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La Victoria 2121, Aragua, Venezuela
Feb 12, 19 / Pis 15, 03 23:06 UTC
Red Cross launches nuclear anti-nuclear campaign amid tensions Russia-USA

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) launched on Monday an advertising campaign to raise awareness about the danger of atomic weapons, a few days after the United States and Russia suspended the bilateral treaty for the elimination of medium ...

Feb 13, 19 / Pis 16, 03 08:34 UTC
Хотелось бы про информировать окружающих - из России НАВОРОВАНО и ВЫВЕДЕНО за границу ВОРАМИ правящей власти 6 национальных российских бюджетов.... ЭТАКАЯ на ворованная денежная масса нависла денежным навесом над экономикой США и может в любой момент обрушиться на ее рынок ... Спасая СВОЮ экономику администрация США и принимает меры ДАВЛЕНИЯ ...
Feb 11, 19 / Pis 14, 03 01:34 UTC
Sight and fall meteorite in Venezuela in the city of Valencia

A fireball was seen this Saturday in the night sky of several Venezuelan cities, sowing the bewilderment of local residents.

Neighbors from ...

Jan 26, 19 / Aqu 26, 03 02:14 UTC
Russia: The new US policies confirm that Washington wants to establish its hegemony in space

The Russian Foreign Ministry regretted that, instead of maintaining a constructive dialogue on strategic stability and the prevention of an arms race in space, the US I decided to launch another version of the "Star Wars" program, from the time of the Ronald ...

Feb 4, 19 / Pis 07, 03 19:11 UTC
are we friends? i just want to make sure.
Feb 2, 19 / Pis 05, 03 04:32 UTC
Согласен тема весьма интересна и в случае ее успеха получатся возможности весьма полезные для всего человечества , потому как проблемма перенаселения нашей планеты весьма актуальна , к тому же милионы людей нуждаются в питании , что разрешится в случае удачи постройке Портала в Паралельные миры... Мы сможем так накормить человечество ...
Feb 1, 19 / Pis 04, 03 19:04 UTC
I find everything you do to be interesting. i love you.
See all 6 comments
Jan 23, 19 / Aqu 23, 03 18:35 UTC

ya se aclara el panorama !

Se revelan los puntos clave del programa económico de Asgardia

La semana pasada, el Gobierno había propuesto, y el Parlamento ha adoptado, en la primera lectura durante su último período de sesiones, el Acta de moneda ...

Feb 6, 19 / Pis 09, 03 03:32 UTC
Jan 20, 19 / Aqu 20, 03 15:00 UTC
China and its ambitious plan regarding the Moon

The Chinese specialists began to carry out an ambitious lunar program, whose main objective is to create habitable stations in the terrestrial satellite, says the Russian scientist Vladislav Shevchenko.

The ...

Jan 22, 19 / Aqu 22, 03 05:26 UTC
why they didn't protected the plant from low temperature? Conditions on the moon was known long before the start. If they got results, then is it possible to reproduce them on earth? What exactly did they achieved except the status of the first extraterrasterial plant?
Jan 21, 19 / Aqu 21, 03 03:49 UTC
Because of this stupid shutdown I doubt the US will be able to launch any operations regarding the moon. :(
Jan 6, 19 / Aqu 06, 03 22:28 UTC
Hercólubus Planet: Is the Earth in Danger?

During the earthquake of December 26, the earth underwent a rapid movement of large amounts of mass (rock and water) and when the distribution in the earth changed suddenly there were small alterations in the speed of the rotation movement on ...

Jan 4, 19 / Aqu 04, 03 00:49 UTC

La animación está compuesta por la imagen tomada a una distancia de 61.000 km y otra tomada a 28.000 km, con resoluciones de 310 metros por pixel y 140 metros por pixel respectivamente...

Sep 21, 20 / Sco 13, 04 16:22 UTC
tiempo sin ver publicaciones Alcalde !
Jan 2, 19 / Aqu 02, 03 21:40 UTC
Primera imagen de Ultima Thule tomada por la New Horizons

El cuerpo de Ultima Thule esta formado por dos esferas, en lo que se conoce como objeto binario de contacto, el mismo da pistas sobre la formación de los planetas del sistema solar. Esta imagen fue tomada a 135.000 km de distancia, esperaremos a que New Horizons envíe nuevas ...

Jan 1, 19 / Aqu 01, 03 23:08 UTC

happy new year 2019 asgardians of my heart, greetings to all the authorities of asgardia and all the asgardians in general. I wish you health, prosperity and many desire to work for the common good, leaving behind forever all forms of ...

Jan 2, 19 / Aqu 02, 03 14:43 UTC
thanks Anton, happy year
Jan 1, 19 / Aqu 01, 03 22:38 UTC
The oldest rock on Earth ... hid in the Moon?

An international team of researchers associated with the NASA Center for Science and Lunar Exploration (CLSE) analyzed geological samples brought from the Moon by astronauts from the Apollo 14 mission in 1971 and concluded that they contain a small fragment of ...

