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Tonbridge, UK
Jul 15, 22 / Vir 00, 06 14:19 UTC
We didn't start the fire
I'm continually very worried for our futur. people think that we only continue on forward, throughout history this has been proven false. the truth of this matter is all of our technology can be wiped away in a heartbeat. and we find ourselves at one of these cross roads, we ...
Jul 12, 22 / Leo 25, 06 11:16 UTC
Hi fellow Asgardians - peace and prosperity to you all. I really want a dual passport now that the UK has departed the EU. I’ve always supported integration of countries as a peaceful way of ending division so that the one planet can focus on feeding and housing and educating ...
Jul 12, 22 / Leo 25, 06 11:53 UTC
Regarding passports: Asgardia does not currently have any bilateral agreements with any other countries so issuing passports at this time would not help. Once we start to become a recognised nation and the full legal groundwork that needs to be done to legally issue passports to citizens is completed then ...
Jun 19, 22 / Leo 02, 06 12:41 UTC
I'm still waiting to find out how i can unsubscribe ???
Jun 19, 22 / Leo 02, 06 14:46 UTC
Please send an email to asking for your account to be closed and removed.
Jun 18, 22 / Leo 01, 06 16:35 UTC
Magical event in my mind.
Hi, I am Karol and I like to share a magical thing which happened to me 2-3 months ago. Everything started a long time ago. I dreamed of many different storylines but always at the end of the dream, I died. Always woke up negative in stress in a scarcity ...
Jun 22, 22 / Leo 05, 06 10:18 UTC
Ok i will do it and already have much more stories which showed me my unknown forces what is it exactly they said to me that i have great purpose and no one can harm me mentally anymore strong protection on this lifetime to motivate people so here we go ...
Jun 18, 22 / Leo 01, 06 17:09 UTC
Send us your story at
Jun 18, 22 / Leo 01, 06 11:41 UTC
Happy unity day to all lovely people of Asgardia.
Jun 15, 22 / Can 26, 06 00:40 UTC Love Kahlilah
Jun 9, 22 / Can 20, 06 00:39 UTC I hope all Asgardians appreciate this Kahlilah
Jun 6, 22 / Can 17, 06 00:35 UTC
Can paying taxes put money back into your own account?
Hello dear Asgardians, I’ve been wondering if there was a plausible mechanism that could be developed; paying voluntary taxes pay back to you directly? Imagine if as a resident or more generally as an Asgardian, we could have a direct say on where we would like our taxes to go ...
Jun 7, 22 / Can 18, 06 15:25 UTC
This income would have to be the collective share of Asgardian labor. Any discrepancies must have a reasonable foundation, namely the variations in relation to the contributions given towards the state to be responsibly used to generate an income back. Being a resident should never be the hallmark of what ...
Jun 6, 22 / Can 17, 06 10:31 UTC
I was thinking at something that was said earlier.. if Asgardia had a certain income that it would be distributed under residents and higher.. but I see only payments to higher up.. ok, we have a free ROOM subscription which is in a way 4 free magazines per year.. so ...
Jun 3, 22 / Can 14, 06 01:05 UTC
May 23, 22 / Can 03, 06 11:59 UTC
Hi to all in Asgardia I am suggesting to everyone to sign up for us to create an APP for Asgardia Social.
May 25, 22 / Can 05, 06 14:52 UTC
Please note that maybe not an app yet but there is a side community on open to all Asgardians!
May 22, 22 / Can 02, 06 11:13 UTC Hi fellow family. What are your contributions in creating a self sustained Universe?
May 22, 22 / Can 02, 06 22:54 UTC
While I cannot give a lot to creating a self-sustaining universe, I am vegan for the animals, and feel that for now that is the least anyone can do.
May 22, 22 / Can 02, 06 10:52 UTC Hope you all enjoy
May 17, 22 / Gem 25, 06 11:55 UTC
May 4, 22 / Gem 12, 06 16:31 UTC
you can watch the other two episodes on ASGARDIA.TV enjoy, :)
May 4, 22 / Gem 12, 06 15:34 UTC
with quantum computing we can achieve light speed travel across the cosmos, and perhaps make those quick sharp right angle turns you only see in cartoons, with the rise of our technology and new state of matter we maybe able to finally do the unthinkable, time is on our side, ...
Apr 29, 22 / Gem 07, 06 10:22 UTC
A breakthrough in science
Apr 29, 22 / Gem 07, 06 17:24 UTC
yes that's right, considering how far we have come we are just still touching the surface of our future, there will be lots more innovation to come, stay tuned.
Apr 29, 22 / Gem 07, 06 14:36 UTC
Fiquei imaginando essa tecnologia mais evoluída aplicada a uma traje, acredito que conforme forem desenvolvendo mais esse tipo de tecnologia, mais possibilidades de utilidade poderemos tirar de tudo isso.
Apr 13, 22 / Tau 19, 06 12:47 UTC
I dip in and out but there’s no room for half heartedness … I’m in
Mar 21, 22 / Ari 24, 06 12:08 UTC
I have come to the conclusion that this 'Project' wont get anywhere in mine and my children's children's lifetimes. can I 'unsubscribe' ?
Jun 19, 22 / Leo 02, 06 12:40 UTC
I'm still waiting to find out how i can unsubscribe ???
Mar 21, 22 / Ari 24, 06 22:53 UTC
How is it alien? lol
Mar 21, 22 / Ari 24, 06 12:46 UTC
مملكة أسجارديا الفضائية تعتبر أول دولة فضائية في العالم حيث يبقى مواطنوها الاسجارديين على الأرض، لكنهم يحملون جنسية هذه الدولة في الفضاء.
Feb 17, 22 / Pis 20, 06 09:17 UTC
Hi everyone! I`m new here! What`s up?
Feb 17, 22 / Pis 20, 06 09:20 UTC
Hello and welcome! If you have any questions or interested in what's going on with Asgardia lately, we suggest you taking a look at our FAQ and News section above!
Feb 16, 22 / Pis 19, 06 15:25 UTC
My name is Giacomo Bressan, I am a flight attendant based in the UK, recently completed a Master course in Space and Air law with Drone law and Aircraft leasing and Financing. I’m always been connected and passionate about the universe. I envision Asgardia to become a top-world Leading space ...
Feb 17, 22 / Pis 20, 06 13:55 UTC
Good Afternoon Mrs MP Ferda Inan, Thank you for your reply and for considering some of my ideas. I am looking forward to become an active part of Asgardia in its political life and to help with what I can. Best regards Giacomo Bressan