Mar 24, 20 / Tau 00, 04 20:47 UTC
It was great to see the Head of Nation's Livestream and talk about this epic event with our fellow Asgardians in the 'post-stream' discussion hosted by Nation Builders. Can't wait for the next one! Nation Builders is a community of Asgardian Patriots and is not officially affiliated with Asgardia's ...
Mar 25, 20 / Tau 01, 04 05:44 UTC
Amazing event congratulations!
Mar 24, 20 / Tau 00, 04 20:38 UTC
Head of Nation's Livestream and Post-Stream discussion
It was great to see the Head of Nation's Livestream and talk about this epic event with our fellow Asgardians in the 'post-stream' discussion hosted by Nation Builders. Can't wait for the next one! Nation Builders is a community of Asgardian Patriots and is not officially affiliated with Asgardia's ...
Mar 12, 20 / Ari 16, 04 23:37 UTC
To mark the International Day of Human Space Flight on the 12th of April, Nation Builders are holding a photo contest with 5 commemorative t shirts to be won. Check out to learn more!
Mar 8, 20 / Ari 12, 04 20:40 UTC
Hey there guys; We've put together an infographic to share some of the latest 'Best Practice' health tips for people facing the 'COVID-19' health scare. Stay safe, my fellow Asgardians. o^
Mar 8, 20 / Ari 12, 04 21:33 UTC
great post, I wrote a short article with interesting facts. CORONAVIRUS AND MOBILE NETWORK
Mar 8, 20 / Ari 12, 04 20:40 UTC
Hey there guys; We've put together an infographic to share some of the latest 'Best Practice' health tips for people facing the 'COVID-19' health scare. Stay safe, my fellow Asgardians. o^
Mar 1, 20 / Ari 05, 04 22:34 UTC
Nation Builders Launches
Hello everyone! I'm pleased to announce the official launch of Nation Builders. We're just getting off the ground now, but we'll be picking up steam and learning as we go.
Mar 10, 20 / Ari 14, 04 19:54 UTC
A fantastic endeavour and chance for all to get involved!
Mar 2, 20 / Ari 06, 04 02:39 UTC
What a great dream!
Mar 2, 20 / Ari 06, 04 02:36 UTC
Hi Ross, this is an excellent endeavor and I wish you all the best. I will contribute where I can.
See all 5 comments
Dec 31, 19 / Cap 29, 03 14:54 UTC
Year day, new year, old year day - whatever you want to call it, this is a time for both endings and new beginnings. And along that theme, I have an announcement to make about my position in Asgardia. With effect from the 31st of December, my contract with Asgardia ...
Jan 1, 20 / Aqu 01, 04 02:09 UTC
I wish to you the best in this new year dear Ross!
Dec 31, 19 / Cap 29, 03 20:39 UTC
Wishing you much success in your future plans and thank you for your hard work to date for the future of Asgardia.
Dec 31, 19 / Cap 29, 03 20:38 UTC
Awesome! I am hoping that I will get the opportunity to work with Asgardians such as yourself, Dirk! Looking forward to 2020
Sep 9, 19 / Sco 00, 03 11:25 UTC
Without trying to sound sycophantic, or making this all about me, I wanted to speak a little about Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli today as he celebrates his birthday. Way back when Asgardia launched I was looking for a change. Something to shake up my life, something to shake up the drab ...
Dec 31, 19 / Cap 29, 03 19:20 UTC
Moving and Inspiring! Thanks for sharing Ross
Nov 23, 19 / Sag 19, 03 09:19 UTC
Any news on a VR platform since then? :) Any plans that came out of it? Did you discuss any budget plans with him or how we can find any other ways of building a fund for this purpose? Might it be possible to have some kind of internal Asgardia ...
Sep 9, 19 / Sco 00, 03 19:27 UTC
I remember that first meeting in Vienna! You were just sat "at the table" that evening! Happy Birthday Dr. Ashurbeyli!
Aug 6, 19 / Vir 22, 03 10:39 UTC
****************************************** * Making a title stand out in plain text * ****************************************** Sometimes, I just want to try out things to see if we can make them look a little more interesting. But who will know until the post is completed and then deleted?
Aug 11, 19 / Vir 27, 03 22:18 UTC
You can't hide from us good Sir 😎
Aug 8, 19 / Vir 24, 03 12:49 UTC
Looks like the post is still visible...
Aug 7, 19 / Vir 23, 03 06:57 UTC
Это не работает после перевода. Все символы сбрасываются в одну строку
See all 4 comments
Apr 17, 19 / Tau 23, 03 09:58 UTC
Cheeseburger Rundown - Executive Congress

We're going to meet up at Byron Burger in Salisbury to get ourselves some Cheeseburgers and discuss the Executive Congress! Message me for details!

