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Taiwan, Yilan County
Jul 23, 21 / Vir 08, 05 15:35 UTC
看完了2008年、2012年和2016年的奧運會, 我認為無論比賽是什麼,每個運動員都很棒!🙂 尤其是從奧運會的節目中,看到升國旗和奏國歌的時候......(超級感動 After watching the 2008 and 2012 and 2016 Olympics, I think no matter what the competition is, every athlete is great!🙂 Especially from the program of the Olympic Games, to see when the national flag is raised and the national anthem .......(super impressed
Jul 23, 21 / Vir 08, 05 13:54 UTC
當有些話語在怒火主導理想與信念和夢想時, 有多少人能夠從親情與友情和內心承受著悲傷與遺憾中,找回心靈的平靜與安寧! When some words are dominating ideals, beliefs and dreams with anger, How many people can find peace and tranquility in their hearts from family love and friendship, and the sadness and regrets they endure in their hearts!
Jul 17, 21 / Vir 02, 05 05:54 UTC
有的知識如同海洋般包容一切 但也有的知識卻像似珍稀於沙漠的甘露 知識可以成為醫者,但也能為殺者! 若如心是知識的引導者..... Some knowledge embraces everything like the ocean But some knowledge is like the nectar that is rare in the desert Knowledge can be a healer,but also for those who kill! If, as the heart is the guide of knowledge .....
Jul 16, 21 / Vir 01, 05 04:12 UTC
無論是從電視上或者是書本上取的資訊, 這些資訊都有可能成為每一個孩子心中想要實現的夢想! 然而, 有些人對於無法實現夢想而為一生感到無奈與遺憾! 有些人用自己一生讓他人的夢想擁有改變社會的能力與技能能夠發揚光大! 有些人以孩子的名義為了實現自己的夢想,卻不知道這是不是間接扼殺了孩子的夢想! Whether it is information taken from TV or books, These information are likely to be the dream of every child mind wants to achieve! however, Some people feel helpless and regret for not being able to realize their dreams for a lifetime! Some people ...
Jul 13, 21 / Leo 26, 05 23:53 UTC
惡意神相互噬, 弱者將出頭天!(拳拳指肉中血) 塔與藤互不敬, 其一方必然倒!
Jun 20, 21 / Leo 03, 05 15:38 UTC
時間總是引導著父母和孩子學會去愛和珍惜!🙏 在每個孩子的眼裡,總有一個高大的身影,用無私的愛保護自己!🙂 然而,在時間的帶領下,從什麼時候開始...... 那些遺忘親情的孩子們,開始認為無私地愛護和守護著他們的高大身影是一個巨大的負擔?😞 Time always guides parents and children to learn to love and cherish!🙏 In the eyes of every child, there is always a tall figure who protects himself with selfless love!🙂 However, under the leadership of the time, from when to start .... Those children who have ...
Jun 7, 21 / Can 18, 05 08:28 UTC
好個一帖藥,定於存(興)與亡(衰)! 好君主之手,民心永太平! 惡君臣之用,江山死一半! 製藥帖之人,為事從不瞞, 一帖一藥醫,皆是為命留!
May 27, 21 / Can 07, 05 02:48 UTC
開盒無底(無限的盒中盒)的驚喜盒, 我要怕怕呦! 如果,用電影來說明! 那麼就是”今天暫時停止”! 希望,無人中獎! 喔~對了! 此盒還附帶兩個效應! ”曼德拉效應”+”鐘擺效應”
Mar 21, 21 / Ari 24, 05 07:34 UTC
Feb 21, 21 / Pis 24, 05 23:23 UTC
若, 萬法皆以修圓得悟, 心執因緣斷生與剋? 若, 親戀為生至死, 執因緣業之遇! 若, 因與緣亦是心修萬法其一⋯⋯ 以何斷緣執至心悟之空?
Feb 21, 21 / Pis 24, 05 14:33 UTC
掉斧實語得三斧? XD
Feb 19, 21 / Pis 22, 05 15:27 UTC
I am an old citizen, when will the government allocate some solar to me.
Feb 19, 21 / Pis 22, 05 16:31 UTC
Feb 19, 21 / Pis 22, 05 15:29 UTC
Thinking about it too
Feb 6, 21 / Pis 09, 05 15:38 UTC
Jan 30, 21 / Pis 02, 05 04:33 UTC
耳邊聞如遠邊牛聲撤! 異中怪如眼見無牛影! 步步留心腳下土! 步步皆是驚與危! 夜夜擾眠心不寧! 願 遇者,行之步步莫輕忽!
Jan 28, 21 / Pis 00, 05 00:01 UTC
惡海肆無憚,人人皆是口中食! 人與親,兩地分! 有地無地,皆是飄搖舟! 人以一為全,邊疆無國線! 人以團結為存,心以惡意為亡! 人以天賦為心指,興與衰一線念! 時而生至終,緣盡皆無人逃!
Jan 28, 21 / Pis 00, 05 12:16 UTC
這個夢的畫面很可怕! 請參閱 南亞大海嘯大浩劫及日本311地震和《海雲臺》電影及2012電影!
Jan 28, 21 / Pis 00, 05 07:06 UTC
Jan 17, 21 / Aqu 17, 05 13:00 UTC
媽祖(或觀音)急見母 兩人地下牢中相見, 似近(遠)亦非遠(近)! 這個地下牢有難解的迷宮與機關! 下如層層皆似難上難! 上如精簡卻難於相近! 任其一方鬆, 天牢必然砸!
Jan 15, 21 / Aqu 15, 05 00:29 UTC
當各種因素及時間和環境的帶領下, 有些事情如同樹葉上的葉脈一樣豐富! When led by various factors, time and environment, Some things are as rich as the veins on leaves!
Jan 15, 21 / Aqu 15, 05 00:28 UTC
驚喜盒(未來)自有喜樂處! 無人知曉其盒中物, 任人所釋,似如盲人摸象! Surprise box (future) has its own joy! No one knows what's in the box, Let anyone explain,Like a blind man touching an elephant!
Dec 31, 20 / Cap 30, 04 12:56 UTC
祝所有ASGARDIAN新年快樂. 2021 Asgardia 我的願景...一,實現成為地球聯合國的一員, 二,在地球各國家派駐大使, 三,實現太空居民的目標
Oct 31, 20 / Oph 25, 04 15:28 UTC