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Sep 14, 22 / Sco 05, 06 19:55 UTC
Another exciting webinar is around the corner!
The next event will be held on 28 September at 12:00 UTC While we are waiting to learn all about the concept of a DAO, there are some details about the webinar and its participants we would like to share with you! Moderator: Mark Beer, Asgardia Minister of Justice Panelists: ...
Sep 8, 22 / Lib 27, 06 15:36 UTC
A number of candidates came forward to run for HON in the last several months. Most were qualified for the position. Many were ministers. Suddenly they have been discarded and there is only a single candidate for HON, based on a declaration over seven months ago? I find this deeply ...
Sep 2, 22 / Lib 21, 06 17:42 UTC
Asgardia Ministry of Justice Webinar Set!
Asgardia's Ministry of Justice has announced the date, time, and topic for the next Asgardia Webinar! The topic is: What is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) and is this something Asgardia should work to implement? Set a reminder in your calendars for September 28 at 12:00 UTC so you can ...
Sep 13, 22 / Sco 04, 06 07:19 UTC
Aug 30, 22 / Lib 18, 06 15:48 UTC
Sep 1, 22 / Lib 20, 06 15:27 UTC
С Днем Рождения!
Aug 31, 22 / Lib 19, 06 20:49 UTC
Happy birthday Sofya!
Aug 31, 22 / Lib 19, 06 06:05 UTC
Happy Birthday to You~
See all 6 comments
Aug 17, 22 / Lib 05, 06 15:44 UTC
We'd like to hear from you about which Ministry you would like to hold the next webinar. Don't forget to comment your suggestions on which topic you think they should address!
Aug 19, 22 / Lib 07, 06 10:00 UTC
Any plans to fund Asgardian Startups despite the location?
Aug 17, 22 / Lib 05, 06 13:38 UTC
Here's the link to make it happen:
Aug 29, 22 / Lib 17, 06 16:49 UTC check it out!!!
Aug 29, 22 / Lib 17, 06 16:48 UTC
What happens Keith, how many people talks to you I wrote the announcement about your idea on my page here.
Aug 24, 22 / Lib 12, 06 10:45 UTC
Good idea Keith! OHOU!
Aug 11, 22 / Vir 27, 06 18:12 UTC
Catch Up on the Latest Webinars!
Don't forget to visit the Webinar page to catch up on all of the webinars that Asgardia has held so far! You can find it here:
Aug 17, 22 / Lib 05, 06 14:31 UTC
Jun 18, 22 / Leo 01, 06 17:04 UTC
Need an adventure out beyond Earth? Look no further than April issue out, and July issue upcoming. Contribute short stories, poetry, and even a two sentence complete story of science fiction in Subspace. Send us your best. Your art. Your vision for the future.
Aug 17, 22 / Lib 05, 06 13:42 UTC
Check out our submissions page at the website. We could use superior, vast, and wondrous contributions.
Aug 17, 22 / Lib 05, 06 13:40 UTC
Yes, and still going strong. Send us your poems, stories, and art work. Check out submission page. Sorry for the delayed response.
Aug 2, 22 / Vir 18, 06 09:37 UTC
I have a superior imagination A vast imagination A wondrous imagination When I go to bed or sit in a chair at night and start imagining things from the future
See all 5 comments
May 31, 22 / Can 11, 06 14:31 UTC
Alternative Education Methods – What Education for the Future?
Asgardia’s public webinars are gaining momentum and the date and topic for the second one by the Ministry of Youth and Education of Asgardia have been set. You can find more about it in the article below.
Jun 1, 22 / Can 12, 06 16:51 UTC
Goodness, I would like to join the live feed, but 4 EST in the morning is extremely early for me.
May 30, 22 / Can 10, 06 13:04 UTC
Alternative Education Methods – How do we prepare our children for the first Space Colonisation?
Join us in a quest for Alternative Education Routes, currently available on planet Earth! Through a series of exclusive webinars, we will discover together alternative possibilities of learning and developing for our children, outside the much-debated mainstream education system. We will have the opportunity to talk to real specialists in ...
