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Switzerland, Torricella-Taverne
Mar 27, 18 / Tau 02, 02 22:20 UTC

Hi Asgardians! I was in my lab for a while, I experimented with a new sound journey, and dedicated it to Asgardia! This song is part of my new Toxica album, for sale in the world.

You are all invited to my blog to listen to the ...

Mar 30, 18 / Tau 05, 02 13:03 UTC
Grazie :D
Mar 28, 18 / Tau 03, 02 15:04 UTC
Bel pezzo!!!
Mar 25, 18 / Tau 00, 02 22:56 UTC
Concorso emblema distretto

Emblema per il concorso del Distretto 5 spero che vi piaccia e ricevere i vostri like grazie per il vostro tempo

Jan 15, 19 / Aqu 15, 03 00:21 UTC
Mi fa davvero piacere che ti piace e che rende l'idea che volevo dare =)
Jan 14, 19 / Aqu 14, 03 20:27 UTC
Mi piace il riferimento all'Eliocentrismo e alle orbite dei pianeti!
Nov 27, 18 / Sag 23, 02 14:12 UTC
Приглашаю посмотреть мои блоги и тему Паралельный мир в разделе Наука и техника на форуме ASGARDIA .
See all 5 comments
Mar 17, 18 / Ari 20, 02 14:39 UTC
Concorso Sole & Luna

Spero che vi possa piacere e ricevere i vostri like grazie mille a tutti 😉

Mar 15, 18 / Ari 18, 02 13:56 UTC
Blockchain for asgardia

We need a space blockchain system!

Jul 12, 18 / Leo 25, 02 19:07 UTC
Where are you know? I im at ASGARDIA .. how about you guys??
Mar 15, 18 / Ari 18, 02 13:53 UTC

comunicare 1



  1. 1 .
    Dire, rendere noto, far sapere (anche + a ): ho comunicato al capo le mie dimissioni; + a e di ...
Feb 25, 18 / Ari 00, 02 21:43 UTC

This is my very first post on this site and, as English is not my first language, forgive me if it's not perfect, I'll try my best! I really hope that this marvellous project will be a success! Maybe in another post I'll tell more about myself...Aaaand nothing, I ...

Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 18:22 UTC
Se tutti i giovani come te ci crederanno sarà di sicuro un successo
Jan 16, 18 / Aqu 16, 02 16:44 UTC
Aiming to generate a new process for the preservation of our planet Earth.

Promoting a “true” society aiming to bring awareness on the incoming needs related to environmental protection, teaching next generations of youngsters the best practicing in nature preservation and respect of life and surrounding nature biodiversity, improving acceptance of innovative processes in the education of the individual, increasing advances in ...

Nov 16, 18 / Sag 12, 02 09:52 UTC
Добрый день.Прошу посетить мою тему на форуме . ссылка на мою тему на форуме ASGARDIA раздел Наука и Техника тема Паралельный мир .Посещаемость темы на этом форуме очень высокая , что говорит об интересе присутствующих на форуме к данной теме . https://asgardia.космос / ru / форум / форум / наука ...
Mar 8, 18 / Ari 11, 02 23:13 UTC
Hello! My honorable Asgardian fellows, For creating the best space nation and protecting the earth please vote for me. Today's last day. Don't wait please vote now. I need your support. Please vote for me. Here is my platform:
Jan 4, 18 / Aqu 04, 02 20:06 UTC
When the space nation of Asgardia becomes reality!

When the space nation of Asgardia becomes reality, a reality that will be known by the entire planet, how life on earth will change, what influences it can bring into the minds of human beings.

Will the Asgardia project succeed, to be a human example for all ...

Jan 3, 18 / Aqu 03, 02 19:43 UTC
Il satellite russo Asgardia-1 a difesa del pianeta

E' stato lanciato il progetto per la difesa della Terra "Asgardia-1".

Igor Ashurbeyli ha lanciato il programma di difesa della Terra contro le minacce esterne.

Il 7 dicembre 2017 un altro satellite artificiale ha iniziato a ruotare nell'orbita attorno alla Terra. E' stato lanciato ...

Nov 15, 18 / Sag 11, 02 12:52 UTC
Добрый день. Предлогаю Вам ознакомиться с мной открытой темой Паралельный мир на форуме ASGARDIA в разделе Наука и техника . В теме рассматриваются мои работы и опыты в этом направлении , есть фотографии различных моих конструкций . Тема мной разрабатывалась 18 лет и близка к своему завершению. Мной отправлено руководству ...
Mar 30, 18 / Tau 05, 02 23:32 UTC
Greetings! I want your vote. Let us build the Society that will serve as an example and parameter for those who have remained in the Error of the repetitions of the old paradigms. See my platform.
Mar 19, 18 / Ari 22, 02 15:25 UTC
Hi Gianmatteo, I'm running for the Asgardias'government election so please read my platform and give a vote for me if you think I'm suitable for that. Congratulations for your victory!!!!
See all 13 comments
Dec 30, 17 / Cap 28, 01 00:48 UTC
Asgardian citizens safe! The nation needs its personal security!
I believe that the citizens of Asgardia, too, must have security in their streets, in the places they frequent, jobs, whether the space nation, or the land nation, it matters little. Both versions of Asgardia need military service, which can protect citizens, and all members of ...
Dec 29, 17 / Cap 27, 01 17:52 UTC
Asgardia Congress Center, for governors and citizens!
Will the government of Asgardia have its parliamentary center within the space nation? or will it simply be built on earth?  The future of Asgardia and its citizens must be discussed among the parliamentarians and the governors, welcoming to the listening, even its ...
Dec 29, 17 / Cap 27, 01 17:37 UTC
A unique language on Asgardia?

