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80331 Munich, Germany
May 10, 19 / Gem 18, 03 14:01 UTC
Eta Carinae in Carina Nebula
Eta Carinae is a blue hyper giant in Carina Nebula. It has 150-200 masses of our Sun. Distance 7.500 light years. It might end as hypernova and this will be an enormously spectacle. We will see 2 Suns in day sky and 2 Moons in night sky.On the foto you ...
Apr 10, 19 / Tau 16, 03 02:09 UTC
ᛋᛏᛟᚱᚤ ᛏᛁᛗᛖ

ᛟᛗᚷ ᚤᛟᚢ ᚷᚢᚤᛋ ᛗᚤ ᛞᚨᛞ ᛃᚢᛋᛏ ᛚᛁᛏᛖᚱᚨᛚᛚᚤ ᚠᚢᚲᚴᛁᚾᚷ ᛞᛁᛖᛞ ᛚᚨᛋᛏ ᚹᛖᛖᚴ ᛁ'ᛗ ᛋᚺᚨᚴᛁᚾᚷ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚲᚱᚤᛁᚾᚷ ᛁ ᛃᚢᛋᛏ ᚱᛖᚨᛚᛚᚤ ᚹᚨᚾᛏᛖᛞ ᛏᛟ ᚡᛖᚾᛏ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚤᛟᚢ ᚷᚢᚤᛋ ᚺᚨᚡᛖ ᛒᛖᛖᚾ ᛋᛟ ᚾᛁᚲᛖ ᛏᛟ ᛗᛖ ᛋᛟ ᛁ ᛃᚢᛋᛏ ᚹᚨᚾᛏᛖᛞ ᛏᛟ ᛋᚨᚤ ᛏᚺᚨᚾᚴ ᚤᛟᚢ ᚠᛟᚱ ᛏᚺᚨᛏ, ᚢ ᚷᚢᚤᛋ ᚨᚱᛖ ᚷᚱᛖᚨᛏ ᛟᚹᛟ <3

ᛒᚢᛏ ...

Jan 24, 19 / Aqu 24, 03 00:42 UTC
Feb 6, 19 / Pis 09, 03 05:19 UTC
BIN IN MÜNCHEN und fahre oft nach Österreich...
Feb 3, 19 / Pis 06, 03 15:16 UTC
Oh je, hab erst jetzt gesehen, dass Du NICHT aus Tirol bist. Ich freu mich aber trotzdem!
Feb 3, 19 / Pis 06, 03 15:14 UTC
Hi, i freu mi, dass i etwas von einem Tiroler les. Leider sind die Asgardianer sehr introvertiert. Wäre nett, wenn sich mal alle aus Tirol treffen könnten. Liebe Grüße inzwischen
Dec 17, 18 / Cap 15, 02 22:49 UTC

With my first blog post I want to introduce myself.

My name's Zhenya, I'm 23 born in Russia and grew up in Germany and Russia. I'm bilingual in nature and I have been part of both countries and their cultures. Because of that I didn't see myself ...

Oct 3, 18 / Sco 24, 02 12:18 UTC
A lot about me

My background is astrophysics but I could not finish my studies because of my busy life. Two divorces, three children and a lot of work. I have been working at a radiologist since more than 20 years and I can continue to stay with him. I've been loving science ...

Oct 1, 18 / Sco 22, 02 15:05 UTC
No Marslanding before 2033

At the European Mars Conference 2017 it was said,no Mars landing with humans before 2033. All other information is dubious.

Sep 22, 18 / Sco 13, 02 12:10 UTC
Aug 28, 18 / Lib 16, 02 17:11 UTC

If there is one thing I´ve learned in my years on this planet, it´s that the happiest and most fulfilled people I´ve known are those who devoted themselves to something bigger and more profound than merely their own self interest.

John Glenn, a hero ...

Aug 6, 18 / Vir 22, 02 13:09 UTC

Running for Mayor

Apr 12, 18 / Tau 18, 02 13:57 UTC
environment for rentable spacecraft, and payment system

hello Asgardians, im new and glad to be with you.

my thoughts are about physical problems and solving them, with new technology and may invent new innovations to make a better world with alternative thoughts and behaviours.

ressures are rare in space ...

