Aug 17, 23 / Lib 05, 07 23:09 UTC
"All harm that humanity inflicts upon the world is a cry for connection." James O’Neill
Aug 17, 23 / Lib 05, 07 23:08 UTC
"All harm that humanity inflicts upon the world is a cry for connection." James O’Neill
May 27, 21 / Can 07, 05 18:27 UTC
"This is a Q&A post to answer a great set of questions and comments posted to my Discord server from one of my long time followers on my Twitch live stream where I talk leftist politics a few times a week. I was originally going to post my comments to ...
May 27, 21 / Can 07, 05 18:25 UTC
"This is the second post of a 2-part post (7,000 words/~19 pages) which ended up being the longest post I have ever written which was written in just over about 12 days, so editing could most likely be improved. This 2-part post in total (19,000+ words/~50 pages) beat my previous ...
May 27, 21 / Can 07, 05 18:24 UTC
"These 2 posts are an attempt to answer a giant mega slew of questions from someone in this Facebook post and this Facebook Meme post too, both of which have a great conversation going about Monetary Systems, Capitalism, and Resource Based Economies. If you want to see the explicit context ...
May 27, 21 / Can 07, 05 18:23 UTC
"The world of tomorrow cannot be built upon the infrastructure of yesterday." James O’Neill Here are some amazing examples of what the cities of tomorrow could look like within a Resource Based Economy courtesy of The Venus Project
May 27, 21 / Can 07, 05 18:21 UTC
"I came upon mention of this book while I was randomly reading the article Amsterdam Is Embracing a Radical New Economic Theory to Help Save the Environment. Could It Also Replace Capitalism? (Time, Jan 2021) on my Twitch stream where I talk leftist politics a few times a week. I ...
May 27, 21 / Can 07, 05 18:20 UTC
May 27, 21 / Can 07, 05 18:18 UTC
"This is a Q&A post to answer a great set of questions and comments posted to my Discord server from one of my long time followers on my Twitch live stream where I talk leftist politics a few times a week. I was originally going to post my comments to ...
May 27, 21 / Can 07, 05 18:16 UTC
"This is the second post of a 2-part post (7,000 words/~19 pages) which ended up being the longest post I have ever written which was written in just over about 12 days, so editing could most likely be improved. This 2-part post in total (19,000+ words/~50 pages) beat my previous ...
May 27, 21 / Can 07, 05 18:15 UTC
"These 2 posts are an attempt to answer a giant mega slew of questions from someone in this Facebook post and this Facebook Meme post too, both of which have a great conversation going about Monetary Systems, Capitalism, and Resource Based Economies. If you want to see the explicit context ...
May 27, 21 / Can 07, 05 18:14 UTC
"I talk about my Journey into MMT (Modern Monetary Theory) in this page on my website which is sort my MMT notes page as I write my understanding (or ignorance) of it for all to see. As I have begun my journey into understanding MMT I have come to really ...
May 27, 21 / Can 07, 05 18:13 UTC
"Maximum Wage has been a cornerstone for my Economic Policies @ Interstellar New Deal for quite a while. I tore through this 118 page book, The Case for a Maximum Wage, in half a day as a part of the research to write a policy proposal for Maximum Wage for ...
May 27, 21 / Can 07, 05 18:12 UTC
"I first saw this amazing video while watching one of the political streams I follow on Twitch. It really cut to the core for me. Please take the time to watch this heartfelt and raw 6+ minute video where activist and author Kimberly Jones (Wikipedia, Author site, Twitter) unleashes about ...
May 27, 21 / Can 07, 05 18:11 UTC
"I was not planning on this post being so large (~11.8k words and 37 pages). I was expecting it to be a few thousand words at most. I mean, how complicated could Lesser of Two-Evils Voting really make things? This is most likely the second largest post that I have ...
May 27, 21 / Can 07, 05 18:09 UTC
"In response to the coldblooded murder of George Floyd by 4 police officers in Minneapolis, MN there is a large call to Defund the Police and people are freaking out about this because they do NOT understand what this movement is about, so let’s try to figure this out so ...
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