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Belgium, Zogge
Aug 19, 22 / Lib 07, 06 20:20 UTC
If we are planning to go on with rocket launches.. then it would be preferable to use hydrogen to make water and oxygen while using the fuel.. it should be a recycling engine to capture all water and oxygen which can be used in space.. Grtz,Dirk
Aug 19, 22 / Lib 07, 06 20:14 UTC
What if we would create a food buffer in space with dry food.. we could dry food in the sun or buy dry food.. if space is airless then this dry food could be stored for a long time.. in space it would even bypass gold in value for humankind.. ...
Aug 25, 22 / Lib 13, 06 08:02 UTC
Taking dried food into space can be a problem. One consideration; we are in an environment devoid of the Earth's magnetic field shielding from gamma radiation emitted by the sun. Perhaps by using a sufficiently large and properly excavated asteroid we would have what nuclear technicians call a biological screen ...
Aug 17, 22 / Lib 05, 06 13:51 UTC
Hey everybody, Not sure if this has been discussed in the past, is any Asgardian working on the broad Web3 scene? Is this kind of tech something that's interesting this community?
Dec 6, 22 / Cap 04, 06 09:15 UTC
Aug 28, 22 / Lib 16, 06 05:55 UTC
Does Asgardia have any shelters for the residents?? Or any plans on surviving the Polar Reversal??
Aug 15, 22 / Lib 03, 06 20:02 UTC
As solarflares are still coming in and are being directed towards the poles because of our magnetic field.. our poles are melting faster.. now, cold water is heavier then warm water and so all polar water will run to the lowest points.. this makes the ocean floors heavier and are ...
Aug 16, 22 / Lib 04, 06 10:42 UTC
I think we have to first worry about the heat we have build up on the surface of the earth and what we can do to protect ourselves.. it has to be reflection or absorbtion of light.. and breaking down of heavy gases.. and restoring nature as that was the ...
Aug 16, 22 / Lib 04, 06 06:40 UTC
Близится ещё один ледниковый период?
Aug 10, 22 / Vir 26, 06 04:56 UTC
Following my previous post there are extended dangers after solarbursts.. as heat and fire and atmospheric conditions change, all the ice on earth will melt and create a higher sealevel with possible global floods coming in.. As we are finding ourselves in grounding positions it would be advised to go ...
Aug 10, 22 / Vir 26, 06 15:45 UTC
I agree . Coronal mass emissions (solar plasma) are dangerous for our satellites ( telecommunications, observation both towards the Earth and towards the universe): in areas where the hole in the ozonosphere caused by the missions of human activities coincides with inhabited areas, losses of electronic equipment and heavy disturbances ...
Aug 10, 22 / Vir 26, 06 04:33 UTC
An impression.. after our sun what could be the second big force inside our solarsystem.. to my knowledge it must be the alignment of all planets versus the equator of the sun.. why do I think that.. first our planets are compressed atmospheres of the sun.. they have a bigger ...
Aug 8, 22 / Vir 24, 06 09:54 UTC
An idea for Asgardia.. let’s make green pasta.. pasta made with algae.. good source of food + easy to store.. dry pasta with algae.. Grtz,Dirk
Aug 22, 22 / Lib 10, 06 03:35 UTC
Great idea. Much better than anything made from glutinous grains!
Aug 6, 22 / Vir 22, 06 09:09 UTC
Hello all Residents.. we here in Belgium, Ghent.. are looking for some more Residents for the region Ghent.. we have currently 5 Residents.. we would like to go for 10 Residents to have our local ACR.. if you have no special choice then choose for the region Belgium, Ghent.. this ...
Aug 8, 22 / Vir 24, 06 10:07 UTC
Thanks Ivan. 👍
Aug 8, 22 / Vir 24, 06 09:59 UTC
OHOU Dirk! Since Government has issued its Regulation No4, there is no need to have 100 local Residents to have someone filling the position of City Representative. One can become an 'Acting City Representative'! In that same Government Regulation, the number of 100 is actually reduced to 10 Residents. I ...
Aug 6, 22 / Vir 22, 06 21:55 UTC
Selam Asgardia from Sakarya City at Türkiye
Aug 5, 22 / Vir 21, 06 13:02 UTC
We seriously need to do something asap about algae for space inside Asgardia.. lots of businesses are emerging for all sorts of applications with algae.. in space we can use them as carbon capture, oxygen maker and as food supplier.. We should atleast couple with 1 business and or developer ...
Aug 6, 22 / Vir 22, 06 05:38 UTC
I agree with you. In addition to food, they also serve for the production of basic materials for products, medicines and various sources of energy.
Aug 1, 22 / Vir 17, 06 21:13 UTC
For the moment we are taking the oil out of the earth.. now, with what wil the emptiness be replaced.. by some magic dark matter?.. I do not think so.. it will probably be water that will run below the oil.. as earth’s groundwater will replace gas and oil spaces.. ...
Aug 5, 22 / Vir 21, 06 14:36 UTC
We are still here thanks to the buffers.. ones these are gone it will be just in time events..
