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Belgium, Zogge
Jan 21, 23 / Aqu 21, 07 21:12 UTC
i asked the following question at the openAI chatgpt.. how can Asgardia be recognized as a space nation? The recognition of Asgardia as a sovereign nation-state would likely require the support and recognition of existing, recognized nations and international organizations. The process for gaining such recognition is not well-established, as ...
Jan 21, 23 / Aqu 21, 07 23:59 UTC
Everything you say is correct, however, before being even mentioned in a treaty like the Outer Space Treaty or being able to enjoy all the benefits that derive from it, Asgardia should at least demonstrate its presence in space as it happens in the International Space Station or as NASA's ...
Jan 19, 23 / Aqu 19, 07 23:52 UTC
as soon there will be elections for parliament.. i want to ask our asgardians here if they would like to run for a post among the 150 places.. Grtz,Dirk
Jan 21, 23 / Aqu 21, 07 23:50 UTC
As a spectator, sure. It would be interesting to see.
Jan 21, 23 / Aqu 21, 07 18:02 UTC
Was elected but had to resign for personal reasons so maybe... :-)
Jan 19, 23 / Aqu 19, 07 23:57 UTC
for me depends..i do not want to go to Vienna, and i do not sign nda's..
Jan 18, 23 / Aqu 18, 07 23:22 UTC
lets say we are living in space.. we need drinks and foods.. if we now would make a standard food for Asgardians then there would be at least no thirst and hunger.. we could get water from space objects and here in we could grow algae.. the algae could be ...
Jan 21, 23 / Aqu 21, 07 23:52 UTC
Solar Foods. Stumbled upon this some time ago. Very interesting idea. I´m curious how it would taste in in other foods such as bread or pasta. Also saw it was featured in the latest edition of ROOM. If i have the chance to get my hands on it, i will ...
Jan 20, 23 / Aqu 20, 07 16:05 UTC
There is something better than algaes dear Dirk Baeyens. Try to visit the website of Solar Foods or to read the following article:
Jan 18, 23 / Aqu 18, 07 21:46 UTC
it keeps coming back to my mind about betelgeuse.. what if it has already exploded.. what are we going to see first.. what are the fastest particles.. what are the particles that can reach us.. and what consequences will that have.. some of the questions that keeps coming back to ...
Jan 17, 23 / Aqu 17, 07 13:47 UTC
in our civilization we trow things away to keep the money going.. most of the waste ends up in poor places where local people use it in smart ways to recycle it.. the recycled products are for the local markets.. what happens in space is the same cycle in an ...
Jan 25, 23 / Aqu 25, 07 11:54 UTC
Cardboard can be used for storage until it's degradation. Then it can be broken down back to pulp to be used either as a lighter weight cardboard or paper. After it's no longer able to be used for paper products it can be burned for energy generation.
Jan 17, 23 / Aqu 17, 07 16:34 UTC
That's why we need to transform our waste into material. Starting with plastics, we can recycle plastics and turn them into material. There will definitely be people who use printers that can use plastic as this can prevent waste in space. Then there's cardboard and aluminum cans. We can always ...
Jan 15, 23 / Aqu 15, 07 17:56 UTC
i think that Asgardia should have a reporter minister.. all the way down to the 1 million Asgardians.. lets make reports about space subjects for Asgardia.. everybody can share the work for free as knowledge to all Asgardians.. we could make sub subjects and organize ourselfs as a digital outlet.. ...
Jan 11, 23 / Aqu 11, 07 14:19 UTC
today i came across some gravitational maps of earth.. as we see on the map below the red regions have more gravitation.. now a thing we could conclude from this is that in the red regions human bones and muscles are more developed from birth and ancestors.. while in the ...
Jan 14, 23 / Aqu 14, 07 09:06 UTC
Adam's Apple 🍎 have higher gravity, making him disobedient . Newton's Apple 🍏 waiting for right time to be fallen. From 💙 India.
Jan 10, 23 / Aqu 10, 07 06:47 UTC
our next step for our digital solar.. lets begin with placing a solar panel in space.. then add a computer to it that makes digital solars.. send the solars to earth.. this would be the beginning of our treasure box.. we place a satellite in space with a computer, solar ...
Jan 18, 23 / Aqu 18, 07 23:05 UTC
i would prefer water and food as transaction for solars..
Jan 18, 23 / Aqu 18, 07 22:57 UTC
Do you think of a "coin" like BITCOIN ? Or a "bonus" substitute for money? I believe that beyond the undoubted goodness of intent, on this planet there are considerable resistance to overcoming the current scheme of relationship between money/work.
Jan 16, 23 / Aqu 16, 07 00:05 UTC
What a beautiful vision, "All is Light". Maybe you can find interesting my coat of arms
See all 6 comments
Jan 9, 23 / Aqu 09, 07 02:20 UTC
space sound..
woke up in the mits of the night with the following idea.. in space there is no sound as there is few resistance.. but there is in fact a lower resistance that has a higher speed.. it travels faster then sound and has a higher frequency.. we refer to it ...
