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Belgium, Zogge
Jun 20, 24 / Leo 04, 08 12:26 UTC
new galactic female astronauts..
Jun 19, 24 / Leo 03, 08 18:07 UTC
romspace at unoosa..
Jun 19, 24 / Leo 03, 08 17:53 UTC
the latest from our belgian astronaut: grtz,dirk
Jun 19, 24 / Leo 03, 08 03:34 UTC
Jun 19, 24 / Leo 03, 08 03:42 UTC
placing unity, love and peace above prestige, money and power..
Jun 18, 24 / Leo 02, 08 16:57 UTC
Jun 18, 24 / Leo 02, 08 16:43 UTC
moon conference.. grtz,dirk
Jun 17, 24 / Leo 01, 08 18:34 UTC
Jun 17, 24 / Leo 01, 08 16:25 UTC
Euro Space Center.. website:
Jun 17, 24 / Leo 01, 08 16:51 UTC
Jun 17, 24 / Leo 01, 08 12:45 UTC
we could use an additional item in the social page menu.. between Asgardians and Map we could have a new item called Residents.. it could be a platform that is the same as for Asgardians but limited for only Residents and higher.. the benefit of this platform would be no ...
Jun 17, 24 / Leo 01, 08 07:53 UTC
unity in space..
our symbol of unity in space..
Jun 17, 24 / Leo 01, 08 02:18 UTC
Today, June 17, 2024, we come together to celebrate Asgardia's National Unity Day – “the 1st of Leo.” This special day is observed on June 18 every non-leap year and June 17 every leap year by the Gregorian calendar. We honor the spirit of unity that defines Asgardia, the Nation ...
Jun 15, 24 / Can 27, 08 22:28 UTC
Greetings, Asgardians! As we come together to celebrate Asgardian Unity Day, let us take a moment to reflect on the profound vision that brought us here. Our nation, Asgardia, stands as a beacon of hope and unity, transcending the divisions that have long plagued our home planet, Earth. From the ...
Jun 16, 24 / Leo 00, 08 18:15 UTC
Happy Asgardian Unity Day! I hope to make connections here with people who are interested in the long term prospects of relativistic space travel, as well as to share my work on the subject concerning FTL space travel, which I calculate will be possible the 26th century: 'Surfing the Edge ...
Jun 13, 24 / Can 25, 08 03:00 UTC
As Asgardians are the donors of fees to Asgardia, apart from the investments of HoN, it should be logical to reinvest a percentage of this income, going up to 25%. This would keep interest in Asgardia alive and the fees steadily growing. With this reinvestment money, a reward system could ...
Jun 12, 24 / Can 24, 08 11:41 UTC
in what ways are asgardians unified.. first of all we are unified by the human soul.. this soul is pure and for all humans the same by birth.. it is the goal of humanity to keep that pureness during our lives and to tackle difficulties.. together we are stronger and ...
Jun 12, 24 / Can 24, 08 11:11 UTC
here we have a place to talk about Unity Day.. idea's and actions are welcome.. lets give some input for this event.. grtz,dirk
Jun 12, 24 / Can 24, 08 11:05 UTC
online Unity Day gathering in communities..
Jun 12, 24 / Can 24, 08 11:02 UTC
online community place to celebrate Unity Day.. link: grtz,dirk
Jun 12, 24 / Can 24, 08 10:51 UTC
some action idea's generated with chatgpt: 1. Welcome and Introduction Threads Introduce Yourself: Create a thread for new and existing members to introduce themselves, share their backgrounds, and express what they hope to achieve as part of Asgardia. Welcome Committee: Organize a team of members to personally welcome newcomers and ...
Jun 11, 24 / Can 23, 08 11:45 UTC
where are the asgardians in our local space environment aka the solarsystem.. to answer that question we would need a 3D map of the solarsystem with the tags of al asgardians.. the personal tag devices could be a badge, phone, idcard, etc etc.. an AI should keep track of all ...
Jun 10, 24 / Can 22, 08 20:16 UTC
we say that light has a constant speed in the whole universe and therefor the universe must be expanding.. but what if this is not so.. let me explain.. lets start with the idea that the universe is static with moving density's.. next we put light in different situations.. close ...
Jun 11, 24 / Can 23, 08 03:40 UTC
I find that a thought-provoking perspective.