Jun 30, 17 / Leo 13, 01 22:35 UTC
iMPLEMENT Universal Basic Income ....

I hereby propose to all Asgardians the opportunity to choose whether we should or should not implement Universal Basic Income. For the those who do not know what it is, basically Universal Basic Income (UBI for short) is a form of social security in which all citizens or residents of a country receive a regular, unconditional sum of money - guaranteed, either from a government or some other public institution, independent of any other income.


Poverty reduction

Basic income is often argued for by its advocates because of its potential to reduce poverty, or even eradicate poverty. The ability of basic income to eliminate poverty is uncontroversial because it is true by definition that an unconditional income set above the poverty line will eliminate poverty.


Basic income, it is argued, is a much simpler and more transparent welfare system.

Basic Income and Growth

Basic income and growth (or BIG) allows for potential economic growth: people may decide to invest in themselves to earn higher degrees and get interesting and well-paid jobs that, in turn, could trigger growth  - This would be beneficial for Asgardia, if we truly want to live in a technocratic society.


Supporters commonly make three very different arguments that basic income promotes freedom. First , although most basic income supporters tend to be politically left, right-leaning supporters, at least since the 1970s, have argued that policies like basic income free welfare recipients from the paternalistic oversight of conditional welfare-state policies.

Second , Philippe Van Parijs has argued that basic income at the highest sustainable level is needed to support real freedom, or the freedom to do whatever one "might want to do." By this,Van Parijs means that all people should be free to use the resources of the Earth and the "external assets" people make out of them to do whatever they might want to do. Money is like an access ticket to use those resources, and so to make people equally free to do what they might want to do with the external assets of the world, the government should give each individual as many such access tickets as possible—that is, the highest sustainable basic income.

Third , at least since Thomas Paine, some supporters have argued that basic income is needed to protect the power to say no, which these supporters argue is essential to an individual's status as a free person


Affordability? (I believe Universal Basic Income would provide growth , thus making it more affordable in the long term)

May make people lazy? (I personally think that will not be the case, providing that people who work earn more than those who do not, thus incentive to work)


Therefore, it should be believed that Pros outweigh the Cons in this proposal.

Please like, share and debate below.

Sign this petition to make this a reality.

Thank you,

Christopher J Boardman. -

Asgardian Election - Candidate.

Manchester, United Kingdom

Jul 1, 17 / Leo 14, 01 17:35 UTC

Резюме:Авторы: Рональд Блашке, Маттиас Дильтея, Йорг Дрешер, Füllsack Манфред, Даниэль Häni, Людвиг Пауль Häusner, Катя Киппинг, Саша Доктор Либерман, профессор Михаэль Опилка, Филипп Ван Париже, Вернер Rätz, Энно Шмидт, в. Гетц Вернер, Биргит Зенкер

Ключевые слова: все авторы согласились на публикацию этой встрече и отказался от каких-либо ...

Jul 27, 17 / Vir 12, 01 18:03 UTC

Модель Дильтея к оформлению освобождающего безусловного основного дохода

Критерии сети БОД и БЬЕН:

Jul 27, 17 / Vir 12, 01 18:15 UTCасгардия-ndash-сторонник-экономической-модели-laquoбезусловного-базового-доходаraquo/

Aug 3, 17 / Vir 19, 01 17:15 UTC

Основная статья-БПК - Библиографическая ссылка Оноприенко в. и., безусловного базового дохода и пирамида Маслоу // Ноосфера. Общества. Человека. - 2017. - П. 5;


Sep 15, 17 / Sco 06, 01 16:09 UTC

Это может показаться странным - предпринимателям интересоваться политикой распределения доходов. Но растет число громких заявлений из Силиконовой долины - руководители не возражают против всеобщего базового дохода (УБИ), система, в которой каждый получает стандартную сумму денег просто за то, что жив.

It might seem odd for tech entrepreneurs ...

