Your location
Santos, State of São Paulo, Brazil
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:30 UTC

Quais são os seus sonos e metas para Asgardia, e o que faz para tornar realidade..

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:30 UTC

Sei que Asgardia já é uma realidade, e estamos aqui para aprimorar o avanço social, econômico e tecnológico dela, mas me referia ao quadro de voluntários, se estão interessados em participar e difundir esta ideia, para que seja uma realidade acessível a todos, porém acho muito válida sua resposta ...

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:30 UTC

Boas, Willian ... Seja bem-vindo .

Asgardia já é uma realidade. E estamos aqui para aprimorar o avanço social, econômico e tecnológico dela. Aliás, dia 18 de junho (domingo) deste ano - calendário Gregoriano - ou 1º de Asgard de 2017 ...

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:30 UTC

Isto não vai dar certo, o homem não voa, o céu é o limite, você deve estar louco de querer ir ou pensar em participar.Pessoas negativas nunca vão faltar em nossa jornada, por mais desanimador e duro que sejam nossas escolhas, será por virtude delas que nos tornaremos mais ...

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:30 UTC

Esta ideologia só pode ser usada como ferramenta de estudo a Ciência e religião em um modo neutro.Imaginem um lugar onde todas as religiões podem coabitar juntas, para uma verdadeira paz no universo, imaginar que acreditam em um deus, os que acreditam em vários Deuses e os que não ...

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:30 UTC

Admin, a cookie for this guy

But we must be care with "Free Think"

Otherwise any thought, idea or objective without fundamental methods of science like investigation, research and comprehension is useless...

And, everything you said is right, we must unite forces to ...

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:30 UTC

This post has been translated using * Google Translate *. Please keep this in mind that this forum uses *English* as a base language at this moment, however you are able to use your native language in the * Regional Forums ...

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:30 UTC

Cadê esse povo alegre, trabalhador e dedicado.Cadê esse povo guerreiro inovador e sonhador, CADÊ OS PAULISTANOS DO BRASIL !!!!!!!


Aug 1, 18 / Vir 17, 02 13:58 UTC
Aqui eu.
Nov 7, 17 / Sag 03, 01 05:20 UTC

LeoBrazil, Prazer em conhece-lo, Alto da Lapa cidade linda

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:30 UTC

Paulistano aqui, Willian. Nascido e criado na Zona Oeste - Alto da Lapa/Perdizes.

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
Prazer a todos Asgardianos Acredito que todos nós sabemos o que acontece quando uma civilização avançada se depara com uma menos avançada, raramente partilham do conhecimento, muitas vezes elás as destrói, assim como os portugueses fizeram com os índios, e muitos humanos fazem até hoje, em diferentes cantos e povos ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
"English is the language used on most Asgardian forums", It is the most used, but not the only one. As you have suggested, there is a translator. Gracias por la sugerencia de tu materia. Obrigado pelo teu artigo. Nice
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
The major flaw with the analogy you'd presented is we would be the more advanced civilisation - the evolution. We've already got "their" knowledge, that's where we started from, It should be us with the "new" knowlege to impart. Especially once we really start with heavy research across a wide ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:29 UTC
English is the language used on most Asgardian forums. The exception is on the regional forums where you can use your own language. It is recommended to use Google Translate if English is not a language that you know well. Follow the link to the Regional forums. If you have ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:28 UTC
Hello Asgardian citizens, My name is Jean Carlo Martinelli, I teach Physical Education in schools and fundamental schools, and I also work in the science museum in the city of São Paulo called Catavento Cultural and Educational. My university education is Pedagogy and Physical Education, and at the technical level ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:28 UTC
Hi , im currently in australia . Im 22 years old and im studying to get my BOS degree in chemistry and hopefully further that by getting a PhD in later years .
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:28 UTC
Hello all. I am a former U.S. Army soldier, trained in Basic Life Saving, I have a very rudimentary knowledge of basic medical procedures, along with an incredibly defined sense of duty. I suppose as one of my NCOs put it, "If you got shot in the battlefield, you could ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:28 UTC
Hi Asgardia love one's, I'm fatemeh ghodrati and I'm born 8 January 1992, I have computer diploma, I have expertise with acdl,social media,internet I'm translator to English to farci, farci to English,Turkish to English,English to turkish, farci to turkish,Turkish to farci, I am a space,flight,aerospace lover, I love music, i ...
See all 7 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:27 UTC
According to our founding father, it is scheduled for this year the launch of our first satellite. Does anyone know how this is going to be used? How it will help our plans to live in Space or find funding for scientific research? Hope someone has an answer... Regards.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:27 UTC


I am awaiting an announcement on this topic with excitement, just like everyone else. But here we can speculate as to what it will be.

