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Norway, Stranda
Aug 4, 23 / Vir 20, 07 01:39 UTC
Buenas noches Asgardianos , felizmente me acabo de unir a esta nación i me parece algo extraordinario ,espero en el futuro inmediato formar parte de el avance de la raza humana i caminar hacia la unidad amorosa entre humanos , un saludo i me despido gracias de antemano a todos ...
Dec 20, 20 / Cap 19, 04 00:03 UTC
Space the new frontier
Dec 20, 20 / Cap 19, 04 01:34 UTC
Nice artwork 8
Jun 17, 17 / Leo 00, 01 14:06 UTC
Asgardia - the beginning

The dawning of an era, this is what I imagine.
The concept is cool, and contains more aspects than I can even begin to imagine, but the update of the personal info needs work, as I see nothing change when I update or add.

I'll continue ...