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Envigado, Antioquia, Colombia
Aug 8, 17 / Vir 24, 01 15:04 UTC
Operating System

Development of an operating system for the community of Asgardia

Jul 20, 17 / Vir 05, 01 20:05 UTC


Jul 20, 17 / Vir 05, 01 19:42 UTC
Jun 30, 18 / Leo 13, 02 04:35 UTC
hermosa asgardiana
Jul 20, 17 / Vir 05, 01 19:30 UTC

Let's go to another Place

Nov 14, 18 / Sag 10, 02 06:05 UTC
Добрый день ВСЕМ ! Честно говоря в космос я не верю , пока сам там не побываю). Тем не менее , если люди туда стремятся я иду вместе с ними . НО кроме космоса существуют еще и Паралельные миры , в которые попасть проще. Просто надо найти естественный Портал и ...
Jul 12, 17 / Leo 25, 01 17:26 UTC

I invite you to vote for me.

Jul 12, 17 / Leo 25, 01 07:59 UTC
WE are goin up!

I am here helping people to help, and make peace over this world. Vote if you believe.

Feb 28, 21 / Ari 03, 05 15:42 UTC
Hola Harold es un gusto saber que estas en Health and Wellness , estaré atenta a tus comentarios, saludos !!
Nov 9, 18 / Sag 05, 02 05:50 UTC
приглашаю посетить мою тему паралельный мир в разделе Наука и техника . Оставьте свое сообщение . https://asgardia.космос / ru / форум / форум / наука и техника-176
Jun 21, 17 / Leo 04, 01 15:01 UTC

Tudo para todos en el planeta desde la Ciudad de Armenia Quindio,Colombia.,Me pueden encontrar en facebook como jimmy alexander rojas loaiza.,Invito a todo aquel que desee hacer parte de la primera Nacion Espacial ,a que voten su constitucion por una nueva humanidad sin fronteras ni distingos en ...

Jun 20, 17 / Leo 03, 01 18:29 UTC

I believe in freedom, I believe in each and everyone, I decide to believe others people truth and I decide to be free of misconceptions. I want to remind everyone that the beauty in earth, it's the beauty in the its people. Let make Asgardia, our new home, fullfil ...

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
I don't want to write my own draft, and I'm not egotistical enough to actually believe people will take my opinions to heart and act on them. However, I do have some very serious and very innovative requests for our Constitution. I realize the perspective many of you have going ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
Never is a long time. I can do significantly shorter. Sure, in the early phases there will be a need to interact with Earth currencies. As to the mining not taking place immediately, that will have to happen in order for us to amass the resources to be able to ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
Asgardia will never be able to totally break free from the need to involve itself with the currency system of the nations of Earth. Because the nations of Earth have based their economies around them and Asgardia will have a need to engage in trade and when it does what ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
A mash of republic tribal socialism would work... You knock communism then go on to basically describe communism as what you would like to see. Did you notice that?
See all 5 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
I do apologize if somebody has already pointed this out.. but I was looking through the forums, trying to find a discussion to jump in when I realized that I was able to see all of the forum posts without even having to log in. My question is this: Do ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
Thanks for your response Mr Rainbow =)
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
@Salfelder - If you click on your display name, it will show you your public profile, the only information displayed here is your username, no personal information is displayed to the public.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
I have a unique name easily traceable to a specific spot in my country. I am always concerned with privacy. Is there not someway to do first name and last initial when posting in a public forum? I do not mind becoming part of a community and that community having ...
See all 6 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:24 UTC
Hello all! Just wanted to thank everyone who spent long hours making this forum, it seems great! Samuel Leigh Fisher