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Belgium, Zogge
Jun 13, 18 / Can 24, 02 15:37 UTC

Today i am upgrading my devuan 1 systems to devuan 2.

Grtz, Dirk.

Jun 11, 18 / Can 22, 02 15:56 UTC

If we are looking for a place to hide then we have found it a long time ago. The difference between the closest and the farthest side of moon shows us the differences of impacts. So the best place to hide is at a place on the moon which ...

Jun 21, 18 / Leo 04, 02 10:20 UTC
Other reason for not building it on the dark side of the moon, is because it's already full with alien structures ;-)
Jun 11, 18 / Can 22, 02 21:26 UTC
I agree
Jun 11, 18 / Can 22, 02 16:58 UTC
Or maybe under the earth?
Jun 6, 18 / Can 17, 02 17:00 UTC

We say that galaxy's are flat disks. But i think there is more then the eye can see. The above picture is a case apart but it is to illustrate what i want to say. The flat disk that we see is something that we could compare with the ...

May 24, 18 / Can 04, 02 20:49 UTC

I saw it comming. Because of my heavier activity's in the digital univers my current system had regularly some hiccups. So i have switched to a double speeder from 2 to 4 cores. Not one of those expensive ones just one that was somewhat faster and even older. As ...

May 24, 18 / Can 04, 02 06:21 UTC
Red lines..

I am in favor to go for red lines. What i mean by that is that we need some red lines true our philosophy and workings inside Asgardia. A few red lines we can already add: peace in space, unity in space, science in space, protection from space, etc.. ...

May 25, 18 / Can 05, 02 04:16 UTC
Never heard of Kessler syndrome until now, interesting. Best art ive seen on the internet Dirk... Red lines!
May 20, 18 / Can 00, 02 18:22 UTC

Today i dismounted an old desktop computer and mounted everything in a tower model. Had some fiddling to do with psu but in the end i have placed it at the bottom. Just a few fans to be installed and gluing the psu to the bottom and where done. ...

May 16, 18 / Gem 24, 02 20:28 UTC

The universe i personally see is not one of a one time event, is see it as a recycling event. If we start with the smallest particles, the so called dark matter, we say that they are the largest mass of the universe, only we can not see them ...

May 16, 18 / Gem 24, 02 01:48 UTC

With the recent new findings about black-holes and quantum physics i was thinking about a link between these two. If sub-atomic particles could have a link to each-other in different atoms that are at very large distances from each other, then they must have had a close relation to ...

May 13, 18 / Gem 21, 02 10:38 UTC

Today is meccano-day. Disassembling a computer to the bare case. Just leaving, psu, motherboard, harddisk and a tiny knob to start the thing. A real bare-bone.


Grtz, Dirk.

May 10, 18 / Gem 18, 02 17:53 UTC

Today was a day of recycling computer stuff. I had 3 boxes in the end, 1 for metals that i had cleaned up as much as i could, 1 for hard plastic parts and 1 for print-plates with as much taken of as i could. These boxes will go ...

May 11, 18 / Gem 19, 02 03:44 UTC
Great moment in a recicler day, congratulations!!!
May 10, 18 / Gem 18, 02 11:48 UTC
Another world..

This one was a surprise to me. As we see here the sharks in their underwater-world we see the usual cyan color of the water. If we invert that, then that would take us to the colors that are absorbed. Interesting to see here is that the seawater is ...

May 10, 18 / Gem 18, 02 09:22 UTC
From above..

Another heat problem from above. Recently the Internet is overloaded with images of aurora's. Personally i am not happy with those pictures as they point us to the dangers of radiation from the sun. Our vision is based on reflection so if you invert the green then you ...

