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Deurne, Antwerp, Belgium
Nov 17, 17 / Sag 13, 01 23:58 UTC

Hi all,

I love the idea behind Asgardia and I want to examine for myself what it is and if it is something for me. A nation without a history is like a newborn. A tabula rasa. It has the potential to become anything. I would not ...

Jul 30, 17 / Vir 15, 01 19:01 UTC

Accepteer me

Ik ben ik

probeer me niet te veranderen.

Veroordeel me niet, of ...

Jul 30, 17 / Vir 15, 01 19:00 UTC






Jul 28, 17 / Vir 13, 01 02:33 UTC

Give and Receive and do not take and demand. Its one of fundamentals of a loving and peaceful world.
Lets start with earth, if we do nothing else then taking away from this beautiful world, the earth will
be no longer a beautiful place as it will ...

Jul 20, 17 / Vir 05, 01 19:48 UTC

I aim to represent all the distinguished members of this new nation, Asgardia, ensuring independence, comprehensive and fair representation of the nation.

Jul 12, 17 / Leo 25, 01 11:35 UTC

Moral excellence is one of the foundations to swiftly move forward in the right direction as a species. Together with knowledge and hard (team)work, nothing would stop us.

I would be happy to receive your vote. This way I will be able to help Asgardia become an ...

Aug 2, 17 / Vir 18, 01 08:36 UTC

“Moon dust in your lungs

Stars in your eyes

You are a child of the cosmos

A ruler of the skies”

Jul 12, 17 / Leo 25, 01 10:21 UTC
For a NATION of respect, peace, accomplishment and prosperity

Humankind has unimaginable potential that is just waiting to express itself.

Jul 12, 17 / Leo 25, 01 07:52 UTC

I'm member of the Pirate Party (on earth), and ran in elections on earth. I'm a strong defender of an open, liquid democracy.
Democracy is deciding where to go to and how to organize given reality.
Other important topics I defend: Critical thinking and transparency.
The ...

Jul 12, 17 / Leo 25, 01 06:56 UTC
Jul 11, 17 / Leo 24, 01 18:05 UTC

I am a normal guy who thinks the current political system is not in touch with the common people. They stand way above the rest and do not understand everyday problems. I want to represent us as just a normal guy who thinks like you and will act accordingly. ...

Jul 11, 17 / Leo 24, 01 07:47 UTC

Since I'm now an Asgardian, and being serious about it, I guess I'll have to start by introducing myself. Asgardia really feels like a place I've always been looking for. I know we're a space race and the universe is our future (and probably our past as well). So ...

Jul 10, 17 / Leo 23, 01 17:22 UTC
The Future

How do we see the future of our nation evolve?

I joined this nation in the hopes of finding people of equal mind. People who think that earth is not our final destination as humans. As earth is finite, we need to find our home amoung the ...

Jul 15, 17 / Vir 00, 01 21:12 UTC

Welcome brother

Jul 10, 17 / Leo 23, 01 18:24 UTC

Exactly! Welcome to Asgardia!

Jul 10, 17 / Leo 23, 01 03:41 UTC
My baby girl

My beautiful baby

Jul 10, 17 / Leo 23, 01 03:39 UTC
My family

My wife and daughter

Jul 7, 17 / Leo 20, 01 12:49 UTC
Future is in your hands, so please don't Vote For me . Or I become a space Villain

I will tell you briefly, who I am. And why the hell I am not the right guy for this job. Yet I am still running, because I care about future of mankind. At politics is what I do almost every day.

<span style="font-size:48px; ... </p>

Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 21:04 UTC
I liked your ideas and I vote for you. Please see my platform for parliamentary elections and vote for me. I believe that together we can make dreams come true.
Jul 15, 17 / Vir 00, 01 00:20 UTC

Thank you Anagodinho :) . i have problems with spinning my head around these elections. Everything seems to be chaotic. I am active bit in international politics, but this all seems to lack structure.

Jul 10, 17 / Leo 23, 01 05:20 UTC

I honestly do not quite understand the structure behind these elections, maybe with your youth and your malicious look at situations, you can uncover something. I will vote for you just to see how everything unfolds. However, I must warn you that I can change my mind. ...

Jul 4, 17 / Leo 17, 01 18:37 UTC
Jul 3, 17 / Leo 16, 01 20:18 UTC
For harmony aNd respect

Everybody had his talents and should have respect for others

Jul 3, 17 / Leo 16, 01 00:13 UTC

As I gaze up in the sky, it always makes me wonder..

How it would be to leave this world full of cruelty,

And just be somewhere serene, where nature is still honoured.

Somewhere we can live in peace, so our childeren have ...

Jun 29, 17 / Leo 12, 01 22:56 UTC

As soon I will be elected I will do my best to enhance the life of other asgardian citizens. If you give me your trust I believe I can't be alone to live better!

Jun 28, 17 / Leo 11, 01 07:15 UTC
Asgardia for the universe!

we all have temporarily our tasks to forfill, but ASGARDIA will be for ever. Building this new Nation together is our task we have choosen for by being a citizen. We are responsible this dream becomes real. Without our allied forces, this will not happen. So engage to act ...