May 30, 22 / Can 10, 06 15:41 UTC
Great can't wait to hear from our specialists.
May 27, 22 / Can 07, 06 15:05 UTC
Asgardia’s Digital Democracy Webinar Report
On 18 May 2022 Asgardia’s Ministry of Justice held a webinar where the panelists looked at the systems of democracy and the challenges of maintaining a fair and secure process. You can read about the event at:
May 27, 22 / Can 07, 06 17:24 UTC
Democracy is based on money and papers.. communism is based on local input.. both are corrupted.. digital democracy can eliminate corruption but is stil based on money and papers.. The ideal payment would be to calculate food intake versus delivered workforce for every kind of work.. a workformula for each ...
May 24, 22 / Can 04, 06 07:51 UTC
Asgardia's Ministry of Education webinar on Alternate Education is starting soon! You can watch the live stream through AsgardiaTV at the link below.
May 24, 22 / Can 04, 06 08:53 UTC
May 23, 22 / Can 03, 06 14:34 UTC
New Public Webinar on Alternative Education Methods
Asgardia's Ministry of Education is starting its own series of webinars starting with a discussion on the famous Montessori system and how it coincides with the core principles of Asgardia. The webinar will take place on 24 May 2022 and will be broadcast through AsgardiaTV. You can learn more at: ...
May 23, 22 / Can 03, 06 19:53 UTC
perfect my friend =)
May 20, 22 / Can 00, 06 14:27 UTC
Webinar - Alternate Education Methods - Tues May 24, 2022
The first webinar of the series hosted by the Ministry of Youth and Education of Asgardia will be streamed live next Tuesday! The topic of the discussion is Alternative Education Methods. Learn everything you wanted to know about the famous Montessori education system. We will reveal our guest speaker shortly, ...
May 23, 22 / Can 03, 06 12:50 UTC
Yes, the recordings can be found here:
May 22, 22 / Can 02, 06 23:01 UTC
Are these Webinars ever recorded? If so, where can I find them? I have missed the last few and would like to hear them. Plus, these occur very early in the morning, and it is very difficult for me to wake up to watch them.
Apr 14, 22 / Tau 20, 06 10:09 UTC
Build space kingdom for Children of the Gods, explore the final frontier, master challanges and live in freedom, TOGETHER. one humanity - one unity Hello, I'm Daniel from Vienna, Austria, and I'm hereby running for election as mayor at Asgardia. I am 37 years old and help other associations with ...
Mar 18, 22 / Ari 21, 06 13:55 UTC
15th digital sitting of Asgardia's Parliament this weekend!
The 15th digital sitting of Asgardia's Parliament starts will be held over the next three days from Aries 21 - 23 0006 (March 18 - 20 2022) The proceedings will be livestreamed through AsgardiaTV during these times: Day one - 20:00 - 22:00 UTC Day two - 10:00 - 18:00 ...
Jan 29, 22 / Pis 01, 06 11:00 UTC
✨Asgardia's Parliament is currently holding its Legislative Forum today.✨ You can watch this meeting through AsgardiaTV!
Jan 27, 22 / Aqu 27, 06 20:37 UTC
ROOM Space Journal of Asgardia Celebrates 30th Issue
Exclusive articles: “Smoothing the journey to space”, “Revealing the magnetic universe”, several renowned astrophysicists, including NASA Chief Scientist Jim Green Lead article “Earth - no longer humanity’s only home” by William Gerstenmaier, former NASA Associate Administrator, Human Exploration & Operations. Read more about the anniversary issue
Jan 22, 22 / Aqu 22, 06 09:53 UTC
Asgardia's Solar Currency
This is an official Asgardian publication explaining the usage of our national currency, Solar. When performing any Solar transactions, please do it only via our official website. This is the only way to be involved with Asgardia and to contribute officially to its mission. If you have any doubts or ...
Jan 20, 22 / Aqu 20, 06 18:54 UTC
If yes, hopefully we will meet in The world of tommorow! I hope everyone who came here genuinely for what Asgardia is ment to be, is safe and well. Iam with technology since first PCs was made available for general public, and Iam happy that technology and Internet make possible ...