Your location
Desouk, Kafr Ibrahim, Desouk, Kafr El Sheikh Governorate, Egypt
Jul 2, 18 / Leo 15, 02 18:32 UTC

The national unity is one of the most important elements of the developed state, where there are internal conflicts and disputes that destroy the nation's core, where the state focuses on successful projects that work at the height of the nation's prestige.

The sense of national unity ...

Jun 30, 18 / Leo 13, 02 12:49 UTC

Trust and communicate

We have never been able to be a human society and we do not know each other who wants to get to know Ali better. Can you send me a message? Can you send me a call on +201552427320


Jun 30, 18 / Leo 13, 02 12:10 UTC
Together for the reality industry

If I'm in Cairo, I'll say I'm from Tanta

And if you are in Europe, I will say, I am from Egypt

And if you are in space, I will say, I am from the earth

This is how the priorities are formed. ...

Jul 1, 18 / Leo 14, 02 22:18 UTC
My English is not very good, but .. It's worth realizing that everyone will have to give up part of their life beliefs. To break some of the ties with the history of our people. Are you ready for such sacrifices?
Jun 29, 18 / Leo 12, 02 20:46 UTC

The tree can not continue to grow without roots. You can not reach space without having strong roots on the ground. Therefore, my first goal is to make strong roots on the ground.

Jun 29, 18 / Leo 12, 02 20:43 UTC

The real countries only lead creative minds and we need creative minds to start our state. I do not seek to classify people. But those who lead must be creative minds. We must establish this principle in the principle of the nascent state so that we can attract the ...

Jul 1, 18 / Leo 14, 02 22:32 UTC
I am very happy to join this new and good world
Jun 30, 18 / Leo 13, 02 04:47 UTC
Possibly any human being with the right tools and the look at a goal like ours, can be a useful and creative being; in this way I would not be considering the division between human beings with greater or lesser qualities to perform a work in Asgardia and dreaming of ...
Jun 29, 18 / Leo 12, 02 20:30 UTC

The resources are among the most important elements of the state, where it is never possible for any country to do without resources. We now have human resources represented by the members of the current state and we must utilize these resources and employ them in the best way ...

Jun 29, 18 / Leo 12, 02 20:34 UTC
Give me vote
Jun 29, 18 / Leo 12, 02 19:56 UTC

من اجل ان نحقق الحلم لابد ان ننظر الى الواقع واذا اردت ان تصل الى السماء لابد فلابد لك ان تقف على الارض وليس اى ارض لابد ان تكون ارض صلبة تتحمل وصلوك الى الفضاء فلا يمكن ابدا الوصول الى الفضاء بدون ارض وارض قوية تمكنك من الصمود فى ...

Jun 30, 18 / Leo 13, 02 21:58 UTC
Not sure what happened... the last half did not post above. Let me continue: - < UNDERSTANDING CONTROL DRAMAS THAT EVERY HUMAN HAS> ===================================================================== Of course, breaking those addictive patterns are going to be emotionally traumatic for many people. After all, we were raised in certain environments, with certain ...
Jun 30, 18 / Leo 13, 02 21:56 UTC
Your point is very valid, Mohamed and this is why my entire campaign for Asgardia has been focused on this: starting from the ground on more levels than just one. It will be necessary to start from ground levels when we think about our 'physical reality; our 'emotional' reality; our ...
Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 20:02 UTC

How Should We get ideas to develop our Beginning Economy?

كيف يمكننا أن نحصل على أفكار جديدة لكي نطور اقتصادنا الناشئ ؟

Jun 29, 18 / Leo 12, 02 00:13 UTC
1- yes that's right, also we can make national products bought by Asgardians all over the world like T-shirts and clothes with Asgardia logo as a small contribution to build our economy 2- we can also invest ideas in the robotics, green energy and science fields
Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 21:06 UTC
1. We can develop new generation of software and sell it to all world . 2. We can invest in energy sources and have great profit . 3. Create new technology and sell it to all world
Jun 27, 18 / Leo 10, 02 00:58 UTC

Why should I leave earth and live far away? Hmm.. lets see. Basically I'm done with everyone here, everyone I know. I've lived a short life on this planet and it was all for nothing. I had goals and ambition and none of them happened, or happened and got ...