Feb 3, 19 / Pis 06, 03 15:20 UTC
Hi, ich freu mich, einen Tiroler zu sehen. Du wirst sehen, dass die Asgardianer sehr introvertiert sind. Dabei wär es soooo nett,wenn sich mal alle Tiroler treffen könnten. Aber jeder agiert im Geheimen. Liebe Grüße aus Innsbruck
Dec 12, 17 / Cap 10, 01 15:15 UTC
The Nr. 1 Project
𝕌𝕤𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟, 𝕚𝕥 𝕒𝕚𝕟'𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕓𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕖𝕟! If you can read, it means your brain still works. Thanks for your time! When people think about the best stuff in Germany, they think about: - soccer, beer, cars, etc. But in the last years, I found another thing : the chairs. We ...
Dec 20, 22 / Cap 18, 06 23:34 UTC
We have an error 404 on your platform, just check or solve with Support.
Jul 23, 19 / Vir 08, 03 23:38 UTC
Thanks Lucas, i will do that !
Mar 30, 18 / Tau 05, 02 23:54 UTC
Greetings! I want your vote. See my platform. Let us build the Society that will serve as an example and parameter for those who have remained in the Error of the repetitions of the old paradigms.
See all 5 comments
Nov 21, 17 / Sag 17, 01 21:18 UTC


Aug 9, 17 / Vir 25, 01 10:33 UTC
Greeting and first my opinion.

Hallo ! Believers !
He is my life philosophy teacher, He always says as "Agree is Against" is Perfect !(lol) I'm just a wishing it for everyones happiness ! just perfect !
So My opinion of the copyright is basically "Share with everybody", if ...

Jul 4, 17 / Leo 17, 01 21:35 UTC
For a fair and prosperous future beyond the limits of earth

To achieve long term prosperity I wish to represent Asgardians in their quest to a future where fairness rules the use of our natural and human resources. As a father of four children I also wish to represent families and their needs in our space nation.

Oct 8, 17 / Oph 01, 01 21:13 UTC

Hi, bin aus Innsbruck und habe auf Seite 1 eine Petition laufen, dass Asgardier einmal im Jahr das Licht ausschalten, um 1. besser die Sterne zu sehen und 2. Strom zu sparen. Du würdest mir 100 Stimmen bringen. Läuft leider nicht mehr lang, weil sich scheinbar keiner um Petitionen ...

Jul 1, 17 / Leo 14, 01 18:11 UTC

Let's make a team and create a plan to develop the future

Aug 23, 17 / Lib 11, 01 09:54 UTC

Hallo, ich bin aus Österreich. Ich gratuliere Dir zum Debütant! Habe eine Petition laufen, dass Asgardier jährlich einmal das Licht ausschalten. Würde mich sehr freuen, Deine Stimme zu kriegen, denn Du bringst mir gleich 100 an der Zahl! Liebe Grüsse aus Tirol

Brigitte Kreisl-Walch

Jun 28, 17 / Leo 11, 01 19:59 UTC

In order for Asgardia to flourish everyone needs to work together. This is no easy task considering the citizens of this country are spread across the globe, and eventually beyond. We will need strong leaders to take us on this formative path. I would like to have the opportunity ...

Jun 27, 17 / Leo 10, 01 20:35 UTC
The Start

This could be the beginning of something really exciting, something really large, something wonderful.

I hope indeed that this is the case, and we have the chance to be the founding fathers of the very first nation in space.

Let's see what will happen, and ...

Jun 20, 17 / Leo 03, 01 12:45 UTC
Accept the Constitution

The first step that needs to be taken in order to form a nation is to lay down the ground rules. Typically this is done through the creation and ratification of a constitution. The constitution is there in order to put into words the basics of the country, what ...

Jun 19, 17 / Leo 02, 01 14:53 UTC
Future Awaits

Lets embrace evolution and move forward!!!

Oct 8, 17 / Oph 01, 01 21:09 UTC

Hi, bin aus Österreich und habe eine Petition laufen. Sie lautet, dass Asgardier 1 x jährlich das Licht ausschalten, um 1. besser die Sterne zu sehen und 2. Strom zu sparen. Du würdest mir 100 Stimmen bringen. Bin auf Seite 1. Läuft leider bald ab, aber es gibt so ...

Jun 20, 17 / Leo 03, 01 21:27 UTC

Servus, du bist auch in Herrsching?

Jun 19, 17 / Leo 02, 01 09:03 UTC

For you and for me and the people of Asgardia!