Apr 22, 18 / Gem 00, 02 19:44 UTC
Lembit Opik speaking in the British Parliament in 2009. Lembit was a Member of Parliament in the United Kingdom for 13 years. He led the campaign for action on the threat of Near Earth Objects. He has worked internationally on this campaign, and has collaborated with Apollo 9 astronaut ...
Rodolpho Franco de Lima
Jun 18, 23 / Leo 01, 07 20:27 UTC
Hello Friend. I count with your vote for my first elective term. asgardia.space/elections/parliamentary-elections/candidates/92?-link-92 Best Regards Rodolpho Franco
Nicola Macina
Jun 18, 23 / Leo 01, 07 09:22 UTC
Hello, I inform you that I am running for a second elective term. If you wish to renew your trust in me, you can support me by voting for me on this link: asgardia.space/elections/parliamentary-elections/candidates/328?-link-328
Ehab Al-Mawardi
Aug 28, 22 / Lib 16, 06 03:04 UTC
Best wishes
See all 6
Apr 22, 18 / Gem 00, 02 17:08 UTC
I'm Lembit Öpik - a former British Member of Parliament, author and broadcaster - and I seek your vote for election to Asgardia's Parliament. I offer my 30 years of political experience for the service of our new and visionary space nation. Here are some facts about me:
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