May 11, 18 / Gem 19, 02 02:26 UTC
I forgot to add the link to my post about control dramas: Asgardian MPS 101: Understanding Control Dramas that EVERY human has. Also, my post on why 'Utopian' communities fail, and what we could be aware of to prevent that: Why 'Utopian' communities fail - and what Asgardians will ...
May 11, 18 / Gem 19, 02 02:24 UTC
IF the sources I have read are correct - and although I am not sure they are 100% correct, my intuition tells me that we are on the cusp of VERY significant and profound changes on the DNA level in our species. The Schumann Resonance (heartbeat) of the Earth has ...
May 10, 18 / Gem 18, 02 13:37 UTC
The energies of our Sun are apparently changing, and they are impacting our entire solar system. There is a LOT that we are not being told about these changes (yet), but they are impacting all planets, and also our bodies on significant levels. This is also why there have been ...
May 8, 18 / Gem 16, 02 08:23 UTC
UV and roads..

Every time that we lay some asphalt or concrete we eliminate the possibility to absorb UV like all green nature on earth. This radiation bounces back to the atmosphere and heats it. It is time that we build roads that absorb UV and in the mean time we could ...

May 6, 18 / Gem 14, 02 21:43 UTC

One of the seven wise; i will strive to my greatest ability to sacrifice my selfish needs to aid and prosper human kind. For this I shall build only one legacy, one that forgives all, one that peers into the soul and origin of being.

Crash through ...

Jun 27, 18 / Leo 10, 02 10:29 UTC
Very Good! l see 😍
May 6, 18 / Gem 14, 02 14:54 UTC

Today i saw Olegnizhnik's blog posts, he is doing some sort of diary what he is doing daily. I am going to adopt this and plant here some stuff about computers what i do for hobby. This way maybe someone can learn from it. Ok, today i cleaned up ...

Apr 28, 18 / Gem 06, 02 04:20 UTC
Heat vs Density..

Ok this one is a though one and will surely stir some brains around. We are questioning ourselfs where all dark matter is gone. I will give you a theory that could explain some questions. Here it goes. We are saying that all mass-body's in space are very hot ...

Apr 28, 18 / Gem 06, 02 17:44 UTC
Hi Dirk. You'd be interested to know why these large bodies are hottest on the inside. Neutron stars themselves, for instance, were once large suns. The fusion process that releases heat was only possible with sufficient pressure and heat, so more likely in the core. When the fusion dies off ...
Apr 28, 18 / Gem 06, 02 05:11 UTC
Stephen Hawkings, handsome and happy in this argument, yes heat like as a big warm!! look his words: Towards the beginning of the 60s of the last century there was an intense debate about whether the Universe had a beginning a finite time ago. In the event that this is ...
Apr 22, 18 / Gem 00, 02 13:10 UTC
Material vs gases..

As a follow-up to my previous article here you can see the difference of perception with our biological view and an inverted logical view. In the first picture of the nebula we see clearly the material on the outside of the explosion as by the second picture the focus ...

Apr 22, 18 / Gem 00, 02 12:15 UTC
Biological vs Inverted..

We are born on earth and are a biological life-form. Our eyes are a biological by-product from nature to see what is eatable and not, for example. What if we would build a new logical space-eye not based on our biological eye but on the most logical way to ...

Jun 2, 18 / Can 13, 02 09:23 UTC
You're great @Dirk Baeyens.
Apr 28, 18 / Gem 06, 02 17:58 UTC
You'd have to consider what's useful. Do we need to see all of the light waves that travel in directions that don't concern us? What you can do, though, is calculate the expected energy of light that you might encounter in space, for instance, on a trip to Mars. When ...
Apr 8, 18 / Tau 14, 02 05:42 UTC
Mining Route..

If we are planning to go mining in space then the obvious plan would go to the broken up planets. That is the only way to get the internal dense iron materials from inside a planet. The nearest by is the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Because ...

Apr 2, 18 / Tau 08, 02 07:53 UTC
Observations and contra-forces..

As long as there has been a knowledge of our night-sky there have been observations about this mysterious happening. Recent observations have put forward that the universe is continuous expanding. It is here that i want to start my personal view on this ever existing universe with my personal ...