Jun 20, 18 / Leo 03, 02 18:07 UTC

It time that that re generation of younge people stand up for our county. With the young individuals leading, and showing citizens a better lifestyle, we can make our lifestyle a better place to live.

Jun 20, 18 / Leo 03, 02 15:02 UTC

Se que es muy importante que todos los implicados en esta gran nacion tengamos como gran fe creer en el, el cual fue el que no puso en este universo, y que tambien nos acompañara en este gran desafio que todos tenemos por delante.

Jun 20, 18 / Leo 03, 02 09:05 UTC

I am an Asgardian from the beginning of this and I have been dreaming that live in the space since my childhood. Now it is happening. Not just me, everybody must to do something because this is our home. This will be our home.

Jun 20, 18 / Leo 03, 02 06:39 UTC

Knowledge is power, who doesn't want free power.

Jun 19, 18 / Leo 02, 02 14:30 UTC

Vivre hors de notre planète n'est qu'une question de temps. Aujourd'hui préparer ce départ vers des mondes différents de notre civilisation s'impose. Entre réflexions philosophiques et organisation, Asgardiens prenons les devants !

Aug 15, 19 / Lib 03, 03 02:32 UTC
Living off our planet is only a matter of time. Today, it is essential to prepare for this departure towards different worlds of our civilization. Living off our planet is only a matter of time. Today, it is essential to prepare for this departure towards different worlds of our civilization. ...
Nov 14, 18 / Sag 10, 02 06:58 UTC
Добрый день ВСЕМ ! Честно говоря в космос я не верю , пока сам там не побываю). Тем не менее , если люди туда стремятся я иду вместе с ними . НО кроме космоса существуют еще и Паралельные миры , в которые попасть проще. Просто надо найти естественный Портал и ...
Jun 18, 18 / Leo 01, 02 23:30 UTC

I want to ensure full cooperation from other countries in order to recognize and accept asgardia.

I want to bring consensus into the negotiations.

Jun 18, 18 / Leo 01, 02 22:38 UTC

For the better understanding of requirements for the sustainability and fair trade for the Asgardian family

Jun 18, 18 / Leo 01, 02 22:30 UTC

La ricerca è ciò che farà di Asgardia una meta più vicina, la ricerca è il motore per raggiungere in nostro obiettivo, migliore è il motore migliori saranno le prestazioni così da accorciare i tempi della nostra meta. Più investiamo nella ricerca più troveremo modi migliori e veloci per ...

Jun 18, 18 / Leo 01, 02 19:13 UTC

I believe that trade should strengthen the Asgardia economy and create more job places, while also laying a foundation for equitable, and sustainable growth around the Earth and far space. Trade and commerce have been a cornerstone of our growth and global development. We must build ...

Jun 18, 18 / Leo 01, 02 18:14 UTC
We must love the essence of life but also Asgardia must promote life. Growth animates the essence of life, forms the human being. Every living being grows, does not stop, develops. Humanism is life. Humanity is life. Education is life. Education promotes and accompanies growth. ...
Jun 18, 18 / Leo 01, 02 08:19 UTC

Being one of the contributors to the culture of a new nation is a big and important step for all citizens, we must be a bright and great cultural new nation.

To do this, we need the unity of many national Asgardia.

We will try ...

Jul 7, 18 / Leo 20, 02 20:58 UTC
MrHuseyn so respectful person in my city. He is so strong and so smart . I hope he is going best position in Asgardia
Jun 17, 18 / Leo 00, 02 12:13 UTC

Highly qualified and Professional

3 Masters degree in the field of business, management and science

17 + certificates in various streams

10 + Years of fully professional experience

Highly professional in Quality Management Systems and Audit systems

Jun 16, 18 / Can 27, 02 20:07 UTC


Jun 16, 18 / Can 27, 02 14:29 UTC

Heey i am agriculturist.........i want to do progress in asgardia space ........to make project for growing food......of this space nation

Its all up to you........that u plzzz vote our


Aug 21, 18 / Lib 09, 02 05:35 UTC
это очень важно и сейчас, на Земле - я в России работал над проектом создания сети инновационных аграрных поселений для выращивания экологически чистого продовольствия ... система реализации такой продукции может осуществляться с применением Асгардийской валюты - SOLAR
Jun 16, 18 / Can 27, 02 07:51 UTC

Citizenship, education, & information & tech.

Jun 15, 18 / Can 26, 02 11:18 UTC

Все мы хотим путешествовать свободно.

Я люблю общаться с гражданами других государств, и мне не даёт покоя, что кто-то не может пользоваться достоянием всего человечества, наример как Северная Корея.

Если мы хотим светлого будущего для себя и наших детей, ...

Jun 15, 18 / Can 26, 02 00:45 UTC

Dear Asgardians,

despite it might seem pretty obvious, human kind should have got rid of wars, People's exploiting, environmental issues, greediness and hate for anyone who is even slightly "different" many years ago.

Some Earthians decided to stop accepting what the majority considered just unavoidable. ...

Jun 14, 18 / Can 25, 02 18:39 UTC

I would make sure that Asgardian's rights as citizens are taken care of. I would make sure that we can create a secure and safe home in space away from our adobe that we call Earth. Space is the future of Humankind and we're going to be at the ...

Jun 14, 18 / Can 25, 02 03:00 UTC

Telecommunication is an important tool for community and for businesses. It enables participants to communicate effectively with partners and deliver their service. Telecommunication is also a key element in teamwork, allowing citizens to collaborate easily from wherever they are located.

Communication is a very important aspect in ...

Oct 6, 18 / Sco 27, 02 13:28 UTC
Jun 13, 18 / Can 24, 02 17:50 UTC

Knowledge is the best way to guarantee a society self secure and it starts with us, the youngs. O conhecimento é a melhor forma de garantir uma sociedade segura de si, e isso começa conosco, a juventude.

Jun 13, 18 / Can 24, 02 17:58 UTC
Knowledge is the best way to guarantee a society self secure and it starts with us, the youngs. O conhecimento é a melhor forma de garantir uma sociedade segura de si, e isso começa conosco, a juventude. Só o conhecimento pode nos transformar em uma comunidade coesa, que não precise ...