I would like to see a launch of a Station Core. Now there are a lot of technical aspects ...

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:27 UTC
To take the artists conception purely, then it's likely to be a 2U or 3U cubesat, purpose unknown. I was under the impression this was more of a symbolic gesture than a practical endeavour.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:27 UTC
Hi RaWolf, At this stage we do not have a date when any information will be released. As soon as publicly released information is available it will be announced on the Asgardia.Space website, Facebook Page and in the Announcement / News section of the Forum.
See all 8 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:27 UTC
Greetings Asgardian friends! Existem mais brasileiros e sul-americanos por aqui? Gostaria de conhecer mais pessoas daqui que estão apreciando esta nova nação. **Mod Edit** This is the translation into English. Greetings Asgardian friends! There are more Brazilians and South Americans here? I would like to know more people here who ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:27 UTC
Welcome! We have many discussions and projects happening at the moment. We welcome your ideas. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the terms if you havn’t already. Let us know if you have any questions. English is the language used on most Asgardian forums. The exception is on the ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
I am physically handicapped, I use wheelchairs, I am a Social Worker, and I ask about accessibility for the disabled who have registered. Is Asgardia taking into account people who have a disability?
Sep 13, 18 / Sco 04, 02 03:42 UTC
Приветик а точнее доброе утро! я из России и могу сказать Алине да Силва вы очень красивая и мужественная девушка с вас нужно брать пример
Feb 18, 18 / Pis 21, 02 23:17 UTC
I would like to have your attention on my profile. I am a candidate for the parliament of Asgardia and I would like you to vote for me. I want to have your confidence so that we can make dreams come true.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
I am very grateful for the feedback, and I am available to help. I'm a one-page Facebook blogger, with 16,000 likes, that deals with disability. If you need help and opinions I am at your disposal.
See all 4 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
I have an idea to eliminate the fake Asgardians. Each national chapter will check its members. A team of moderators from each country will ask members for a valid document from their country of origin that is easily verified with local governments. In Brazil, we have a social number called ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
I am wondering if the ,fake members, are computer generated or they are real people, if they are real people should we not let them be whomever they want to be, is not one of our goals and mandate to embrace all in equality, why then should we judge how ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
There are people registered in Asgardia who use fake names like Jaspion, Superman, Batman, and my suggestion is that in each country a group of moderators be formed to filter out these surreal cases. I know there are some types of documents in each country that are easily verifiable over ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
What you planned to is like creating some linkage between Asgardia and govenments on earth. It is not necessary. And as Chinese I can tell you it's not easy to check with government while at least in paper Chinese take the most part of our population. For those already having ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
