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Tallinn, Estonia
Sep 21, 19 / Sco 12, 03 15:36 UTC
Transhumanism: Ultimate Egalitarianism or Ultimate Elitism?
This story originally appeared on my Medium profile: There is something to fit every person, personality, and philosophy. But, who gets access and who doesn’t? The term transhuman can seem quite ambiguous. And, in some sense, it is. It encompasses a wide range of human augmentations and enhancements: From ...
Sep 21, 19 / Sco 12, 03 15:31 UTC
Move Over Digital DNA! Here Come Digital Metabolomes.
Story originally appeared on my Medium profile: Digital data storage innovations are moving so quickly, it’s becoming harder and harder to keep up! Stock photo of DNA run through Deep Dream Generator Soon, 463 Exabytes of Data will be Produced Daily And, we need to store it all, apparently. ...
Nov 19, 18 / Sag 15, 02 21:38 UTC

While Asgardia seems like a fine idea and as good a start as any for the first human transplanetary nation, I'm deeply confused about a certain thing.

If Asgardia is a democracy, then why is it called "the Space Kingdom"? We have no king, we have no ...

Dec 7, 18 / Cap 05, 02 19:40 UTC
It's up to you if you choose to agree with it or not, but this very question is addressed in the Asgardia FAQ: (I see it's already slightly out of date because they've started collecting fees). In short UK, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, Sweden, etc. are kingdoms as well, not ...
Sep 10, 18 / Sco 01, 02 00:08 UTC
A special Thanks to All

A special thanks to all the Asgardian Family for noticing or supporting or paticipating in the Mayors Voting.

Smile to see a Smiling World

May 17, 23 / Gem 25, 07 17:44 UTC
Aika iso parta sulla!
Sep 9, 18 / Sco 00, 02 08:54 UTC
Sustainable Incredible Revolution

With my innovative Finland friends and colleagues.

Circular Devices is working aggressively and intelligently on sustainable hardware revolution.

May 17, 23 / Gem 25, 07 17:45 UTC
Ketäs jamppoja noi on?
Sep 10, 18 / Sco 01, 02 07:42 UTC
Thanks for supporting
Sep 10, 18 / Sco 01, 02 07:25 UTC
Welcome to Asgardia !!
Aug 27, 18 / Lib 15, 02 18:16 UTC
Hello universe

Space ranger reporting for duty/!!☝️🌝

Nov 8, 19 / Sag 04, 03 20:23 UTC
Yes its
Jul 3, 18 / Leo 16, 02 13:28 UTC

I am thinking of making a sculpture that reflects my hopes for mankinds first colony off planet.

Im playing with the thought that the sculpture rises in front of the colony, like a beacon. First of its kind, shining in the dark

Jun 27, 18 / Leo 10, 02 04:27 UTC

fellow citizens!

Jan 8, 18 / Aqu 08, 02 00:33 UTC

Là fuori non c'è nessun Dio, l'unica fonte spirituale è dentro di te... la tua anima. Con essa bisogna comprendere nel profondo le leggi dell universo, esse muovono tutto, trasformano e vivono... anche in te. Solo accettando ...

Oct 31, 18 / Oph 24, 02 22:55 UTC
Hope for the best and spread the message! :)
Jan 8, 18 / Aqu 08, 02 00:38 UTC
English below... There is no God out there, the only spiritual source is within you ... your soul. With it you have to understand deeply the laws of the universe, they move everything, transform and live ... even in you. Only by accepting this and using this, not as a ...
Dec 16, 17 / Cap 14, 01 10:03 UTC





Jul 13, 17 / Leo 26, 01 11:17 UTC
Greeting to everybody

Glad to be here with you:)

Jun 19, 17 / Leo 02, 01 10:12 UTC

Hello everyone!

Asgardia gives hope and possibility in a new future for us and our children. Together we can make great things happen, and I believe in every one of you!

Jun 14, 17 / Can 25, 01 13:10 UTC

Greetings , the inhabitants of our beautiful world. The world in which there are no boundaries, where it does not matter who you are and where, where there is no direction and no "above" and "below." We all live a dream. Dream of a world where it will not ...

Oct 31, 18 / Oph 24, 02 23:18 UTC
Greetings and thank you for your hopes :)
Jun 14, 17 / Can 25, 01 13:06 UTC

Приветствую вас, жители нашего прекрасного мира. Мира в котором нет границ, где не важно кто ты и откуда, где нет направления и понятия "выше" и "ниже". Мы все живем мечтой. Мечтой о мире, где будет не важно "почему" а важно "зачем". Где решения будут приниматься не кучкой продавленных корпорациями ...

