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Belgium, Zogge
May 3, 19 / Gem 11, 03 16:04 UTC
spiral ark
inflatable spiral ark rotating at 1G
May 3, 19 / Gem 11, 03 19:16 UTC
Does the spiral shape offers better mechanical proprieties than the wires in the vacuum ?
Apr 30, 19 / Gem 08, 03 19:53 UTC
earthing in space
Adding earthing to space objects in case of emergency and others.
May 2, 19 / Gem 10, 03 20:56 UTC
Hi ! After accepting the constitution go on your profile settings, provide the requested information then go to "Government services" where you can confirm your request of citizenship by paying the citizenship fee. I think that soon a single lifetime payment will be available but for the moment there is ...
May 2, 19 / Gem 10, 03 14:59 UTC
How to by citizenchip on asgardia i am from Sweden
May 1, 19 / Gem 09, 03 08:01 UTC
You please have to write more about this excellent topic!
See all 5 comments
Apr 27, 19 / Gem 05, 03 19:21 UTC
Would be a very interesting idea to work together with universities as students are mostly aware that linux is free to use and is also the main industrial operating system in use. If we could set it up as a serious project then the outcome would be great and we ...
Oct 17, 19 / Oph 10, 03 02:48 UTC
Linux is an Open Source operating system. It can be used for a desktop replacement to Windows or Mac OS/X. It is mostly used as the operating system on servers, but is gaining popularity as a desktop environment.
Sep 15, 19 / Sco 06, 03 13:20 UTC
Problem - linux is open source and there are several version of linux(ex. Mint, centos, fedora etc...)
Sep 15, 19 / Sco 06, 03 13:18 UTC
See all 5 comments
Apr 27, 19 / Gem 05, 03 18:23 UTC
Ok i am starting this as a linux user to make Asgardians aware that there are other solutions around. It would be very nice to have an own linux distro that runs a specific open Asgardian version. I have installed linux on several older computers (+30) and they all work ...
Dec 3, 19 / Cap 01, 03 18:17 UTC
I have been using Linux Ubuntu for more than 10 years. 10 years flight a normal. ))
Oct 17, 19 / Oph 10, 03 02:44 UTC
An Agardian themed version of Ubuntu shouldn't be hard. You could always keep the main repositories and add a PPO for any software that we wanted to add. We would likely need to roll a new version every time Ubuntu was released, but this could worked down to a few ...
Sep 25, 19 / Sco 16, 03 20:16 UTC
Greetings!The idea of having own GNU/Linux is really a big goal. I`m with Gentoo for 11 years now and could follow the unpleasent evolution of a metadistribution not meant for the masses. The effort is really tramendous to get the stone rolling AND maintaining the packages. A theme with a ...
See all 14 comments
Apr 24, 19 / Gem 02, 03 15:19 UTC
As we are planning to build something at Antarctica i would like to propose a lab for freezing gases and a vault for frozen dna. As we are burning fossil fuels and adding heat and heavy gases to our atmosphere we have to look out for ways in the other ...
Apr 25, 19 / Gem 03, 03 14:24 UTC
" No acts or activities taking place while the present Treaty is in force shall constitute a basis for asserting , supporting or denying a claim to territorial sovereignty in Antarctica or create any rights of sovereignty in Antarctica. No new claim, or enlargement of an existing claim to territorial ...
Apr 25, 19 / Gem 03, 03 07:12 UTC
Having completed 6 summer relief voyages to Antarctica I would caution against additional infrastructure on the Antarctic continent. It is one of the last pristine environments we have and there are already, possibly detrimental, commercial interest and development planned by various private/corporate entities. The Antarctic treaty was formed to protect ...
Apr 24, 19 / Gem 02, 03 18:04 UTC
I dream of going to Antarctica ! Count me in haha !
Apr 23, 19 / Gem 01, 03 08:17 UTC
universal energy's

Today i had an idea why the universe is expanding. Space is void and can seemingly absorb in two ways and react in two ways. It absorbs vibrations and frequency's and levels these out in expansion and electricity. On top of those there is an extra force building up ...