Jan 18, 23 / Aqu 18, 07 22:41 UTC
It would be interesting, speaking of sounds and colors, to give a" voice "to the stars just like in the movie" close encounters of the III type"
Jan 6, 23 / Aqu 06, 07 19:53 UTC
anti matter..
on earth our vision and learning is based on matter.. when we go to space off planet then our environment becomes anti matter which is space itself.. if we want to fully understand the term anti matter then we should examine space itself.. because our senses are also based on ...
Jan 8, 23 / Aqu 08, 07 22:08 UTC
interesting article
Jan 4, 23 / Aqu 04, 07 19:31 UTC
as the perfect balance and origin of the universe seems to be water or hydrogen.. we could base our search for life on water.. there are different states of water.. we have the basic gas as hydrogen.. then heavy water.. then living water mixed with oxygen.. and later the form ...
Jan 8, 23 / Aqu 08, 07 10:09 UTC
Some scholar of organic chemistry, some time ago, proposed that given the high overlap of silicon with carbon, a tomorrow when a generational spaceship we could think of encountering a life form based on silicon, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen rather than carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen.
Jan 4, 23 / Aqu 04, 07 19:07 UTC
as i was targeting jupiter for the cause of sunspots in alignment with the sun and saturn.. i have gone further in this conclusion and found a more conclusive result.. it is not only because of jupiter and saturn being the biggest planets.. but because they are actually systems on ...
Jan 4, 23 / Aqu 04, 07 13:26 UTC
today some thoughts about expansions.. if we look at space then we can say it is an expanded cold place.. this does not mean it is empty.. it is expanded in to a balanced cold state where everything gets its allowed freedom, rest and coolness.. lets call it space freedom ...
Jan 8, 23 / Aqu 08, 07 10:20 UTC
I think the universe tries to find its balance as physics teaches us. This search for" balance "is continuously interrupted by the events that our instruments detect, supernovae, the formation of black holes, collisions between celestial objects that move chaotically on intersecting routes only between" N " years etc etc. ...
Jan 2, 23 / Aqu 02, 07 17:53 UTC
Je suis en train de me former sur le sujet, donc il va surement se passer du temps avant que j’apporte du contenu significatif. Mais ne vous privez pas si vous maitrisez le sujet ou bien si votre curiosité est débordante ! D’un autre côté les questions permettent aussi de ...
Jan 2, 23 / Aqu 02, 07 17:55 UTC
Je suis dyslexique (entre autre), aussi si vous voyez des fautes insupportables à vos yeux dites-le moi ! Je me ferai le devoir de les corriger et ça va m’aider à progresser. MERCI
Jan 2, 23 / Aqu 02, 07 16:27 UTC
Ravi de trouver cette communauté francophone, car il est vrai la pratique d’une autre langue bien qu’enrichissante demande un effort certain. Quelques langues sont bien utiles selon les domaines. J’apprend personnellement (du moins j’essaye ^^') pour les principales : Anglais, Espagnol, Russe, Chinois simplifié, Grec ancien. J’envisage de créer ou ...
Dec 31, 22 / Cap 29, 06 23:33 UTC
Happy New Solar Cycle Earth..
Dec 31, 22 / Cap 29, 06 17:43 UTC
how can we create an Asgardian entity on earth that keeps active during a blackout.. recently there was a blackout in my region and i was totally without connection to the world.. what system could we use or setup in case of such an emergency.. we would need at least ...
Jan 8, 23 / Aqu 08, 07 10:46 UTC
If the problem is electrical just a simple and cheap autonomous generator of current, or a more expensive but environmentally friendly photovoltaic system. If the problem is internet connection you have to build a server and an interface network that covers the crash that has occurred. For Asgardia an autonomous ...
Dec 30, 22 / Cap 28, 06 11:49 UTC
if we would build a battery on the moon then we need 2 different matters with a difference in electrons.. i wonder which moon materials could be used for that.. an acid fluid could consist of human urine.. Grtz,Dirk
Jan 8, 23 / Aqu 08, 07 10:55 UTC
On the moon, as on the ISS, one must think that nothing must be wasted. The urine will be recycled as drinking water after all the necessary purification. Perhaps after more in-depth research we will find useful elements to build reliable batteries on site.
Dec 29, 22 / Cap 27, 06 06:03 UTC
i was thinking about hot plasma and i got a hint about crystals.. seems to me that where ever there is a cooling down of plasma there are crystals as condescend material.. so they are a kinetic energy source that contain plasma.. maybe in the future we can use them ...
Dec 29, 22 / Cap 27, 06 12:20 UTC
same for you Marius
Dec 29, 22 / Cap 27, 06 07:02 UTC
Very interesting Dirk. Thanks for sharing. By tge way thanks a lot for your SOL sent to me. A lot of appreciation, we still cannot use the internal messaging so i try this method. Happy New Year coming to you and family , make it the best year ever!
Dec 28, 22 / Cap 26, 06 17:16 UTC
speed in itself is actually the resistance in a certain environment.. even in space there is resistance.. do we know the differences of speeds in space.. what is the highest speed obtainable.. the one with the least resistance.. so if space is cold plasma then the particles that are not ...