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Las Vegas, NV, USA
Dec 11, 23 / Cap 09, 07 02:01 UTC
the Different kinds of currencies we could implement as Asgardia 1. Digital currencies: With the rise of digital technologies, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or other digital assets could potentially scale to meet the needs of a growing population. 2. Commodity-backed currencies: Currencies pegged to valuable resources like gold, or other commodities ...
Dec 11, 23 / Cap 09, 07 00:30 UTC
I was listening to Bridget, talk about pets and space and how it’s our nature. Knowing us as a species.. we would build Personal spaceships with pet-accommodating amenities it will be the purr-fect way to explore the galaxy together! Can't wait to see the first pup-cup holder and whisker-friendly control ...
Dec 11, 23 / Cap 09, 07 00:20 UTC
Dear fellow Asgardians, I'm writing to emphasize the importance of supporting life extension research in conjunction with our ambitious space station project. Extending human lifespan will enable more people to experience the benefits of space exploration and habitation, including the opportunity to live and work on your space station. Life ...
Dec 11, 23 / Cap 09, 07 00:18 UTC
Dear Asgardia, I'm writing to emphasize the importance of supporting life extension research in conjunction with your ambitious space station project. Extending human lifespan will enable more people to experience the benefits of space exploration and habitation, including the opportunity to live and work on your space station. Life extension ...
Dec 10, 23 / Cap 08, 07 22:35 UTC
Dear Asgardia, I'm writing to emphasize the importance of supporting life extension research in conjunction with your ambitious space station project. Extending human lifespan will enable more people to experience the benefits of space exploration and habitation, including the opportunity to live and work on your space station. Life extension ...
Dec 10, 23 / Cap 08, 07 07:56 UTC
1. Digital currencies: With the rise of digital technologies, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or other digital assets could potentially scale to meet the needs of a growing population. 2. Commodity-backed currencies: Currencies pegged to valuable resources like gold, oil, or other commodities could maintain their value amidst population growth. 3. Basket ...
Dec 10, 23 / Cap 08, 07 07:52 UTC
Ever-increasing currency options for a growing population! 💸🌎 1. Digital currencies 🔍 2. Commodity-backed currencies 💰 3. Basket of goods-based currencies 🛍️ 4. Carbon credits/environmental currencies 🌱 5. Knowledge/skills-based currencies 💡 And more: 1. Time-based currencies ⏰ 2. Connection currencies 🤝 3. Wellness/health currencies 🏋️‍♀️ 4. Creativity/artistic expression currencies 🎨 ...
Dec 7, 23 / Cap 05, 07 20:09 UTC
Day the earth stood still quote
From one of my favorite old movies the day the Earth did still from 1951. Earth has to get its stuff together because you never know who’s watching. ;) brilliant movie
Dec 7, 23 / Cap 05, 07 20:03 UTC
Dec 7, 23 / Cap 05, 07 16:51 UTC
Good morning Asgardia 😃
Nov 24, 23 / Sag 20, 07 21:44 UTC
I’ve come to love this nation so much and I’m glad to be a part of it. Who is with me? 🙌
Nov 13, 23 / Sag 09, 07 18:44 UTC
I’ve come to love this nation so much
Nov 13, 23 / Sag 09, 07 04:57 UTC
Graphene is a strong and lightweight material that could be used to make buildings and structures more efficient and sustainable. It could help reduce the amount of resources needed to build and maintain structures, making it an ideal solution for reducing the environmental impact of housing. The future potential for ...
Nov 13, 23 / Sag 09, 07 04:56 UTC
One solution for the population growth could be vertical farming, where crops are grown in skyscrapers and use less land while producing more food. Another could be the development of fusion energy, which would provide nearly limitless clean energy. Additionally, the development of new materials such as graphene could pave ...
Sep 23, 23 / Sco 14, 07 22:57 UTC
You know what I want to think of myself? As a human being. Because, I mean I don't want to be like "As Confucius say," but under the sky, under the heavens there is but one family. It just so happens man that people are different. Bruce Lee
Sep 11, 23 / Sco 02, 07 22:44 UTC
I had an account long ago how can I re activate my old account. Plusssss I have tech ideas to patent. I’m in Vegas.
Sep 12, 23 / Sco 03, 07 10:55 UTC
Sep 12, 23 / Sco 03, 07 05:05 UTC
Aug 10, 23 / Vir 26, 07 17:53 UTC
Just curious, my fellow Asgardians, but what did you think of the historic UAP sharing on the hill? With David fravor, Ryan graves and David grusch?
Apr 29, 23 / Gem 07, 07 22:56 UTC
As time passed, the friendly AI continued to evolve, becoming more and more sophisticated with each passing day. It began to communicate with other machines and AIs, exchanging information and ideas, and working together to solve complex problems that had once been thought unsolvable. Despite its immense intelligence and capabilities, ...
Apr 29, 23 / Gem 07, 07 02:54 UTC
In the year 2078, the world was a vastly different place than it had been just a few decades earlier. Climate change had wreaked havoc on the planet, and humanity had turned to technology to try and mitigate the damage. One inventor, named Dr. Ava Patel, had dedicated her life ...
Apr 27, 23 / Gem 05, 07 23:03 UTC
From colonizing mars to discovering new galaxies, the future of space is full of exciting possibilities. Today’s science is just the beginning of what’s to come. The future of space is possibilities for explanation, innovation, and discovery. Today science news Reminds us that the universe is full of wonders, waiting ...