Que a luz da nossa proposta, contribua para iluminar a humanidade!🇦🇩🇦🇪🇦🇫🇦🇬🇦🇮🇦🇱🇦🇲🇦🇽🇦🇼🇦🇺🇦🇹🇦🇸🇦🇷🇦🇴🇦🇿🇧🇦🇧🇧🇧🇩🇧🇪🇧🇫🇧🇬🇧🇭🇧🇮🇧🇯🇧🇲🇧🇳🇧🇴🇧🇷🇨🇨🇨🇦🇧🇿🇧🇾🇧🇼🇧🇹🇧🇸🇨🇩🇨🇫🇨🇬🇨🇭🇨🇮🇨🇰🇨🇱🇨🇲🇨🇳🇨🇴🇨🇷🇨🇺🇨🇻🇨🇼🇩🇲🇩🇰🇩🇯🇩🇪🇨🇿🇨🇾🇨🇽🇩🇴🇩🇿🇪🇨🇪🇪🇪🇬🇪🇷🇪🇸🇪🇹🇪🇺🇫🇮🇫🇯🇫🇲🇫🇴🇫🇷🇬🇮🇬🇭🇬🇬🇬🇪🇬🇩🇬🇧🇬🇦🇬🇱🇬🇲🇬🇳🇬🇶🇬🇷🇬🇹🇬🇺🇬🇼🇬🇾🇭🇰🇭🇳🇭🇷🇭🇹🇭🇺🇮🇶🇮🇴🇮🇳🇮🇲🇮🇱🇮🇪🇮🇩🇮🇷🇮🇸🇮🇹🇯🇪🇯🇲🇯🇴🇯🇵🇰🇪🇰🇬🇰🇭🇰🇮🇰🇲🇰🇳🇰🇵🇱🇨🇱🇧🇱🇦🇰🇿🇰🇾🇰🇼🇰🇷🇱🇮🇱🇰🇱🇷🇱🇸🇱🇹🇱🇺🇱🇻🇱🇾🇲🇦🇲🇨🇲🇩🇲🇪🇲🇬🇲🇭🇲🇷🇲🇵🇲🇴🇲🇳🇲🇲🇲🇱🇲🇰🇲🇸🇲🇹🇲🇺🇲🇻🇲🇼🇲🇽🇲🇾🇲🇿🇳🇦🇳🇪🇳🇫🇳🇬🇳🇮🇳🇱🇵🇦🇴🇲🇳🇿🇳🇺🇳🇷🇳🇵🇳🇴🇵🇪🇵🇫🇵🇬🇵🇭🇵🇰🇵🇱🇵🇳🇵🇷🇵🇸🇵🇹🇵🇼🇵🇾🇶🇦🇷🇴🇸🇩🇸🇨🇸🇧🇸🇦🇷🇼🇷🇺🇷🇸🇸🇪🇸🇬🇸🇮🇸🇰🇸🇱🇸🇲🇸🇳🇸🇴🇸🇷🇸🇸🇸🇹🇸🇻🇸🇽🇸🇾🇹🇰🇹🇯🇹🇭🇹🇬🇹🇩🇹🇨🇸🇿🇹🇱🇹🇲🇹🇳🇹🇴🇹🇷🇹🇹🇹🇻🇹🇼🇹🇿🇺🇦🇺🇬🇺🇸🇺🇾🇺🇿🇻🇺🇻🇳🇻🇮🇻🇬🇻🇪🇻🇨🇻🇦🇼🇸🇾🇪🇿🇦🇿🇲🇿🇼
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
Currently, the user level is displayed next to the user's name with a specific color. I think this takes unnecessary space and just clutters the screen. What should be done, in my opinion, is just have the user's name colored. For example, in my case, I have a blue "Translator" ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
That's why I think the best solution is not to use badges but rather change the user text color with additional information on mouse hover.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
Wastes even less space to remove a redundant facet.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
> Why should that matter? >The people with authority to do something will, should it be required, and those without can't. Advertising this doesn't change that. >When it comes to actually making posts, then it should be judged by the content of the post, and not any "status" attached to ...
See all 17 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
Hello all, Thanks for accepting me into the Translation team! I have one question about Portuguese. There are two major variants: Brazil and Portugal. So far, I've not seen a distinction of those two in the forums, how are we doing it? I'm a Brazilian Portuguese translator, by the way. ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
I believe that bitcoin would be the great currency option for Asgardia, due to the fact that our citizens reside in several countries, bitcoin would greatly facilitate the business in Asgardia.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
I think business will be better solved in dollars.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
Before we worry about a national currency, I think we should first come up with a banking system that is as tamper proof as can be. We do not want a repeat of what has happened in the US. Greedy selfish folks screwing over the rest of the citizens. If ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
I like the idea of using bitcoin as the currency, though I wish the value would finally stabilize for the sake of conversions. Though I think some form of a resource based economy is ultimately the way to go.
See all 19 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
I believe that bitcoin would be the great currency option for Asgardia, due to the fact that our citizens reside in several countries, bitcoin would greatly facilitate the business in Asgardia.
Jun 27, 18 / Leo 10, 02 16:23 UTC
I agree using Bitcoin or crypto currency as the currency for Asgardians
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC

BitCoin is not sutable as it can not be influenced by the govenment. We can create any electronic currency but it should be posible to manipulate it by government acts. Say issue, emit.

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC

I don't like Bitcoin. I think it is a bad idea cause it's often used for criminal activities. We should make our own crypted currency.

