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Belgium, Zogge
Apr 17, 20 / Tau 24, 04 20:38 UTC
Just was thinking about what if earlier the atoms would have had no quarks. The electrical universe could have been more bound to the matter. Lets call it a hydrogen based universe that was less chaotic. If later there was a big bang from for example an exploding proton-star or ...
Apr 17, 20 / Tau 24, 04 22:21 UTC
To my knowledge when any element enters the gravitational field of a black hole it no longer exits. It is only a matter of time, then photons of light are "absorbed" including there is no notion of a black hole exploding. The explosion and the mass in reaction should be ...
Apr 13, 20 / Tau 20, 04 15:27 UTC
bee gees
staying alive
Apr 13, 20 / Tau 20, 04 15:31 UTC
little fun in space
Apr 8, 20 / Tau 15, 04 21:49 UTC
Why is there on earth so much life. My first thought would be because there is much more life produced then there is actual life. More seedlings and seeds then actually needed are produced and that makes a carpet of nutrition for all living things. So if we would like ...
Apr 8, 20 / Tau 15, 04 20:25 UTC
Was viewing some retro stuff and did a tryout.. Grtz, Dirk.
Apr 9, 20 / Tau 16, 04 12:00 UTC
Asgardias card is that what it says. Like it.
Apr 8, 20 / Tau 15, 04 20:36 UTC
Strange conformation reminiscent of the scheme of an abbey stained-glass window
Apr 6, 20 / Tau 13, 04 16:33 UTC
These days the moon will appear somewhat bigger as usual. Take some nice photo's.. Grtz, Dirk.
Apr 4, 20 / Tau 11, 04 16:18 UTC
ROOM version 1 from 2020, My digital version from the latest ROOM is online, jipee.. Grtz, Dirk.
Apr 4, 20 / Tau 11, 04 14:44 UTC
Ok, this week i have looked for big alignments in our solar-system and beyond. The first alignment is within our solar-system with jupiter and saturn. The second alignment is with the star spica wich comes every year back in alignment with the sun viewed from earth. The third alignment is ...
Apr 4, 20 / Tau 11, 04 16:21 UTC
I really like publishers calling Alignment it’s a very good article and very enjoyable to read as well.
Mar 28, 20 / Tau 04, 04 20:22 UTC
I have had this idea since a long time but today i made a drawing which puts most of my words together, so here it is. The idea is to have a ruling king that works together with the leader of the people. This leader can also be chosen via ...
Mar 29, 20 / Tau 05, 04 10:19 UTC
why talk about submitting partnerships would be much better to start thinking
Mar 29, 20 / Tau 05, 04 05:59 UTC
your idea is far from new .... and i think it is not the goal of asgardia for the moment .... Asgardia is in a phase of existential creation to be fully recognized which will allow in parallel to create an operating organization which in my opinion must be different ...
Mar 28, 20 / Tau 04, 04 23:10 UTC
In fact, it has ever this. The leader is the prime minister, and the different star-points are represented by the different ministers. But we have not (in my opinion) the totallity of tools to build a functional democracy. A true system of direct democracy. For me, a nation need a ...
Mar 27, 20 / Tau 03, 04 21:23 UTC
If a lightning strikes the surface it is an overload of power. But what if we would build an underground network of copper roots that goes very deep in the earth where the electric force would be much weaker and where we would be able to harvest it... Grtz, Dirk.
Apr 3, 20 / Tau 10, 04 02:03 UTC
Mabey use a large quartz crystal to use as a resistance to the voltage for harvesting or possibly storage with other types of crystals
Mar 29, 20 / Tau 05, 04 15:04 UTC
How about one, really long "filament" that is "tethered" in space and spins through the atmosphere generating electromagnetic forces that would make Thomas Edison proud... lol
Mar 28, 20 / Tau 04, 04 22:25 UTC
Good idea. With so many lightning rods on buildings it seems like a waste to dump the power into the soil. One bolt is probably worth more than a month of sun for a solar powered home.
See all 4 comments
Mar 26, 20 / Tau 02, 04 19:55 UTC
Why on earth are we Asgardia not creating a universal 3D-map to use for our-self's and to use it with our future digital devices? Grtz, Dirk. ps: thanks Tom ;-)
Apr 3, 20 / Tau 10, 04 02:22 UTC
Yup they are not that expensive.
Mar 27, 20 / Tau 03, 04 21:15 UTC
We can map in 3D what doesn't change (or doesn't dramatically) like the surface of a celestial body but on Earth, with human interaction with the environment, forest are removed, sky scrappers built, lakes drained or built, mountains excavated... it would make more sense to map other celestial body's surfaces ...
Mar 26, 20 / Tau 02, 04 22:42 UTC
A good idea, but measurements in multiple necessary to be able to scan, then the result have a cost, access to a satellite or over a public data processing, the work of a software house responsible for the compilation of the program of consultation, not cheap, but not impossible having ...
See all 4 comments
Mar 26, 20 / Tau 02, 04 19:50 UTC
A thought that just came to my mind as my breathing goes up and down.. A general tip. When we are short of oxygen, our heart rate rises to restore the oxygen level. So logically we should not lower the heart rate of the sick and the temperature of the ...
Mar 26, 20 / Tau 02, 04 23:24 UTC
The practice of lowering the heart rhythm is used only in certain practices from surgery or when fibrillations occur . The oxygen which is supplied compressed in cylinders, through a pressure reducer, is dosed in proportion to the inhalers the patient's temperature after the pressure reducer is a little bit ...
