18th and I would love your support when the time comes so that we can work together to make a tangible impact on the development of our Nation. Check out my campaign site to learn more about my vision ...
Jun 18, 23 / Leo 01, 07 09:26 UTC
Hello, I inform you that I am running for a second elective term. If you wish to renew your trust in me, you can support me by voting for me on this Italian District 5 link: asgardia.space/elections/parliamentary-elections/candidates/328?-link-328
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:12 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
Jun 8, 23 / Can 19, 07 15:06 UTC
I appreciate your support, Kenneth. Thank you.
See all 4 comments
May 28, 23 / Can 08, 07 07:56 UTC
Don't Forget to Vote on 01 Leo 0007 (18 June 2023)
Voting is just around the corner on 01 Leo 0007 (18 June 2023) - don't forget to check out your favourite candidates and vote.
May 28, 23 / Can 08, 07 08:44 UTC
We'll put that on our 'todo' list for when we make it into Parliament, Dirk. Though I know that the Head of Nation is aware that our community has outgrown the current website and has said that something new is needed SpaceNet, for instance. So I hope that we'll be ...
May 28, 23 / Can 08, 07 08:39 UTC
we could use a main tab with an update calendar page..
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