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Aug 23, 19 / Lib 11, 03 11:46 UTC
Asgardia on Social Media
Did you know that Asgardia has several social media accounts to meet your on-the-go news and information needs? Facebook Twitter Telegram Instagram We hope to see you there!
Aug 22, 19 / Lib 10, 03 17:02 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest - Aug 22 2019
Did you miss any of the great articles released in the last twenty-four hours by the Asgardia Space News team? Here’s the daily digest to help you catch up on all of them! Space Launch System Delayed Again – But Bridenstine Says Artemis is Unaffected It looks like NASA ...
Aug 22, 19 / Lib 10, 03 15:50 UTC
Minister of Information and Communications, Dr. Lena De Winne, explaining Asgardian goals to The Scitech Europa, science and technology media outlet
Aug 22, 19 / Lib 10, 03 14:13 UTC

Every day, people use these devices billions of times. What is less harmful to the environment and our health?

Aug 21, 19 / Lib 09, 03 18:40 UTC
Number of the Week: Venus
Did you know that Venus has a radius of 6,052 kilometers ( 3,760 miles ) and is roughly the same size as Earth — just slightly smaller.
Aug 21, 19 / Lib 09, 03 17:06 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest
There was quite a bit of interesting news released by the Asgardia Space News team in the last 24 hours! Here’s the daily digest to help you see it all! Japan Plans to Launch Spacecraft to Destroy Enemy Satellites The Japanese government is considering launching its own space satellites ...
Aug 20, 19 / Lib 08, 03 17:03 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest
There was quite a bit of interesting news released by the Asgardia Space News team in the last 24 hours! Here’s the daily digest to help you see it all! NASA Robots Compete in Tunnel Challenge Robots from around the globe competed in Defense Advanced Research Project Agency’s (DARPA) ...
Aug 21, 19 / Lib 09, 03 15:19 UTC
Interesting, useful publications. Thank you and success.
Aug 20, 19 / Lib 08, 03 15:32 UTC
Asgardia's first Space, Science and Investment Congress
Don't forget! Asgardia's first Space, Science and Investment Congress will take place in Dramstadt, Germany on October 14-16 2019! If you don't want to miss these three days packed with lectures, world-class speakers and panel discussions make sure that you book your tickets and make your arrangements. We hope to ...
Aug 22, 19 / Lib 10, 03 14:13 UTC
Hi, when will we receive answers for abstracts acceptance status please ? Some people need enough time to prepare their VISA and funding requests. Thank you.
Aug 20, 19 / Lib 08, 03 13:56 UTC
Introduce Yourself!
Hello Asgardians! Let's get to know each other. Introduce yourself, let us know where you're from and tell us a little bit about yourself!
Oct 5, 19 / Sco 26, 03 22:15 UTC
I am from México and live in Yucatán. I am a graphic designer and love nature, space and arts.
Sep 15, 19 / Sco 06, 03 11:03 UTC
I'm Like My job and my life
Sep 15, 19 / Sco 06, 03 11:03 UTC
im from is indonesia,in provinsi Sumatra Utara Medan City
See all 11 comments
Aug 19, 19 / Lib 07, 03 17:00 UTC
Quite the round up of news from the Asgardia Space News team! Did you miss some over the weekend? Don’t worry, we got you covered! Dream Chaser to Deliver Cargo to ISS on New Vulcan Rocket The new Dream Chaser space plane is ready to make its first ride ...
Aug 19, 19 / Lib 07, 03 13:33 UTC
Parliament Update 0003-LIB-07 (2019-AUG-19)

We mentioned in a previous update that Parliament had approved the resources for a physical sitting and we are pleased to say that this has now been confirmed. The second physical sitting of Parliament will take place in Tallinn, Estonia in November and it is expected to run between ...

Aug 22, 19 / Lib 10, 03 22:18 UTC
Thanks for the update. Looking forward to seeing what happens with Trade and Commerce.
Aug 16, 19 / Lib 04, 03 16:58 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest
Lots of news has been released in the last 24 hours! Here’s the daily digest to help you see it all! The Kilopower Project To Put a Nuclear Reactor On Mars Kilopower says that nuclear power could be used to power projects to explore the Red Planet. ExoMars Mission ...
Aug 15, 19 / Lib 03, 03 17:04 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest
Lots of news has been released in the last 24 hours! Here’s the daily digest to help you see it all! NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Team to Select Two of the Four Sites on Bennu Asteroid Choosing a site for landing is tricky business. What sites were considered for OSIRIS-REx to ...
Aug 14, 19 / Lib 02, 03 17:00 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest
Lots of news has been released in the last 24 hours! Here’s the daily digest to help you see it all! Asgardia National Award Design Contest Winners & Prizes Congratulations to the winners! Astronomers Find Giant Jupiter in Young Star’s Disk A team of astronomers released a study ...
Aug 13, 19 / Lib 01, 03 17:01 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest
Here’s a round up of some of the news released by the Asgardia Space News team from the last 24 hours! How Do Galaxies Evolve? Study Proposes New Way to Find Out Thanks to a new high tech study by a team from the University of Arizona we may ...
Aug 13, 19 / Lib 01, 03 15:36 UTC
Asgardia Space, Science and Investment Congress 2019
Attend Asgardia's first Space, Science and Investment Congress taking place October 14-16 2019 at the ESOC's Conference Centre in Darmstadt, Germany! #AsgardiaSpaceNation #AsgardiaSpaceNews #ASIC2019
Aug 12, 19 / Lib 00, 03 16:37 UTC
Last Week in #Asgardia

Catch up with Asgardian news since last Monday! See more on our website: #AsgardiaSpaceNation #AsgardiaSpaceNews

Aug 12, 19 / Lib 00, 03 13:14 UTC
Parliament Update 0003-VIR-28-SAT  (2019-AUG-12-MON)

Voting results from the last Parliament Sitting have been published this week and participation was reported to be 97%! This data shows that Asgardia’s parliament is in good spirits and that they’re carrying out their duties. AMPs continue volunteering their time and best efforts, representing all Asgardians in creating ...

Aug 9, 19 / Vir 25, 03 18:33 UTC
Weird Space Facts
For seven years now, on August 5, Curiosity celebrates his birthday on Mars singing "Happy Birthday" with its engine, since the rover has no speakers. Happy birthday Curiosity!
Aug 9, 19 / Vir 25, 03 16:59 UTC
Asgardia Space News Daily Digest
Here’s a round up of some of the news released by the Asgardia Space News team from the last 24 hours! 10 Space Cat Memes You Need to See on International Cat Day For International Cat Day we put together a fun little list of funny cat memes to ...