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:31 UTC

Terve teille suomenkielisille asgardialaisille!

Tähän postaukseen toivoisin saavani lukea esimerkiksi tervehdyksiä teiltä, miksi liityitte ja vaikka mitä mieltä olette Suomen Asgardian lähetystöstä sekä jos miitti rajojen sisällä kiinnostaa.

Itse asun Helsingissä ja Asgardiassa tärkein kiinnostuksen kohteeni oli kansainvälisyys, sekä uuden valtiomallin viehätys.

Kiitos ...

Jan 17, 19 / Aqu 17, 03 18:36 UTC
Liityin, koska maapallolla on 206 valtiota vaikka maapalloja meillä on vain yksi. Tarvitsemme yhden maailmanvaltion itsemme vuoksi, ratkaistaksemme globaalit ongelmamme ja voidaksemme kommunikoida muiden avaruuden sivilisaatioiden kanssa, liittyäksemme osaksi galaktista perhettä. Tämä vaikuttaa mielenkiintoiselta projektilta.
Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 17:21 UTC

Mäkin voisin lisätä tähän tilastojen vuoksi, että viesti on kirjoitettu 28.6.0001 (17.6.2017), kiitti Joonakselle ideasta.

Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 11:14 UTC

Postaukset ovat näemmä vielä erittäin alkeellisessa vaiheessa, eikä esim. päivää ja kellonaikaa näy. Lisätään siis tilastotietona, että edellinen viesti (kuten tämäkin) kirjoitettu 1.7.0001 (18.6.2017).

See all 5 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:28 UTC
Good day, It just happens that I got to know about this miraculous project just yesterday due to our local media and weak representation anywhere else where I have been, and I am now within the first 165,000 verified Asgardians. I was wondering, what is the role of everyone else ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:28 UTC
The first 100,000 being able to vote is only really for the first round of votes, or as I was to understand it. What happens after is up to them. Not really sure what that was about, struck me as unfair too. If I was to view this cynically I ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:28 UTC
Hi DerekWang, I wanted to let you know that I have received an answer from a higher source that, "..if the person has an Asgardian ID, then they will be able to vote." So, receiving that answer should let you know that currently, the placement number is not a factor ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:28 UTC
Yup, I have read the FAQ. The problem is that there are only 165k certified applicants and some are numbered as 400k or 500k in the second portion of their ID. I am sure it's written somewhere in this forum. It's not exactly important but it's always good to know ...
See all 7 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:28 UTC
Hi and good whatever time you are having at the moment. Found about this ambitious project briefly from our local business news site, and IMMEDIATELY took my time and submitted the registration form, did not even care if this was real or not. Glad to see it is. So, I'm ...
Dec 12, 19 / Cap 10, 03 19:00 UTC
Nice introduction, and thank you for accepting my friend request.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:28 UTC
Hi Speakee, Please feel free to join in with our discussions, don't forget to check out our Forum Announcements section Where we post all sorts of general information, and keep an eye on the News section . Remeber ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:28 UTC
Good evening(?) everyone, this project was just on a Finnish news site and I wonder how many Finnish people actually went all the way and signed up for this...? Uh, anyway so nice to meet everyone, regardless where you're from. My english isn't the best possible and I'm sorry about ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:28 UTC
I would think that until proper sanitation and waste disposal is set up that pets would be less-than-idea on a space station with no gravity. Things that poop and pee in zero-G are quite messy. Yeah, that floating brown thing? Not a Tootsie Roll.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:28 UTC
Hi! I registered just now too with the same idea behind me. I'm happy to see a fellow citizen here with me, proud Finnish here too, haha. Also read that same article, so we're in the same boat now, I think. Best of luck to you and hope this takes ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:28 UTC
Hello, also from Finland. Saw that same news article and decided to apply, love the idea of international (or interplanetary? :D) space government welcoming citizens from all nationalities. Hope this developes beyond just being online community and has some real effect in the world, or space. Btw, did actually read ...
See all 14 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:24 UTC
Greeting to anyone reading this! Hopefully, this project of ours will lead to something beautiful, if not always the intended result. I'm a student of security management, dealing with and learning of all forms and aspect of security.Specifically interested in geopolitics, security services and general global skullduggery.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:24 UTC
Hello :) We´ll see what the year 2017 will bring to us , more information of reality I hope.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:24 UTC
Hello there Hopefully these new endeavors are peaceful for all of us. But, its always nice to know there is protection out there...