Jun 16, 18 / Can 27, 02 01:44 UTC

I know that there are many candidates have experience more than me, but I'm sure that I will use my administration and financial experience - gained during about 12 years of working for many establishments - in building our Asgardia future ☺

Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 03:08 UTC
thank you m.r ramadan
Jun 27, 18 / Leo 10, 02 04:32 UTC
Hi mohamed, of course , ask anything you want :)
Jun 27, 18 / Leo 10, 02 00:57 UTC
Hello Dear Ramadan I was born in Kafr El-Sheikh governorate and I want to get to know you and support some friends from my birthplace. I need some information about Asgaridia. Can you help me in that? Can you send me your phone number to support each other for asgardia ...
Jun 10, 18 / Can 21, 02 23:57 UTC

Justice, Equality, and Honesty

Jun 16, 18 / Can 27, 02 17:50 UTC
Many thanks Chathurika Herath ☺
Jun 15, 18 / Can 26, 02 15:55 UTC
Jun 14, 18 / Can 25, 02 15:52 UTC
Just now voted on you my friend:)
Jun 9, 18 / Can 20, 02 10:51 UTC
Encouraging ideas, promote your abilities

الكثيرون رفض تصديق فكرة الدولة الفضائية في بدايتها ولكننا سرعان ما أصبحنا من مؤيدي هذه الفكرة، خصوصا بعد إصرار أصحاب الفكرة على تنفيذها والسعي لجعلها حقيقة ملموسة وتحقيق خطوات رائعة نحو انشاء أمة ازجارديا الفضائية.

علينا جميعا أن نتعاون ونتكاتف لانجاح هذا الحلم ، علينا جميعا أن ...

Apr 25, 18 / Gem 03, 02 13:05 UTC

If you can not dream to come to dream with us, our great dream is to realize the future. Maybe we live to see our dreams come true and maybe not, but it is certain that the coming generations will see this dream as it comes to work to ...

Mar 10, 18 / Ari 13, 02 13:35 UTC

I hope to opening a language Arabia on a system website ...

Dec 4, 17 / Cap 02, 01 15:21 UTC




Apr 21, 18 / Tau 27, 02 00:58 UTC
شكل في مصريين كتير هنا
Mar 8, 18 / Ari 11, 02 14:13 UTC
محدش يعرف ازاي اتاكد اني اخدت الجنسية ؟ ! و انتي هيضيفوا اللغة العربية أساسي في ام الليله الزرقا دي !!
Mar 7, 18 / Ari 10, 02 19:56 UTC
ليه بس يا معلم ماحنا كاير اهوه والله كير بقالي سنة وحبة صغيرة هاف فان وتفائل😍😍😂😂
See all 4 comments
Nov 11, 17 / Sag 07, 01 21:42 UTC

We're Asgardians

Sep 3, 18 / Lib 22, 02 18:26 UTC
Oct 24, 17 / Oph 17, 01 11:08 UTC
walid ragab :-
  Freedom and justice for all without distinction or racism

Freedom and justice for all without distinction or racism
We live in a very large world, full of racist and extremist wars and races
Here in Asgardia we can live in peace without discrimination in race, color, religion or even education
God created us ...

Oct 21, 17 / Oph 14, 01 19:09 UTC
Nations rise, and others fall and Ours shall rise to protect them all Above the Clouds but not so far A beacon of light shining like a star Knowledge and honor is what they seek In times where darkness is at its peak The people of the Clouds are here ...
Mar 14, 20 / Ari 18, 04 02:56 UTC
I love the detailing and personality it draws into the mind. <3
Nov 9, 18 / Sag 05, 02 05:49 UTC
приглашаю посетить мою тему паралельный мир в разделе Наука и техника . Оставьте свое сообщение . https://asgardia.космос / ru / форум / форум / наука и техника-176
Oct 23, 17 / Oph 16, 01 20:51 UTC

Greetings Curious One..

My words are above The Quoted Message and please do to mark them right. The Message is quoted to honor its Authors who died for it to see the light. What's on the Internet is indeed the patchwork u talked about. ...

See all 4 comments
Aug 27, 17 / Lib 15, 01 11:32 UTC
science and research trendsetter

I'm a computer scientist with two bachelor degrees in computer science. I'm also one of the founders of the association for inventors, innovators and science researchers in Egypt; A governmentally funded association to help aid science and research in all fields and help on all aspects of processes like ...