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Turkey, Eyüp
Mar 30, 23 / Tau 05, 07 21:16 UTC
hi everyone.. hows asgardians doing?
Mar 16, 23 / Ari 19, 07 09:00 UTC
ENG I'm sorry for being late to celebrate Medicine Day, whether late or not. I want to congratulate all medical members on this special day and present my respects to all of them. SPA Siento llegar tarde a celebrar el Día de la Medicina, sea tarde o no. Me gustaría ...
Mar 13, 23 / Ari 16, 07 06:51 UTC
A precious memory
TUR Merhaba arkadaşlar sevgili Asgardia lılar, Bildiğiniz üzere geçtiğimiz hafta sonu Asgardia parlamentosunun son dijital toplantısı gerçekleşti geçtiğimiz 5 yıl boyunca görev yapan parlamenterler ve ara seçimlerle göreve gelen vekiller yazılan kanunları projeleri ve gelişmeleri paylaştı. Komite başkanları sunumlarını yaptı geçtiğimiz dönemde gerçekleştirilen çalışmalarını aktardılar ve ilerideki proje çalışmalarından bahsettiler. ...
Mar 8, 23 / Ari 11, 07 06:33 UTC
Today's Asgardian date is 0007 Ari 11 WED 10 week   Today's Gregorian date is 2023 Mar 08 WED 10 week
Turkish 8 mart dünya emekçi kadınlar gününüz kutlu olsun ! Bu özel günde bilim insanlarımız için kadın nüfusunun artmasının ne kadar önemli olduğunu asgardia’nın ve parlamenterlerinin ve benim, bilim ve uzay dünyasında kadın nüfusunun artışını teşvik etmek için elinden geleni yapacağını belirtmek isterim. English: Happy International Women's Day on March ...
Mar 7, 23 / Ari 10, 07 12:50 UTC
TUR: Merhaba sevgili asgardia lılar bildiğiniz üzere en başından beri asgardia oluşumunun içindeyim ve son iki senedir de parlamenter olarak görev yapıyorum. İçinde bulunduğum projeleri sunumları kanun tasarılarını den takip edebileceğiniz gibi bana olan ve olacak sorularınız için her zaman buradayım. Desteklerinizi bekliyorum. Ohou! ENG: Hello dear Asgardians, as ...
Mar 1, 23 / Ari 04, 07 14:09 UTC
İm 38 years old,Economy,seafoods,and cooker,im single,
Jan 24, 23 / Aqu 24, 07 09:39 UTC
Eşimi ve çocuğumu nasıl vatandaş yapabilirim kimlik ve pasaport nasıl alabiliriz
Jan 24, 23 / Aqu 24, 07 11:25 UTC
Hello and welcome! Asgardia currently does not offer citizenship or passports, however when you sign up on Asgardia's Website you become an Asgardian. When you pay the annual(yearly) fee you become a Resident. You can find out more information our FAQ
Dec 29, 22 / Cap 27, 06 15:17 UTC
Dec 27, 22 / Cap 25, 06 12:36 UTC
Mutlu Yıllar Asgardialılar Ohou! // Happy New Year Asgardians Ohou! // ¡Feliz Año Nuevo Asgardianos Ohou! // С Новым Годом Асгардцы Охоу!
TUR Herkesin 2023 yeni yılnını kutlar tüm sevdiklerinizle başarılı sağlıklı güzel bir sene geçirmenizi dilerim sevgili asgardialılar ohou ! ENG I wish everyone a happy new year 2023 and have a successful and healthy new year with all your loved ones, dear asgardians ohou! SPA ¡Les deseo a todos un ...
Dec 26, 22 / Cap 24, 06 05:37 UTC
1994 yılında Bolkar Dağlarında kaybolan 2 üniversite öğrencisinin 14 gün arandığı ve sonuçsuz kalan arama çalışmaları akabinde, dağları iyi bilen fakat arama-kurtarma konusunda bilgileri sınırlı olan bir grup dağcı bir araya gelerek 1995 yılında AKUT’u kurmuştur. Bu grup, aynı yıl AKUT ismi altında, Uludağ’da ilk kurtarma faaliyetini gerçekleştirmiştir. Dernek, 14 ...
