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Taiwan, Yilan County
Oct 27, 20 / Oph 21, 04 23:51 UTC
當親人的無量愛與回憶依舊鮮明時, 如同承受著各種歷練的原石也會成為眾人注目於此無價的瑰寶! 何人以私之惡慾,為無量愛與信任之名,淋浴他人的生命與心靈?
Oct 27, 20 / Oph 21, 04 23:22 UTC
月最明,夜心驚,眠不安! 海盜船,鬼中伏,影中藏! 心覺劫難到,只盼早糧存! 萬事皆有備,一覺到天明! 願 知與遇之人,心莫慌、心莫慌、心莫慌!
Oct 25, 20 / Oph 19, 04 14:25 UTC
心若無徬徨事, 磨難劫隨風逝! 心以愛深根紮, 人以惜為珍寶! 惡意猜疑如樹砍, 美德良善如樹植! 願 行之者,三思慮,為事做!
Oct 25, 20 / Oph 19, 04 01:51 UTC
夜晚,我和一位同事與一位研究大地的人談話! 這個研究大地的人說"這個結果足以大屠殺!只有,一分鐘" 同個夜晚,等訪談完,我和一位同事就回去向老師報告這次的訪談! 可到一半,我突然感受到大氣由下往上衝! 然後轉頭一看"月最明之夜,本無燈之街" 突然,街路之燈~~~全亮! 不到幾秒,這九歲牛超級野! 夜裡一分未到,魔鬼搖海盜船! 九樓搖,全人心很驚! 七樓止,心只為活而 逃!逃!逃! 等全體的人們都到了一樓後, 我突然看見, 我身在有一堆貨櫃的海港馬頭旁, 在那裏有兩輛大巴士! 我本想看看四周時, 有人生氣的說"野牛搖了,卻還在睡!"
Oct 23, 20 / Oph 17, 04 12:44 UTC
信仰可以是一個心靈最後一根稻草也可以是一個龐大莊稼裡其中一顆米粒! (如果人與人之間的團結與分裂是以信念與品行作為前提的情況下!)
Oct 9, 20 / Oph 03, 04 08:22 UTC
2018年1月22日 夢 天災之下 為生存而謀殺 四者(老弱婦孺)之中 只有老孺生也
Sep 30, 20 / Sco 22, 04 09:02 UTC
​I don't know who can tell me? The meaning of this dream ...... dream There is a copper bowl before sai baba feet, The branches of Melia azedarach are placed in a copper bowl!
Sep 22, 20 / Sco 14, 04 04:06 UTC
有些事是在說他人前,也是在說自己! 就像 你指著人家時四個指頭就是指自己 在指出他人不好的缺點時 也無意間露出自己的缺點! Some things are talking about others, but also talking about yourself! Just like when you point to someone, the four fingers refer to yourself When pointed out the shortcomings of others bad Also inadvertently reveal their shortcomings!
Sep 18, 20 / Sco 10, 04 09:11 UTC
人之行品思, 形如樹之太極! 白(黑)紙上黑(白)點, 亦如優(缺)點中的缺(優)點! 並非展露於天的枝芽葉, 都是最完美或最好的優點! 並非深紮於土的根莖, 都是最劣惡或最壞的缺點! 而, 大自然給予的一切亦如無私的真理, 靜中看樹蔭似為人心遮掩陽光! 動中見光耀如為人心指引明路的~~心之燈!
Sep 11, 20 / Sco 03, 04 10:21 UTC
災以偽為懼之嚇, 領頭實知而不語! 災禍到頭休逃命, 小兵保命嘴中默
Sep 5, 20 / Lib 25, 04 05:52 UTC
The teacher is a wonderful profession! Simultaneously, Between teachers and students, let learning resemble shadows and mirrors!
Sep 5, 20 / Lib 25, 04 03:38 UTC
suddenly, For all roles in the war games grieve! because, The lives of all the characters in the game can withstand unlimited deaths given by various weapons! Please try to imagine! in case, When all the death methods given by various weapons infinitely are concentrated on one person, What is ...
Sep 4, 20 / Lib 24, 04 06:44 UTC
計如謀中詐, 為跡暗中遁! 布車(布上車縫)隱線針, 如太公之魚! 真理雖在前, 三思慮之追!
Aug 28, 20 / Lib 17, 04 02:51 UTC
好奇心這個詞! 會依照每個人的心理對見解的改變, 就像"影與鏡"和"問與答" 一樣! 其實, 好奇心 這個詞,一直都在等待人們就如同家人與朋友的關係般,能夠真正的理解與善待他! 我覺得"好奇心"這個詞, 可能會是一個始終都真誠的伴隨在人們身旁給予不錯的提醒的人! 也可能是唯一獲取全球已知最多元化的"認證"與"勳章"的金氏紀錄保持的人!😅 The word curiosity! Will change insights according to everyone's psychology, Just like "Shadow and Mirror" and "Question and Answer"! in fact, The word curiosity has been waiting for people to truly understand and treat him like the relationship between family ...
Aug 26, 20 / Lib 15, 04 00:48 UTC
以 戊之時 為 鎖國之邊?? 沒回家的,全都要在他國之地哭哭!!! 等等~~~~為何是印度!!!!?(驚) 哎呀~~~又從夢裡醒來了!😞 夢裡出現 mere sai 裡 年老的 sai baba 進入 dwarakamai 的 鏡頭式畫面!
Aug 22, 20 / Lib 11, 04 14:13 UTC
金以戈帶上路, 莫讓金成死路!
Aug 21, 20 / Lib 10, 04 13:35 UTC
Still love this song
Aug 18, 20 / Lib 07, 04 04:31 UTC
小女思知,已愚中昧, 懇請眾思為謎做個解! 莫名設問 師與生(老師和學生)似如影與鏡! 師與生以何為三相授? (若以行和品與思為三相授之始) 師與生以何為學中識? 師與生以何為習中慧?
Aug 16, 20 / Lib 05, 04 11:01 UTC
如果工作和家庭及健康呈現一個三角形! 如果只沉迷於其中一個物質因素時, 這個三角形會變得不完整! 但是, 有能力為工作和家庭及健康進行彈性管理的人, 會使這個三角形呈現平衡狀態! If work, family and health present a triangle! If only addicted to a substance which factor, This triangle will become incomplete! However, Those who are capable of flexible management for work, family and health, Will make this triangle appear balanced!
Aug 16, 20 / Lib 05, 04 08:24 UTC
您認為一個人應該賦予後代的資產(遺產)是什麼? 無論此資產(遺產)是在人們活著的時候或著還是死之後, 此資產(遺產)在兩者之間, 都不會留在世界上(不會留在人們的心中)! What do you think is the asset (legacy) that a person should bestow on his descendants? Whether this asset (heritage) is when people are alive or after death, This asset (heritage) is in between, Will not stay in the world (will not stay in people's hearts)!