Aug 5, 22 / Vir 21, 06 14:21 UTC
What you say is not far from the truth; just think of the communicating vessels and tectonic movements that can cause patency between the reservoirs and the porosities of the subsoil that housed the oil fields. However, I do not believe that this can affect drought ; if anything, it ...
Jul 28, 22 / Vir 13, 06 19:16 UTC
About the constitution.. as we are all humans.. why not drop any differences in origin, gender, religion, etc.. just refer to the Asgardians as human beings.. nothing more, nothing less.. Grtz,Dirk
Jul 28, 22 / Vir 13, 06 23:24 UTC
It was meant as an unifying argument, we have lots of discussions about the number of male and female citizens, but from a distance in space we are all humans from earth..
Jul 28, 22 / Vir 13, 06 21:56 UTC
What do you mean about differences in gender and how this affected in Constitution of Asgardia? At other points I agreed with you - origin, religion etc it should be not matter in Asgardia
Jul 28, 22 / Vir 13, 06 19:29 UTC
isnt that almost exactly what is written in the constitution, chapter 1.4.?
Jul 20, 22 / Vir 05, 06 19:44 UTC
We should build the nation on a basis of trust.. let’s take the path of jobs.. everyone can be a specialist without papers.. the lowest workers are the most inventive ones.. they often do it to spare their life’s, to less the pain, to have food, to make more pieces, ...
Jul 20, 22 / Vir 05, 06 21:41 UTC
Good intentions! In the history of this now overheated world many have spent to improve the living conditions of at least a part of humanity. Something good has been done, but the perception has been lacking that we live in a soap bubble ( so much is the delicacy of ...
Jul 19, 22 / Vir 04, 06 14:18 UTC
What if we would build a closed system which makes ice to steam.. we make one part black to generate steam, in the middle the turbine, the other side in white.. when the ice is made at the opposite site of the sun, we turn the spaceship around and start ...
Jul 19, 22 / Vir 04, 06 19:55 UTC
The closed system you describe is based on the exploitation of the ability of a black body to absorb the energy of the sun's rays by transferring it to ICE which turns into steam which in turn contains the energy to be transformed into propulsive thrust. It closely resembles the ...
Jul 19, 22 / Vir 04, 06 16:08 UTC
Turbine.. electro.. magnetic..
Jul 19, 22 / Vir 04, 06 15:30 UTC
Un moteur qui fonctionne grâce à l'évaporation ?
Jul 16, 22 / Vir 01, 06 19:41 UTC
Let’s say there is a close by asteroid to earth and it happens to be in the trajectory of a solarflame that will hit earth in a few days.. would that not be a possible scenario for a space disaster movie.. more then that it could even be a real ...
Jul 6, 22 / Leo 19, 06 20:02 UTC
If we would take a disk aka ufo.. build on top 12 turboinlet’s all around.. at the bottom 12 engineoutlet’s.. automatic pilot or robot.. would it go any direction?.. Grtz,Dirk
Jul 7, 22 / Leo 20, 06 22:55 UTC
If you mention the principle of action and reaction what enters from the sockets comes out of the nozzles accelerated generating propulsion. If we think of a UFO, making a flight of fantasy, we could think of plasma engines evolved to the point of not being like the current ones; ...
Jul 3, 22 / Leo 16, 06 16:19 UTC
If we accelerate continuously then we have gravity all the time.. if we turn the spaceship around and slowdown continuously then we have also gravity.. true or false.. Grtz,Dirk
Jul 12, 22 / Leo 25, 06 11:21 UTC
It depends on your propulsion method to determine if it is even viable to do at all, even SpaceX Starship isn't capable of it with its chemical rockets. But say we use an efficient fusion drive continuously firing pushing the ship at a steady 1g acceleration (As we see in ...
Jul 3, 22 / Leo 16, 06 16:31 UTC
Jul 1, 22 / Leo 14, 06 05:26 UTC
Although the structure of Asgardia is extremely fantastic, I have my thoughts about the fact that an official degree is demanded to be able to run for parliament. Asgaardia really stands for anti discrimination, racism and all sorts of negative influences. but isn't demanding a degree to be able to ...
Jul 1, 22 / Leo 14, 06 10:18 UTC
If I would compare it to the old times then a paper makes you a non-slave aka non-worker..
Jun 29, 22 / Leo 12, 06 05:54 UTC
What about a matroesjka space ship that could be unfolded in space.. could be done via the bottom in the length.. Grtz,Dirk PS: could also be done with a certain degree off.. so that it becomes a part of a circle..
Jun 25, 22 / Leo 08, 06 11:11 UTC
Would be interesting to know what has become of the singers of the anthem.. Grtz,Dirk
Jun 24, 22 / Leo 07, 06 19:56 UTC
We have to act as if we where already on that future spaceship in space.. our methods and handlings should be spaceship based.. our website is the earth portal where we enter the spaceship on a daily basis.. we get digital transported when we login in to the spaceship.. accordingly ...
Jun 25, 22 / Leo 08, 06 03:21 UTC
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo