Your location
Botoșani, Romania
Aug 30, 21 / Lib 18, 05 16:45 UTC
Mar 19, 21 / Ari 22, 05 05:58 UTC
Nov 19, 18 / Sag 15, 02 20:07 UTC
100 E

Serios,sa platesc 100 E,pentru ceva ipotetic?

Eram siguri ca se va ajunge la ceva gen....baga 100 ron in aparat sa vezi cat de prost esti..

Jan 26, 19 / Aqu 26, 03 14:26 UTC
Cere si ti se va da... Nu asa se zice? Cere-i universului, sefului, iubitului, managerului de la banca, soferului de autobuz, tipului care-ti repara masina... Cere-le ceea ce-ti doresti si nu astepta ca ei sa-ti ghiceasca nevoile si sa-ti sara in ajutor din altruism... Dar daca vrei sa-ti asiguri sansele ...
Nov 20, 18 / Sag 16, 02 02:39 UTC
De acord. Nu înțeleg totuși cum ar putea o inițiativa de acest gen funcționa fără suport financiar din partea membrilor. Voi ce părere aveți?
Nov 20, 18 / Sag 16, 02 02:29 UTC
Nu ai privi contribuția asta cu atâta reticență dacă ai avea o imagine clară asupra bugetului și ai avea dreptul să votezi pro/contra inițiativelor economice. Poziția noastră ar trebui să încurajeze aspectele de mai sus.
See all 4 comments
Jul 8, 18 / Leo 21, 02 21:03 UTC
Nov 9, 17 / Sag 05, 01 05:11 UTC
follow me. this is the shortest way up!

Father, Husband, Engineer, Asgardian with a good reasoning sense and a self-assessed radical approach, with a fairly good background in multiple technical and humanistic areas.

Apolitical by nature, guided solely by logic and characterized by dynamism - I think we will have the chance to hate or ...

Oct 18, 17 / Oph 11, 01 16:36 UTC

I live in a multinational country in childhood Looking at the stars I always thought. What incredible species and creatures can live there, I never had a feeling. That we are alone in the universe, I was always sure. What am I destined to leave our planet, so when ...

Jun 16, 17 / Can 27, 01 14:28 UTC
I think, therefore i am

Simple person with complex thinking, great ideas ( my opinion ) and friends all over the world.
When i first saw this project i tought to myself, thank the void for this oportunity. I do not consider myself as a born leader, leaders are not born, but built, ...

Jun 14, 17 / Can 25, 01 08:49 UTC
Ovidiu gheorghita

Y live in a multinational country in childhood Looking at the stars I always thought. What incredible species and creatures can live there, I never had a feeling. That we are alone in the universe, I was always sure. What am I destined to leave our planet, so when ...

Nov 9, 18 / Sag 05, 02 05:45 UTC
приглашаю посетить мою тему паралельный мир в разделе Наука и техника . Оставьте свое сообщение . https://asgardia.космос / ru / форум / форум / наука и техника-176
Oct 19, 17 / Oph 12, 01 05:27 UTC

Dear Ovidiu

What a refreshing blog entry to read. I am so interested in Moldova now. I only know some of the history because of my interest in 'Stephen the Great'.

If I have some good advice to give you, would you take it. I ...
