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942 01 Šurany, Slovakia
Jan 8, 18 / Aqu 08, 02 14:58 UTC
English District Candidate
 Together on way to the golden age of freedom!

Together on way to the golden age of freedom!

The golden rule is "All as One".

The Goal which I want to achieve is to push the limits on humankind to end, achieve technology which nobody even dreams about and rule ...

Nov 26, 17 / Sag 22, 01 21:52 UTC
Armed forces of asgardia

Greetings fellow supporters of our Kingdom in Space.

Will all due respect of all our peaceful intentions and our Constitution my opinion is that we shall have a Military.

In simple words, as any other nation:

A military is a ...

Feb 14, 18 / Pis 17, 02 16:35 UTC
I had an idea about this as well, but this is quite a problematic issue. Asgaria don't have any territory, so this army can't have a base. At least right now, it is not possible, or more like it is not possipbe in a traditional form.
Jan 2, 18 / Aqu 02, 02 16:54 UTC
All the best motivation, and the good behavior of the Asgard will never stop all of the possible aggression on earth, or in space. It can be seen in all of history of mankind, and probably so in other civilizations in space, you will always find groups who use violence, ...
Oct 7, 17 / Oph 00, 01 09:28 UTC
Rólam és a Fehér selyem tervezetről... megjelenés!

Köszöntöm az idelátogatót!

Szeretném kifejezni magam a legnagyobb s legfontosabb szándék jegyében, amely valaha megadta az emberi jogok egészét, mely hazánk s a világ legfontosabb sarok kövét, vagyis az önkifejezés jogát. Ennek jegyében szólva főként, hogy végre én magam is élvezhetem e háborítatlan és igazságos léti örömet. ...

Jul 5, 17 / Leo 18, 01 06:34 UTC
we need to become united

Right now, we Asgardians are creating new era. We are shapeshifters of our nation and we will create nation that will be united, strong and free from conflicts created by differences between us.

To earn this goal, we need strong leadership. Most of us became Asgardians, because ...

Jun 25, 17 / Leo 08, 01 22:59 UTC
Cansat - vlastný satelit pre každého

Aktuálne pracujem na zostrojení amatérskeho cansatu - satelitu vo veľkosti klasickej nápojovej plechovky. Cansat je vynesený do niekoľkých stoviek metrov pomocou drona alebo rakety. Model satelitu bude prenášať telemetrické dáta na zem pomocou bezdrôtovej technológie (tlak, výška, vlhkosť vzduchu, teplota, poloha GPS). Projekt je postavený na mikro počítači Arduino ...

Aug 16, 18 / Lib 04, 02 06:42 UTC
Aké bude jeho primárne využitie pre spoločnosť ??
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:31 UTC

Hi, I have some questions, please answer if you can.

1. I'm an average working person, 24 years old, I have no skillset, no profession. I work in a storage, simple job, nothing extra. I speak 2 languages. My question is, can I still go ...

Sep 15, 17 / Sco 06, 01 09:42 UTC


Van magyar fórum is:

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:31 UTC

I believe there's a lot of thought and discussion going into education within Asgardia. If there are to be working positions that require certain skills, I believe the correct training will be available to you.

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:31 UTC

Hi @Lyphian! First of all, welcome aboard!

I'm sorry but at this current state all efforts are oriented toward the unity day and the resulting voting, so it's a bit too early for talking about a space station.

I'll give you some useful links for ...

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:27 UTC
Is Asgardia Real?
May 21, 18 / Can 01, 02 14:58 UTC
What do you mean exactly ?
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:27 UTC
Be sure to familiarize yourself with the terms if you haven’t already. Let us know if you have any questions. Critical Behavior. Excessive and aggressive criticism towards Asgardia shall not be tolerated. We accept constructive criticism aimed at any aspect of Asgardia, but we will not accept constant criticism ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:27 UTC
Why is the poll stating only NO as a sole option?! Personally speaking I believe of course it's real, and this is why I'm here! This thread is unfair.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:27 UTC
Should the Death penalty be allowed in Asgardia?
Nov 27, 17 / Sag 23, 01 21:50 UTC

We should forget our emotions and just react like nature,.. if someone is harmful to society, he should be threatened like the body threats cancer or other malfuncitons,..eliminate em

Its just an mathematic calculation,.. better the loss of one innocent than the feeding of 100 guilty ones ...

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:27 UTC
@ Tradeinc....The death of one innocent is unacceptable in any situation.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:27 UTC
Absolutely not. The very basis of the death penalty on earth, I believe, is taken out of the bible with the "eye for an eye" mentality. Too many laws in most countries are taken from a religious pretext and, although some are justifiable, we cannot condone killing our brothers and ...
See all 32 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
Hányan vagyunk magyarok? :) Sziasztok!
Mar 11, 19 / Ari 14, 03 17:16 UTC
Helló mindenkinek! Egy újabb egyelőre jelentkező vagyok Kecskemétről (München mellől).
Aug 29, 18 / Lib 17, 02 13:23 UTC
Nem magyar vagyok. But Im still here with you from Hungary :) Greetings from lovely Budapest
Aug 26, 18 / Lib 14, 02 13:35 UTC
Egyenlore szerintem maradjon tabu. de ha kandidálni akarsz akkor szukség lesz rá.
See all 17 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
Greetings fellow Asgardians, I have pondered for some time, on how to create a more balanced economic system. To make this first message short, i'll try to just get the 2 basic principles: 1. Money is CREATED in each cycle (day, week, month..), for every participant, evenly. 2. Money is ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
I like the idea: you move away from a circular monetary system to an automated linear one, which provides wealth. The big issue for any currency is the value it has against other currencies. This is the reason for a lot of corrections (taxes, budget cuts, IMF interventions etc) today. ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
Hello Asgardians! I'm Adam, 20 years old, learning Fashion Design. I live in Hunary, but I believe patriotism and nationalism are futile ideas that only distance people from eachother. Therefore, I consider myself not Hungarian in the first place, but Human. I - thankfully - am open-minded, and seek to ...
Jan 2, 18 / Aqu 02, 02 17:13 UTC
Are you proud about your family? It starts there, family, village, region, country, nation... Strong feelings create a strong community, solidarity, who wish to help. As long as this does not make those from the other community an enemy, but an ally, with differences in language, culture, everything is fine. ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
Hello Zsóka! Nice to meet you even if it is only a virtual meeting. Happy New Year to you!
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
Hello Asgardians! I am Zsóka. I live in Hungary, I wish you a Happy New Year to everyone!
See all 6 comments