Apr 21, 19 / Tau 27, 03 15:31 UTC
radiation protection
water as protection, can also be different fluids and gases.
Apr 22, 19 / Gem 00, 03 15:22 UTC
You can get water in space from mining asteroids or the Moon, but where will you get all that oil for shielding a station :p ? In addition oil is not immune to ionization and not cost effective compared to water. If we have the equipment for shielding modules with ...
Apr 21, 19 / Tau 27, 03 22:22 UTC
You will need anti corrosion processes and special coating material to be on the contact surface with that water. Because ionizing radiation will cause water radiolysis and therefore corrosive free radicals that will attack metallic surfaces. You will probably also need a degassing system.
Apr 20, 19 / Tau 26, 03 19:31 UTC
new form 2
A variant on the previous one.. the web.
Apr 20, 19 / Tau 26, 03 19:49 UTC
Dirk hi, i found this on youtube
Apr 20, 19 / Tau 26, 03 19:17 UTC
new form
An other form of centrifugal habitat unit.. the flower.
Apr 14, 19 / Tau 20, 03 09:39 UTC
120° movement
Following my own viewings and the knowledge from Douglas from i came to the conclusion that the magnetic north-pole seems indeed to move in movements of 120°. I had previously come to the conclusion that it was 60° but that was concluded when the magnetic pole passed the geographic ...
Apr 14, 19 / Tau 20, 03 09:12 UTC
crust direction
Following my own latest forecasting tryouts, the pressure will move from direction Japan to direction Mexico. Which could involve Yellowstone as this is in the same direction. I think the vaults will close on the west-coast and put pressure on hot spots like Yellowstone. I make this forecast on the ...
Apr 15, 19 / Tau 21, 03 22:50 UTC
just curious, what do you base this off of? Sounds interesting.
Apr 14, 19 / Tau 20, 03 06:45 UTC
I was thinking at the present times and future times and it came to my thoughts that we should always keep a referencing point to stay humble in the future. There are many beliefs on earth and not all factors are bad, there are also good factors. The factor to ...
Apr 14, 19 / Tau 20, 03 06:07 UTC
spinning and bending
We say that light can not escape from a black-holes gravity but as i am thinking more and more about that there is something inside me that says that this is maybe not correct. We know that black-holes are spinning very fast and that is why they can absorb at ...
Nov 1, 19 / Oph 25, 03 21:16 UTC
That was the most beautiful image I have EVER seen!
Nov 1, 19 / Oph 25, 03 21:16 UTC
I literally cried when I saw this priceless and much long awaited image of a black hole captured in visible light via The Event Horizon Telescope!
Apr 15, 19 / Tau 21, 03 13:00 UTC
I believe the light "Plasma" is being eaten by the black hole. It may take centuries or millions of years to do so as the light and matter may be a long ways out from the event horizon. That being said, this light is probably already gone as it took ...
See all 6 comments
Apr 13, 19 / Tau 19, 03 00:34 UTC
Xray inv.

Left you see a black-hole in x-ray what is emitted dark-light, and right you see it inverted in colors which would show the absorbed dark-light at the other side of the spectrum. It are probably not the real colors but it is to give us a hint that we ...

Apr 10, 19 / Tau 16, 03 19:27 UTC

The safest way out of it..

Grtz, Dirk.

Apr 9, 19 / Tau 15, 03 19:52 UTC

Before docking we could use a ring with a diaphragm to stabilize the ball on stick or even to use with an other part from the spaceship. Maybe something like fueling jetplains at high altitude.

Grtz, Dirk.

Apr 9, 19 / Tau 15, 03 05:02 UTC
Ark gravity's

To have levels of gravity can be used as levels of development or caring. The moon ark could be used for the weakest amongst us and then gradually add up to earth and above. We should see it as a breading place for all sorts of gravity and resistance ...

Apr 9, 19 / Tau 15, 03 12:16 UTC
Good information about this... So which place would you like to start out at first... If Mars then your going to be living mostly under ground
Apr 8, 19 / Tau 14, 03 20:58 UTC
Apr 9, 19 / Tau 15, 03 12:23 UTC
Thank for this i didnt realize this was going on
Apr 7, 19 / Tau 13, 03 07:16 UTC
dark stuff

Ok, there is a lot of talking about dark energy and dark matter and how difficult it is to find it. But if we go back a few steps it looks to me very simple. As the universe gets older it compresses matter more and more true black-holes and ...

Apr 7, 19 / Tau 13, 03 10:04 UTC
Your compatriot, Pierre Magain, has developed the concept of the Universe that excludes the existence of dark energy and dark matter:
Apr 5, 19 / Tau 11, 03 18:50 UTC

Connection between high -points and low +quakes on opposite sides of earth?