May 16, 18 / Gem 24, 02 22:49 UTC
Universal Income is meant by some to enslave us, instead of liberating us. We should do what Corey proposes, and move to a barter based system, instead of Marxism.
Aug 27, 18 / Lib 15, 02 22:50 UTC
Hey friends! I need your vote to be the Mayor of Toronto for Asgardia. Can you click here and upvote: Thanks for your support :)
Jan 18, 19 / Aqu 18, 03 04:57 UTC
Какое отношение всё это имеет к Асгардии?
Jul 1, 17 / Leo 14, 01 19:27 UTC

I've signed this petition, but would have added that Asgardia should seek to build up the UBI in line with the growth of our national economy, but not at the expense our mission to build up Earth's protective infrastructure.

Jul 11, 17 / Leo 24, 01 03:31 UTC

I believe that if someone needs to begin on a UBI, it would be also important that they contribute, somehow, of their gifts or time, to the cause. I would hate to see someone such as myself left behind only because I am without extra funds to start, it ...

Sep 6, 17 / Lib 25, 01 10:05 UTC

I agree with you on that! :)

Aug 30, 18 / Lib 18, 02 07:30 UTC
totally agree!
Dec 11, 18 / Cap 09, 02 01:10 UTC
I agree this argue. However, we should think also how other people such as those without a hand or a leg or in a chair could contribute. As example, not many have same chances as Stephen Hawking had.
Apr 26, 19 / Gem 04, 03 15:34 UTC
I agree with your comment
Jul 27, 17 / Vir 12, 01 01:24 UTC

I agree with you

Jul 2, 17 / Leo 15, 01 18:39 UTC

And if you dont support the petition?

Jul 10, 17 / Leo 23, 01 04:18 UTC

@EddieB if you don't agree then don't sign it. Right now it's just a petition, it won't actually go into effect. It's just a way to get the idea out there.

Dec 10, 17 / Cap 08, 01 13:37 UTC

as a universal invome is generated must be a form of collecting part of those money back to the country in the form of buying something symbolical

Aug 3, 17 / Vir 19, 01 06:48 UTC

Then don’t vote for it

Sep 1, 17 / Lib 20, 01 23:12 UTC

Then don't sign it and sign a petition that you advocate, obviously

Jul 3, 17 / Leo 16, 01 00:15 UTC

Yes for me

Jul 3, 17 / Leo 16, 01 00:15 UTC


Jul 3, 17 / Leo 16, 01 09:02 UTC


Jul 3, 17 / Leo 16, 01 09:02 UTC


Jul 3, 17 / Leo 16, 01 09:02 UTC


Jul 4, 17 / Leo 17, 01 13:16 UTC

First Asgardia must become a real Nation, with taxes and money to spend. This seems like a great way to get lazy people to sign up to become Asgardians! To start a nation we need people willing to work hard and make sacrifices. Once the nation is established increasing ...

Jul 15, 17 / Vir 00, 01 16:43 UTC

OllyG , agreed. Though I agree the UBI should exist for citizens it also must not come as an incentive to becoming a Citizen. UBI doesn't take priority over other financial priorities for Asgardia. But if and when Asgardia is prosperous enough, we should implement an UBI that will ...

Jul 27, 17 / Vir 12, 01 01:28 UTC

You are wise.

Jul 27, 17 / Vir 12, 01 01:27 UTC

You are right

Nov 28, 17 / Sag 24, 01 15:32 UTC

Taxes are the one mistake all governments make. It forces inequality, and undue obligation. A government can easily be self-supporting, while at the same time be minimal and efficient. Basic income need not come at the expense of others. It can be created from the abundance of the universe, ...

Aug 30, 18 / Lib 18, 02 07:33 UTC
This is true
Feb 19, 18 / Pis 22, 02 00:41 UTC
Agreeded, a dangerous discussion
Apr 26, 19 / Gem 04, 03 15:36 UTC
I agree with your comment
Jul 4, 17 / Leo 17, 01 19:33 UTC

I strongly disagree with this concept. For a government to pay everyone a UBI first its citizens have to pay the government higher taxes to receive the money back from them!

Combine this with the inevitable rise in prices when businesses know all citizens have extra money ...

Jul 11, 17 / Leo 24, 01 16:14 UTC

Replace income with services and it makes much more sense as long as you keep it basic. No one should be allowed to die of hunger, dehydration, exposition to the elements ... add medial services and free education and you have give everyone the same chance for a good ...

Jul 14, 17 / Leo 27, 01 00:25 UTC

I agree with your idea.