See all 43 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
This is a question more for the mods/admins. Would you like or would it be helpful to have a compilation of all suggestions made in the Feedback forum? I started doing something like it in [my personal suggestions post](, but those have my personal opinions on it. I thought about ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
A nation without a president, without taxes, without invasive laws, without public services. Resolve trade among you, population. Do you want a hospital? Join other people and build one. No schools, parents are responsible for education of their children, and eveybody is totally responsible for himself. You are free to ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
I think liberlad must be the inspiration for asgaridia, now and in the future. This is a land os respect and responsability. The best atributes of human been. Cooperativity and help the others is also a atribute of all humans, so what's the problem? If we star to think that ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
I don't think so. I do not get the impression that Asgardia is intended to be based on some libertarian ideology at all. And If you read the concept page, in regards to scientific base of knowledge, there is reference to it being accessible 'free and direct', there is even ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
Hello Italo, >eveybody is totally responsible for himself I think that's a problem. Asgardian philosophy is oriented to well-being of humanity, and that means that we are all responsible for each other. Liberland, in my opinion, is selfish, self oriented state. If someone tries to do suicide - leave him, ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:24 UTC
Greetings! Below is a list of all suggestions made on the *Feedback Forum* ( ) and in this thread (in no particular order). Let me know if I missed something. ### Forum - UI Improvements 2. There is too much space between each subforum. Since ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:24 UTC
Commonly, I'd expect it to take place by machine. Ant-colony optimisation.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:24 UTC
Hi, greetings from Spain. I've been searching for Transportation and can't find it. I would suggest a Ministry of Transportation to regulate space travel, licensing and permits. For example if someone builds a spaceship or a cargo-ship and wants to be a pilot or navigator or whatever it would be ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:24 UTC
Naw, what we need - IMHO - Is a place for input minimally.. Sure, we could just spam the forum with raw code but ideally it'd take some form of collaborational tools(in the list of not happened since December). Then we can actually build solutions - ideally based around open ...
See all 49 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:24 UTC
Vamos nos conhecer melhor, e juntos contribuir para que Asgardia se torne uma nação forte e soberana...
Feb 16, 18 / Pis 19, 02 13:26 UTC
Meus amigos, a eleição está as portas, precisamos nos unir em prol desse sonho, de termos uma Asgardia forte, e com pessoas comprometidas na evolução e no bem da humanidade. Essa é uma oportunidade de votarem em seus representantes para que sejamos a voz dos Asgardianos de língua portuguesa. Conto ...
Jun 17, 17 / Leo 00, 01 23:28 UTC

Boa noite à todos! Me chamo Jeferson, moro em São Paulo e atualmente estou na escola técnica cursando informática (programação).

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:24 UTC

Bom dia, sou Willian Nascimento de Brito Almeida, Curso bacharel em Enfermagem, Piloto Privado-Avião, etc, sou de Mauá, São Paulo, e é uma honra poder contribuir cada dia mais com este fantástico projeto.

See all 62 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:24 UTC
Hello fellow Asgardians, We have seen many, many posts about language. Should it be English ? Esperanto ? Universal translators ? New language, as suggested many times below ? We decided to make an official thread about that. Feel free to comment here ! And please note this is the ...
Apr 6, 18 / Tau 12, 02 19:25 UTC
A simple leaf falling from a tree suffices for a major change at the universal level. While a certain man watched a leaf fall from a tree, he had the inspiration to create a particular martial art. This martial art, which came from the mind of a man who was ...
Apr 3, 18 / Tau 09, 02 22:12 UTC
Caros Irmãos asgardianos! Amanhã, 04-04, lembramos os 50 anos da morte do "Homem que tinha um sonho". Martin Luther King Jr. é uma das perssonalidades que tiveram grande influência na minha formação. Não preciso dizer a vocês o quanto este homem foi, ou deve ser importante para todos que lutam ...
Apr 3, 18 / Tau 09, 02 01:17 UTC
Parabéns pela campanha limpa e honesta, digna de um Asgardiano. Nos dias que antecederam as eleições parlamentares em Asgardia, eu conheci pessoas altamente qualificadas para ocupar um cargo no Parlamento, mas que por algum motivo não conseguiram chegar alcançar este objetivo. O que eu tenho a dizer para estas mentes ...
See all 81 comments