Nahtahni Grillett

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Re: Discovering a nation.
Jan 21, 17 / Aqu 21, 01 15:59 UTC
Discovering a nation.
Jan 20, 17 / Aqu 20, 01 23:23 UTC
Re: Asgardian Boinc/folding@home team
Dec 27, 16 / Cap 26, 00 23:17 UTC
Re: A Game for Asgardia
Dec 27, 16 / Cap 26, 00 22:25 UTC
Re: Service Based Economy
Dec 27, 16 / Cap 26, 00 20:24 UTC
Re: Unlimited Energy
Dec 27, 16 / Cap 26, 00 19:34 UTC
Re: Unlimited Energy
Dec 27, 16 / Cap 26, 00 14:31 UTC
Re: Eliminate the monetary system and here's why.
Dec 26, 16 / Cap 25, 00 23:22 UTC
Re: Unlimited Energy
Dec 26, 16 / Cap 25, 00 22:47 UTC