Aug 6, 19 / Vir 22, 03 18:34 UTC
Too much cholesterol to keep the mind awake ... hahaha
Apr 25, 19 / Gem 03, 03 06:45 UTC
yea thats some CHEESY GOODNESS
Apr 21, 19 / Tau 27, 03 23:18 UTC
So Ross! How did it go? Do you have any picture to share?
See all 10 comments
Apr 17, 19 / Tau 23, 03 09:03 UTC
Day in the life on an Asgardian
Hey, guys - Just got a post up on the new Asgardia Editorials Official where I talk a little bit about a day in my life. If you want to learn a little bit more about what a typical day is like for me go check it out:
Aug 6, 19 / Vir 22, 03 18:35 UTC
wow a very small machine for a very creative being
Apr 12, 19 / Tau 18, 03 15:05 UTC
A content delivery attempt
#content #test #RossCheeseright
Apr 13, 19 / Tau 19, 03 12:14 UTC
Yeah :) Seems that there is a limit to the size of images that can be posted before they get cropped. Thanks for the heads up.
Apr 12, 19 / Tau 18, 03 16:15 UTC
Oh now it's OK, all the post appears to me !! :)
Apr 12, 19 / Tau 18, 03 15:31 UTC
Thanks for doing that test, I'm screen shotting and adding to the bug list. I did bug the lack of formatting in the posts before these were launched and was assured that they're working on them.
See all 4 comments
Apr 12, 19 / Tau 18, 03 14:22 UTC
*Name*: Ross Cheeseright *Title*: Mr. _Hello World_ Don't mind me Just checking out all the formatting options and making sure that it all works fine-and-dandy for when I'm doing longer format posts! This is some text next to an image. It's a pretty cool thing to do if you're writing ...
Apr 12, 19 / Tau 18, 03 14:42 UTC
For reference. Here is the actual blog I created that this entry is pulled from:
Apr 11, 19 / Tau 17, 03 14:11 UTC
New Website Reveal!
Hello World. I am currently watching the Digital Parliament Sitting live in Vienna as I take notes and prepare to write some content for the Nation. The new website has just been revealed and Asgardia's IT Team seem really passionate about plans for the future! I'm really impressed with the ...
Apr 11, 19 / Tau 17, 03 18:03 UTC
I like this idea of sending Solars if you like the content !!! This was your idea isn't ? It will motivate people to be creative and share some useful content ! Good Job !!! We need to explain to Asgardian how to exploit this option ! They will be ...
Apr 11, 19 / Tau 17, 03 17:18 UTC
Amazing new design!
Apr 11, 19 / Tau 17, 03 17:18 UTC
I know, right?! What a huge improvement over the original 2016 site. Massive undertaking. Can't wait to see the new features as they roll out.
See all 4 comments
Dec 31, 18 / Cap 29, 02 12:01 UTC
Year Day Address

Hello there my fellow Asgardians,

When I was planning this post, I thought a lot about what I would say. I thought of talking about all the achievements that we’ve made this past year. About how far we’ve come since the ...

Jan 3, 19 / Aqu 03, 03 09:48 UTC
Manco io nella lista ah ah ah
Dec 31, 18 / Cap 29, 02 21:09 UTC
Oh this is so heartwarming ! :-) By this occasion I want to wish you a Happy new year Ross, I hope that this year brings you the joy you deserve and the success you look for. Your post put a smile on my face as I realized how many ...
Dec 15, 18 / Cap 13, 02 23:25 UTC
Hey Asgardia, Let's talk about the Citizenship Fee

I’ve been reading a lot of things on our social media networks recently and while there are a lot of ‘hot topics’, the one that keeps cropping up is the ‘Citizenship Fee’ debate. It’s a topic that a lot of people are passionate about, so it’s natural ...

Dec 18, 18 / Cap 16, 02 19:29 UTC
Thank you very much for the information Ross. My question is even though I'm part of the 100000 am I able to pay the fee in the beginning 2019?
Dec 17, 18 / Cap 15, 02 23:13 UTC
At the moment we do not have installments set up. The Citizenship Committee is hoping to arrange something for that. So far, no luck. But we are working on it! Please bear with us. If not for this year, we hope to have it for next year!
Dec 17, 18 / Cap 15, 02 22:03 UTC
Thank you for the Post. The Fee goes this this. Anyone can be a Follower. No Fee required. To be a Resident, means you pay the 100 Euros, and are ELIGIBLE to BECOME a Citizen once the Ministry of Citizenship is up and running. Even AMPs are just Residents at ...
See all 8 comments
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