Mar 26, 20 / Tau 02, 04 23:23 UTC
The practice of lowering the heart rhythm is used only in certain practices from surgery or when fibrillations occur . The oxygen which is supplied compressed in cylinders, through a pressure reducer, is dosed in proportion to the inhalers the patient's temperature after the pressure reducer is a little bit ...
Mar 26, 20 / Tau 02, 04 19:14 UTC
space is empty..
Ok folks, the space in my jar is empty... Time for Asgardia to find a solution to fill my jar so that i can keep donating.. :-) Grtz, Dirk.
Mar 27, 20 / Tau 03, 04 21:16 UTC
Oh! You gave it all away! Congrats Dirk!
Mar 26, 20 / Tau 02, 04 11:42 UTC
What would it give when you would melt iron and a diamond and mix them together. Grtz, Dirk.
Mar 26, 20 / Tau 02, 04 13:22 UTC
So by melting steel and diamonds together (assuming they react together without a reaction catalyst)the diamond should disappear being pure carbon crystallized at high pressure. Casting by absorbing at least part of the carbon released should become carbon steel or if one wants to destroy a certain number of diamonds ...
Mar 26, 20 / Tau 02, 04 11:05 UTC
As i was stirring in my pots on the cooking-plate, i saw again one of the phenomena as always. This time i was stirring the water in a pot and i saw that the center was slowing down first and the outward circles kept on turning in a higher speed. ...
Mar 26, 20 / Tau 02, 04 13:53 UTC
The movement of lava masses occurs in depth. They emerge on the surface when they find a discontinuity of the mantle and the underlying layers, up to the melted zone of our planet. The inversions of the poles that have occurred several times in the life of the planet have ...
Mar 24, 20 / Tau 00, 04 19:22 UTC
The golden 100k copied to space, adding a community, and be a star-nation..
Mar 24, 20 / Tau 00, 04 18:02 UTC
Ok, what can we produce on personal level that could be sold inside Asgardia and be of use to other Asgardians + a certain percentage for Asgardia. I was thinking at an Asgardian post-stamp that we could actually use in our daily lives. We could make one on an actual ...
Apr 3, 20 / Tau 10, 04 02:45 UTC
Seeds, small plants and trees pluse shrubs, ect
Mar 25, 20 / Tau 01, 04 01:42 UTC
Hi asgardians
Mar 24, 20 / Tau 00, 04 20:10 UTC
You can do anything you can sold on e-commerce. Clothes, parfums, etc.
Mar 24, 20 / Tau 00, 04 11:34 UTC
water and heat..
The biggest resources we have on earth are solar-rays and salt-water. What if we would combine these two into a system of stocking heat and making fresh-water. We could build domes containing salt-water that would stock heat in the salt of the water and in the mean time produce fresh-water ...
Mar 24, 20 / Tau 00, 04 16:26 UTC
Some companies have already developed solutions in this direction:
Mar 24, 20 / Tau 00, 04 13:48 UTC
There are some power plants that produce electricity using the principle of Archimedes ' burn mirrors.An audience of mirrors equipped with motorization for the pursuit of the sun concentrate thegraggi on a cylindrical tower that on the top has a kettle body full of liquid sodium. this is pushed into ...
Mar 24, 20 / Tau 00, 04 13:47 UTC
The same way some solar power stations work with mirrors
Mar 21, 20 / Ari 25, 04 02:36 UTC
Time to think what life on earth exists of. The rays of the sun in cold places and the shadow in warm places. The wind that brings fresh oxygen so we can reflect on what we are doing. Water to drink if we have thirst and to clean when we ...
Mar 21, 20 / Ari 25, 04 09:52 UTC
A famous songwriter wrote "a place to stay, and enough to eat". The base values less and less respected even involuntarily. a good thought.
Mar 14, 20 / Ari 18, 04 23:25 UTC
I was thinking in an abstract way how we could build our digital nation. First we would need a digital foundation which is already set. Then we would need the first layers of data-blocks to start building. As we are advancing the data-building we would need specific data-blocks to make ...
Oct 18, 21 / Oph 11, 05 16:39 UTC
You best bet is to use defense in depth. Also app encapsulation and segmentation across each network. You'd need equipment that can handle a large load balance and be faraday away from emp and radiation emitted from space. First you would need a scope of the entire WAN. Or I'm ...
Mar 19, 20 / Ari 23, 04 05:56 UTC
Technically, this idea has been already realised in software and real life. The first (pilot, including comparision of different blockchain technologies) stage of pilot project completed by Russian energy corporation at 2019, and the second is acting doing now. Interesting that well-known blockchains have achieved the worst results then other ...
Mar 15, 20 / Ari 19, 04 08:46 UTC
And this will be help to build a data fortress to protect all asgardians about the threat of internet (cyberattacks, hacking, etc)
Mar 14, 20 / Ari 18, 04 21:54 UTC
Seems like it is spread everywhere now. The most logic origin would be traveling. Should we take measures for space in the future? Grtz, Dirk. (screenshot from
Mar 15, 20 / Ari 19, 04 20:38 UTC
The term quarantine was first used for the ships landing in a new port in which they were not allowed to disembark until a full 40 day period would elapse. Could be applied the same way for space travel :-)
Mar 15, 20 / Ari 19, 04 04:08 UTC