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Belgium, Zogge
Jan 19, 20 / Aqu 19, 04 15:34 UTC
train lift
32 times 10 km train tracks 32 trains pushing 10 km cable gives 320 km cable into space
Jan 20, 20 / Aqu 20, 04 19:18 UTC
Nice to see this concept. Getting up the first 300 km above the Earth surface is the most expensive part, in terms of energy required. Just 100 km would be already a good start. Can we build such a structure with the current technology?
Jan 20, 20 / Aqu 20, 04 02:07 UTC
In my mind the most cost effective way to do this would be to use a high altitude balloon to get something like spider wire up to around 80 thousand ft. Then have a small rocket attached to the wire. So wonce at altitude, the balloon detaches the rocket takes ...
Jan 19, 20 / Aqu 19, 04 21:00 UTC
You're on the right track! ;-)
See all 4 comments
Jan 18, 20 / Aqu 18, 04 03:53 UTC
Trying to find resources for Asgardia would mean that we basically would have to define first of all our sources. As i see it now we have a human-source and a digital-source. The human resources could be based on the good spirit what is in my view essential for humans ...
Jan 19, 20 / Aqu 19, 04 02:20 UTC
Sort of like a Asgardian's wal-mart but owned by all Asgardian's for the benefit all Asgardian's.
Jan 18, 20 / Aqu 18, 04 09:18 UTC
Of course you're right. Well, maybe you overreacted a bit with ceramics :-). Val Saint Lambert in Seraing also does not have to be ashamed of his products.
Jan 11, 20 / Aqu 11, 04 21:16 UTC
The earth is full of seawater. What would be needed to make it drinkable and still contain all good algae and good plankton. If we can do that then we have water and food for ever and can use all land for planting trees. Grtz, Dirk.
Jan 14, 20 / Aqu 14, 04 02:08 UTC
I really like this idea Dirk. Last year there was a prototype in the making to turn sea water into drinking water using solar energy with a similar idea of preserving sea life. It would use the sweat from the solar heat without pumps and tubing. I haven't seen any ...
Jan 13, 20 / Aqu 13, 04 13:26 UTC
The main thing at the moment truly is the on going catastrophe that is Fukushima nuclear power plant that had 3 possible 4 core meltdowns. In 2011,11,11. This has been continuing sence then. And is still on going. NOT CONTAINED...... Look back to when the Pacific Ocean really started heating ...
Jan 12, 20 / Aqu 12, 04 13:04 UTC
How many messages have you written to this day, Dirk? :))
Jan 11, 20 / Aqu 11, 04 16:59 UTC
Today a little story about disks and jets and their respectively powers spinning and ax-power. If we look at a galaxy we can see a disk that is spinning and 2 jets coming out of the center. Lets begin with the spinning. The spinning is a force due the spinning ...
Jan 13, 20 / Aqu 13, 04 13:09 UTC
Me I would first start with the base line information then work back out. The reason being is that I think that there's something fundamentally wrong with the base information. Being that the center of a universe is a black hole. A black hole supposedly is created by a dying ...
Jan 9, 20 / Aqu 09, 04 00:12 UTC
Y love asgardia
Jan 9, 20 / Aqu 09, 04 15:08 UTC
Bienvenue sur Asgardia Olivier ! :-)
Jan 8, 20 / Aqu 08, 04 20:27 UTC
As we humans always want to create a perfect world for ourself's we are automatically filtering out all bad things that we then throw on one big heap. We should then also not be surprised that this big heap of bad waste (material and spiritual) is creating some nasty things. ...
Jan 8, 20 / Aqu 08, 04 14:33 UTC
space city
A fast example of a space city.. Grtz, Dirk.
Jan 7, 20 / Aqu 07, 04 05:51 UTC
If there would be a bonus-point system with codes then citizens could bring other citizens in Asgardia while profiting from certain extra's. Grtz, Dirk.
Jan 8, 20 / Aqu 08, 04 20:38 UTC
Yes, seems like the shop had only a tempoary problem. Today i bought some products without any problems.
Jan 8, 20 / Aqu 08, 04 06:23 UTC
On one hand a good idea (something like the bonus program of tesla), on the other hand it may look even more like a ponzi scheme. Also, what would these "extra's" be? So far Asgardia doesn't even have a working merchandise shop. ( is only a mockup shop, right?)
Jan 7, 20 / Aqu 07, 04 05:22 UTC
Just woke up in the middle of the night with the following idea. As there are in space many explosions big and small, aka big-bang and novae, there should be logically also many shock-waves traveling true space. Many people have found cyclic time-cycles in space of returning events from the ...