Dec 15, 22 / Cap 13, 06 11:03 UTC
Thank you for being so supportive Dear Asgardians Ohou! I will be a candidate for the next 5-year Elections for Asgardian parliament membership. I want your support. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions! Let's keep in touch. All my regards Ferda İnan AMP D3 Asgardia Member of Parliament ...
Dec 14, 22 / Cap 12, 06 08:54 UTC
Life is so hard on Earth. Because there is the danger of international war, climate change, crowd migrations, famine, water crisis, and depression for every individual. We have to solve these problems.
Dec 14, 22 / Cap 12, 06 12:11 UTC
we should strive for a world balance..
Dec 13, 22 / Cap 11, 06 18:42 UTC
Sizi çok seviyoruz başarılar diliyorum
Nov 27, 22 / Sag 23, 06 11:15 UTC
Today, I have received my ID Card. I am looking forward to days coming when we may use it.
Nov 30, 22 / Sag 26, 06 06:37 UTC
Como se hace para tené el DNI asgardiano
Nov 27, 22 / Sag 23, 06 15:30 UTC
Nov 23, 22 / Sag 19, 06 15:37 UTC
Dear Asgardians, -EN- I am Dogukan Vural. I am 23 years old. I live in Istanbul, Turkey. I want to participate in the elections and work on behalf of Istanbul and all of Asgardia. As a citizen of asgardia, I find the residence permit fee excessive. If you ask the ...
Dec 9, 22 / Cap 07, 06 00:29 UTC
Start your campaign that if possible, when the votes start you will have many To your credit, so it is. I did until I saw my votes I looked for a way to pay
Dec 8, 22 / Cap 06, 06 23:46 UTC
I am not able to pay in parts. The 100 is greyed out and isn’t editable. I must pay the entire fee at once.
Nov 25, 22 / Sag 21, 06 18:59 UTC
I have no interest in paying for a residence fee when there has been no real advancement(or even talk of) for the nation since its inception. And no, I don't count borrowing a ride to space on someone else's rocket for the nation's rubix cub-sized cubesat or a fancy website ...
See all 4 comments
Nov 23, 22 / Sag 19, 06 15:34 UTC
Dear Asgardians, -EN- I am Dogukan Vural. I am 23 years old. I live in Istanbul, Turkey. I want to participate in the elections and work on behalf of Istanbul and all of Asgardia. As a citizen of asgardia, I find the residence permit fee excessive. If you ask the ...
Nov 23, 22 / Sag 19, 06 16:52 UTC
I'm very grateful to you.
Nov 23, 22 / Sag 19, 06 16:21 UTC
i have send you 10 solar.. this way you can start a 10 solar downpayment to reach 100 solar..
Nov 15, 22 / Sag 11, 06 10:09 UTC
Giriş şifresi geçersiz, yeni şifre oluşturamıyorum
Nov 15, 22 / Sag 11, 06 10:13 UTC
Hello! Please email regarding your issue.
Oct 31, 22 / Oph 24, 06 10:53 UTC
Our community where the best will meet; It was established in order to be the common area of ​​all communities and groups with which it is possible to interact. We aim to increase the bond between us with a leader and 10 assistants from each community, to consolidate our citizenship ...
Oct 25, 22 / Oph 18, 06 12:57 UTC
As you know and can see from the blog history of my profile here ı had a lot of adventures being in asgardia; so ı m excited about hearing your ideas about my candidacy for the new elections upcoming approximately next June. Should ı be a candidate? Are you happy ...
Oct 25, 22 / Oph 18, 06 20:05 UTC
That is a wonderful information dear Ferda you are very active and proactive, yes go forward to the next step!!!!
Oct 25, 22 / Oph 18, 06 18:33 UTC
Absolutely yes! You have been working really hard, and we need most of the current parliament members to continue their hard work. I really believe in all of you. Thank you.
Oct 25, 22 / Oph 18, 06 13:54 UTC
as Turkey seems to have the densest occupation of Asgardians it would be obvious to continue your services.. for myself i am going in pension in july but i am not an administrative or communicative person so i would be of no use.. Grtz,Dirk.
Oct 17, 22 / Oph 10, 06 13:45 UTC
Dünyamızın ekolojik ve sosyolojik olarak nufus artışını kaldırmadığı ortada...Bir fikir dahi olsa Asgardia toplumunu uzay çağının öncüleri olarak görüyor ve herkese saygılarımı sunuyorum. OCC Murat Can Alkan #RiseAsgardia