Your location
Essen, Germany
May 10, 21 / Gem 18, 05 15:01 UTC
Or currency is SOLAR (SOL). But there is already a very similar coin in the market called SOLANA (SOL) . Will it not be a problem in the future?
Jun 17, 22 / Leo 00, 06 21:07 UTC
SOLAR (SOL) that we use is an internal blockchain based on QTUM. So it's not going to be a problem with the SOL vs SOL situation since SOLAR will not go onto the global market, it's our 'Monopoly money'.
Jun 10, 22 / Can 21, 06 09:08 UTC
May 11, 21 / Gem 19, 05 15:37 UTC
I may not be understanding you correctly, Dirk, but Solars are available currently. I own 5 for example.
Feb 24, 21 / Pis 27, 05 16:48 UTC
What do you think about great reset?
Feb 22, 21 / Pis 25, 05 14:52 UTC
What is going on here?
Feb 22, 21 / Pis 25, 05 15:38 UTC
Lots of things! You can catch up by visiting the news section in the menu above!
Feb 20, 21 / Pis 23, 05 11:15 UTC
Send Your Name To Mars
Jun 3, 21 / Can 14, 05 18:22 UTC
What You fink about next Moon Base ?
Feb 24, 21 / Pis 27, 05 05:02 UTC
I'm flying to Mars too! :D
Feb 23, 21 / Pis 26, 05 07:18 UTC
Funny initiative (even if the next one crashes you still made it to Mars)
See all 4 comments
Jan 30, 21 / Pis 02, 05 21:10 UTC
Я решил, зарегистрироваться здесь, потому что мне интересно тематика виртуального государства и космоса в целом.
Jan 16, 21 / Aqu 16, 05 13:41 UTC
Working on the ideas of health insurance and a possible financial system. Coming from Earth (thanks Martin & Aleksandr) but going to space we need something very specific I assume, it should be motivating everyone to stay healthy and have a good sustainable life but still be transparent and affordable. ...
Jan 16, 21 / Aqu 16, 05 14:47 UTC
Ты красавчик, не болей. Хорошего дня.
Jan 15, 21 / Aqu 15, 05 09:35 UTC
The ideas of Aaron make me think about the necessary funds for any projects and raises the question if a capitalistic system is what is necessary for Asgardia. He has great ideas for other processes e.g. in the insurance area and also raises some thoughts about licenses and their need ...
Jan 15, 21 / Aqu 15, 05 11:43 UTC
Система обязательно будет, а какая именно это будет видно со временем, конечно она будет изначально базироваться на принятых земных принципах. Так как нам предстоит доказывать свою идентичность и дееспособность в земном праве, но выйдя за пределы земного права - мы будем меняться
Jan 13, 21 / Aqu 13, 05 09:47 UTC
Preparing a concept for a future customer. Kids are learning at home, life stays challenging and great. And of course, crosschecking a doc from an Asgardian fellow who asked for review. Keep it going!
Jan 11, 21 / Aqu 11, 05 09:14 UTC
The future is now. OK, everyone should know that but that`s exactly the point. Asgardia is more than dreaming of something better. It`s about building a system as transparent as possible to allow real peace. And this comes from education and knowledge only; for which a sufficient level all over ...
Jan 11, 21 / Aqu 11, 05 21:40 UTC
Love it! My wife and I have been homeschooling before the pandemic. I know the US education system is laughable, but just for kicks we looked at where my 5yo son and 3yo daughter would test into school... My son has already completed the equivalent of 1st grade, my daughter ...
Jan 11, 21 / Aqu 11, 05 13:36 UTC
I was wondering what "the MINT stuff" means and realized it is the German acronym for STEM! :-p
Jan 9, 21 / Aqu 09, 05 16:35 UTC
Time to enjoy the snow, went outside with my kids to throw some balls. Made me think about the current situation. Freelancing is close to impossible from home, seeing my customers is not as easy as usual, getting new ones even less. Keeping the kid`s mood up for weeks without ...
Jan 7, 21 / Aqu 07, 05 11:52 UTC
Hello everyone, since yesterday I joined the asgardian community. I am really looking forward to new experiences and learnings that I can gather here..
Oct 20, 20 / Oph 14, 04 21:12 UTC
From man to superior man ...
humanity is going through a transition period in this period we live in. from animal to person; Journey from human to Supra person. It is slow but going ... In the transition process, it leaves a lot of residual matter. All the pollution we live in is proof of this. ...
Jun 30, 20 / Leo 14, 04 23:07 UTC
I could do it but where ?
Jun 30, 20 / Leo 14, 04 22:48 UTC
May 3, 20 / Gem 12, 04 09:41 UTC
This is some music, I made. I hope, you enjoy it.
May 1, 20 / Gem 10, 04 08:48 UTC
Apr 26, 20 / Gem 05, 04 12:02 UTC
very old
Music I made
Apr 23, 20 / Gem 02, 04 09:05 UTC
- The Human Brain is by far the most complex physical object known to us in the entire Cosmos.
Apr 17, 20 / Tau 24, 04 20:17 UTC
My music
It's never just music and music does never just happen.
Apr 17, 20 / Tau 24, 04 11:16 UTC
From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere. — Dr. Seuss
Apr 17, 20 / Tau 24, 04 13:14 UTC
Jovana the life forms that I have described are the result of studies conducted in the USA by prestigious technological institutes. Recently they showed me what a complex life form that evolved on a planet with triple gravity could be (it has recently been identified at least two). At the ...