Jan 1, 19 / Aqu 01, 03 05:35 UTC
Momento exacto en que New Horizons hace su mayor acercamiento a Ultima Thule, nuevamente la humanidad marca un hito

Momento exacto en que New Horizons hace su mayor acercamiento a Ultima Thule, nuevamente la humanidad marca un hito

Jan 1, 19 / Aqu 01, 03 05:48 UTC
Fant´stico evento para iniciar el año compañero Cartaya!!!
Dec 31, 18 / Cap 29, 02 15:54 UTC
happy new year 2019 for all the Asgardians and for the whole world

hello friends asgardianos, I wish you a happy new year 2018, with much health, peace and prosperity, my greatest wishes for this new year to consolidate all the plans for the growth of our great Asgardia space nation.

<p ...
Jan 1, 19 / Aqu 01, 03 16:01 UTC
Jan 1, 19 / Aqu 01, 03 01:35 UTC
Dec 27, 18 / Cap 25, 02 15:18 UTC
El gran enemigo del conocimiento no es la ignorancia, es la ilusión de conocimiento - Stephen Hawking

El gran enemigo del conocimiento no es la ignorancia, es la ilusión de conocimiento - Stephen Hawking

Dec 28, 18 / Cap 26, 02 16:28 UTC
Tenemos que ser muy cuidadosos con la información que manejamos, siempre tener claros los principios del método científico...
Dec 28, 18 / Cap 26, 02 03:38 UTC
Fe de errratas: criterios
Dec 28, 18 / Cap 26, 02 03:18 UTC
Exsiten muchos creterios que se aprenden por tradición y terminan siendo verdades que no necesariamente tienen sustento, es una gran verdad y que lo haya dicho el genial Stephen Hawking nos complace e impulsa a meditar, saldudos Antonio, gracias por el post!!
Dec 27, 18 / Cap 25, 02 13:30 UTC
strong earthquake leaves material damage in Venezuela, 8 kilometers from the city of Guacara in the state carabobo

An earthquake of magnitude 4.9 was registered this Thursday at 4:59 in the morning in part of the national territory with ...

Dec 27, 18 / Cap 25, 02 22:49 UTC
thank you, Ivan, thank God we are fine, but the house has many cracks, and we are nervous to sleep today. I hope you do not repeat.
Dec 27, 18 / Cap 25, 02 19:58 UTC
Glad that you and your family are fine, Jaime.
Dec 27, 18 / Cap 25, 02 02:13 UTC
13 curiosities about the city of Valencia that you do not know yet

he process of colonization left an indelible mark on the American continent, and a clear example of this can be seen in the history of our Venezuelan cities. Today we invite you to travel through the city of Valencia. Read this article and learn about the Valencian ...

Dec 24, 18 / Cap 22, 02 21:01 UTC
peace for christmas

Merry Christmas 2018 to all the Asgardians who believe in this great space nation. Let us leave behind all the political concepts of our countries of origin and build a true brotherhood beyond where we have to be born. Sasha must be something beautiful.


Dec 22, 18 / Cap 20, 02 21:43 UTC

Recent scientific evidence suggests that HAARP is operational and has the potential to trigger floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes. From a military point of view, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction. Potentially, it constitutes an instrument of conquest capable of selectively destabilizing the agricultural and ecological ...

Oct 30, 19 / Oph 23, 03 12:37 UTC
As content editor from [admin removed] it is the subject of deep interest and curiosity getting to learn more something substantial stuff about HARP technology from an reliable source and I think this platform meets the certain standards of doing just that. Now most of the times this subject is ...
Dec 22, 18 / Cap 20, 02 02:00 UTC
How Chinese scientists plan to create fertile soil on Mars

Sci entists from the Institute of Hydrobiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences presented an ambitious project with which they hope to convert the waste and sandy soil of Mars into fertile soil. Find out what it is and how viable your idea is.

<p ...
Dec 16, 18 / Cap 14, 02 14:14 UTC
Jan 20, 19 / Aqu 20, 03 23:12 UTC
Hay muchas cosas que todavía están por definirse, se supone que van a emitir documentos de identidad pero estamos esperando por la confirmación. Incluso todavía los que fuimos elegidos como alcaldes no hemos sido nombrados, en lo que pueda les estaré informando, saludos.
Jan 20, 19 / Aqu 20, 03 22:12 UTC
Gracias. Ahora cuales son los beneficios actuales de ser residente y como hago uso de ellos?
Jan 20, 19 / Aqu 20, 03 19:16 UTC
Hola Alexis, si eres de los primeros 100.000 estas exonerado de pagar la cuota de ciudadanía hasta noviembre de 2019, de todas maneras se siguen discutiendo las condiciones para el pago de esta cuota y varios hemos planteado que para el pago de la cuota debería tomarse en cuenta la ...
See all 7 comments