Jan 8, 20 / Aqu 08, 04 12:52 UTC
So we would need something like a ocean current monitoring system for electromagnetic waves through out the solar system to start to model a feet more efficiently.
Jan 5, 20 / Aqu 05, 04 23:17 UTC
solar energy
unused solar energy.. Grtz, Dirk.
Jan 6, 20 / Aqu 06, 04 14:57 UTC
I believe that solar energy for all roof tops should be a requirement in 10 years for all new construction and all new roofs in developed Countries where there is enough sunlight to make a difference! If all roof materials were to be changed over to this, it would also ...
Jan 5, 20 / Aqu 05, 04 20:44 UTC
Recently i had some annoying internet connection problems while surfing on the Asgardia website. Maybe it is due the increasing traffic to this site, i do not now, i am not a specialist, but it seems that i have found a little trick for a better communication. In network preferences ...
Jan 6, 20 / Aqu 06, 04 05:32 UTC
While it's entirely possible to speed up server response time through the use of a DNS server (as all a DNS server does is resolve the domain name and handle the IP cache binding thereafter), this would be done on the user's end. An Asgardia DNS server would be simple ...
Jan 4, 20 / Aqu 04, 04 21:54 UTC
Radiation Hardened hardware for space. Anybody who has a favorite for a rad-hard-computer? I have been coming from C=64 to Amiga 68k to Amiga PPC. Later this went to apple and linux PPC. The ideal would be a linux-based system so that common people could have access to programming these ...
Jan 4, 20 / Aqu 04, 04 07:14 UTC
Today i want to talk about a view how to use space as an energy source. Lets begin with the fundamental energy sources, these are hot and cold, and electrons and atoms. If we go from hot to cold we make fuel and if we are going from cold to ...
Dec 30, 19 / Cap 28, 03 17:30 UTC
ROOM 4/2019
The digital version of ROOM 22 is online. Grtz, Dirk.
Jan 6, 20 / Aqu 06, 04 14:53 UTC
I liked Cosmo who survived on Mars!!
Dec 31, 19 / Cap 29, 03 02:06 UTC
I have them too... Well, I guess I'll send them an email then!
Dec 31, 19 / Cap 29, 03 01:55 UTC
Have you received the paper version? I am still waiting for mine...
Dec 29, 19 / Cap 27, 03 07:59 UTC
A new thought about the expansion of the universe. As i previous described the expansion of the universe as the biggest force, then lets now rethink how that force was build up over time. The logic way would be that after a big explosion all things cool down and the ...
Dec 27, 19 / Cap 25, 03 23:10 UTC
active or static..
A fast scribble about some earthly community aspects. Grtz, Dirk.
Dec 27, 19 / Cap 25, 03 19:43 UTC
Is there a 'permanent resident' status in Asgardia? Grtz, Dirk.
Jan 6, 20 / Aqu 06, 04 14:48 UTC
Nope, because it is always about the $$
Dec 29, 19 / Cap 27, 03 19:56 UTC
No such thing is planned in Asgardia. The Citizenship Law stipulates that even Citizens will have to pay the yearly Citizenship fee, currently set at 100€...
Dec 27, 19 / Cap 25, 03 20:30 UTC
If you can stay permanently in orbit... may be
Dec 26, 19 / Cap 24, 03 08:47 UTC
Lets use some space logic's to search for anti-gravity and gravity. The biggest force in space is the expanding of the universe. The next consequence of this force are the jets who eject electrons. The consequence of the ejecting electrons are the concentration of matter. The next consequence is that ...
Dec 26, 19 / Cap 24, 03 14:07 UTC
I think you would like to read about MHD (magnetohydrodynamic). Many new technologies of these last decades seems to originate from failed and successful experiments. For terrestrial vehicles seems to be quite useful but once in a distant space I don’t know where experiments and possibilities have pushed the limits ...
Dec 25, 19 / Cap 23, 03 19:23 UTC
Payment for resident fee + card accomplished. Grtz, Dirk.
Dec 28, 19 / Cap 26, 03 14:02 UTC
Hi Dirk is there now a Asgardia resident card available online?
Dec 27, 19 / Cap 25, 03 17:03 UTC
It has now been updated from 01/20 to 12/20... I guess no one can pay yet for 2021?
Dec 27, 19 / Cap 25, 03 13:47 UTC
They should not be online, but on hand with permission to travel to the European Union.
See all 8 comments
Dec 23, 19 / Cap 21, 03 17:22 UTC
safety first..
If landing on planets is difficult then we should make from the planets themselves plans for safe landings.