A unique language on Asgardia? It is not an easy thing, I think instead that the translator is the easiest way to communicate between different peoples, a bracelet that translates what is said, can be a great option, but also small earphones, could be useful!

What do ...

Sep 4, 18 / Lib 23, 02 14:21 UTC
Hi, a beautiful idea
Jan 14, 18 / Aqu 14, 02 19:25 UTC
Dec 27, 17 / Cap 25, 01 18:12 UTC
Home Sweet Home

Il Primo satellite Asgardiano è in orbita già da un pò.

Certo, è poco più piccolo di una scatola da scarpe, praticamente un Hard Disk da mezzo terabyte sparato 400km sopra ...

Dec 23, 17 / Cap 21, 01 18:38 UTC
asgardia passport

Desidero avere il passaporto della mia nuova nazione.

Ho realizzato questa immagine di fantasia immaginando un possibile documento di certificazione emesso dal nostro governo, e che identifica il portatore come un cittadino di Asgardia.

Il colore del passaporto di una nazione può essere di vari ...

Mar 15, 18 / Ari 18, 02 13:36 UTC
Grande idea! lo trovo bellissimo, si potrebbe studiare una comunicazione per pubblicizzarlo. Spero anche io come te nel 2018
Mar 9, 18 / Ari 12, 02 11:29 UTC
L'idea è I colori del passaporto secondo me sono stupendi complimenti davvero per l'originalità speriamo un giorno di averli
Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 14:04 UTC
See all 5 comments
Dec 17, 17 / Cap 15, 01 11:41 UTC
Physics on earth: negative signs are prvailing

Physics is based on equations that have negative and positive sign values: if they were only negative there would be no life on earth.Looks like on earth negative signs are prevailing author: paolo moiraghi


Dec 9, 17 / Cap 07, 01 11:15 UTC
a fast communication system

Living in space is wonderful, but friends and parents, stayed on Earth?

It may be difficult to hear them. You have to find a way to communicate, and that can be integrated into every apartment Asgardian!

The 3d display, to occupy as ...

Dec 29, 17 / Cap 27, 01 17:32 UTC
Of course, the technology for this type of communication exists! :)
Dec 13, 17 / Cap 11, 01 23:44 UTC

Of course not all humans could go away from the earth, it is necessary to talk with the left behind ones, but i think that as if for astronauts, it could be painful for the gone and the left, if there will be no coming back, in that case ...

Dec 8, 17 / Cap 06, 01 21:57 UTC
Can Asgardia have its own (earthly Asgardia)?

Can Asgardia have its own (earthly Asgardia)? Terrestrial Asgardia can function as a beginning, the beginning of a new space era, with its personal launching base, and its personal companies to build the space nation, facilitate the costs and the Times, in the construction of new technologies!

Dec 3, 17 / Cap 01, 01 10:34 UTC

Any of those there are willing to join Asgardia world should first to solemnly vow and adhere to the pact of Earth and Space environment protection and to act to enforce such pact amongst the communities.

Without any commitment to such pact I strongly believe there should ...

Nov 29, 17 / Sag 25, 01 11:34 UTC
Fisici russi riescono a far assorbire energia ad un materiale trasparente

Fisici russi e stranieri hanno capito come costringere materiali trasparenti, che lasciano passare completamente la luce, ad assorbire praticamente tutta la sua energia, si afferma in un articolo pubblicato sulla rivista Optica.

"I risultati teorici ottenuti in questo lavoro si sono rivelati molto contro-intuitivi: penso che nessuno ...

Jan 22, 18 / Aqu 22, 02 03:36 UTC
Molto interessante
Nov 25, 17 / Sag 21, 01 10:23 UTC
food healthyness

In our world there are a lot of problems regarding food. A lot of people can't afford to eat, and it is very sad thinking how much food we waste in our life. A secondary problem is to eat well. It doesn't mean you have to be vegan or ...

Jul 12, 18 / Leo 25, 02 19:15 UTC
No meat in Asgardia?
Nov 25, 17 / Sag 21, 01 10:26 UTC

Еда, это один из аспектов здоровья. Эту проблему следует рассматривать скрупулезно.