Aug 30, 18 / Lib 18, 02 07:36 UTC
This makes way more sense. If we as Asgardians can help and support each other in this way then we are headed in the direction we want:D
Dec 11, 18 / Cap 09, 02 01:14 UTC
I agree with Christian and Kimzie
Jul 4, 17 / Leo 17, 01 20:56 UTC

The idea is good, but without a strong and stable economy is unrealizable. Therefore, it is premature.

Jul 4, 17 / Leo 17, 01 20:57 UTC

The idea is good, but without a strong and stable economy is unrealizable. Therefore, it is premature.

Jul 5, 17 / Leo 18, 01 14:46 UTC

I support this petition. Tax collection is not the only way to finance Universal Basic Income. One way I believe UBI can be started is through Helicopter Money ( or quantitative easing for people ( , and with that, ...

Jul 15, 17 / Vir 00, 01 01:38 UTC

Quantitive easing is currently being used in the U.S. and is proving to be a problem as far as devaluation of the U.S. Dollar. I.E., it takes more U.S. Dollars to make ONE Euro. So it would REALLY be more beneficial for me to live in Europe and send ...

Jul 16, 17 / Vir 01, 01 13:22 UTC

I don’t agree with the model that Quantitative easing(QE) is being used today. QE for people is another thing totally different. This video is how I understanding QE for people .

This method of compulsory spending is about the money ...

Sep 29, 17 / Sco 20, 01 16:54 UTC
scattered in all the countries, I do not think it will succeed.
Feb 19, 18 / Pis 22, 02 00:46 UTC
Jul 5, 17 / Leo 18, 01 18:17 UTC

"May make people lazy?" So far the ongoing study of UBI in Finland suggests that UBI increases happiness and incentive to work. It is worth adding that to your information.

Jul 7, 17 / Leo 20, 01 16:31 UTC

I think the concept is good, but as stated before, is premature. However, perhaps look at it more as providing people the ability to study and follow more productive lines of work to grow the community, rather than working in a call centre. Working in fast food. I understand ...

Jul 9, 17 / Leo 22, 01 19:47 UTC

This is a good idea...whose time unfortunately is best left to the future...

However, any Universal basic income should not preclude any individual from rising above and beyond such according to ones own drive and entrepreneurial talent...

I think that we should not hand over ...

Jul 9, 17 / Leo 22, 01 19:49 UTC

This is a good idea...whose time unfortunately is best left to the future...

However, any Universal basic income should not preclude any individual from rising above and beyond such according to ones own drive and entrepreneurial talent...

I think that we should not hand over ...

Jul 10, 17 / Leo 23, 01 04:23 UTC

There's a lot to work out, but I'd like to see this happen. Yes vote here.

Jul 10, 17 / Leo 23, 01 06:27 UTC

Not that I want to put a damper on this idea, but why do we need money, would we not all be equal and be working for our own future and sharing ideas and resources with each other. Why create "money" it another 'root of all evil'.... Just my ...

Jul 28, 17 / Vir 13, 01 20:12 UTC

Money isn't the root of all evil, this is a common biblical misquote. It is 'The LOVE of money which is the root of all evil', there is a big difference.

However, just as I agree we don't really need money if we work ...

May 12, 18 / Gem 20, 02 14:23 UTC
I don't believe in Communism, thanks though, good luck
Jul 11, 17 / Leo 24, 01 16:07 UTC

UBI could be good but Income/Money has the potential to be easily misused and abused.

Why not go for UBS ? Universal Basic Services : Where everyone gets free access to the basic need air, food, water, clothing and shelter, sanitation, education, and healthcare.

Once ...

Nov 16, 17 / Sag 12, 01 18:08 UTC

You mirror my thoughts on this as well. I am not opposed to UBI but believe our purpose should not be fiscally driven. Our society is one of innovation and exploration. It is one built by both artists and engineers. The most basic of services necessary for life ...

Jul 12, 17 / Leo 25, 01 22:56 UTC

I don't believe in the UBI, i believe every person should work for what ever he or she gets. Asgardia should be of hard Working people and not to be populated by lazys.

Jul 16, 17 / Vir 01, 01 14:00 UTC

This picture is how I see UBI supporting hard working people:

Jul 27, 17 / Vir 12, 01 18:18 UTC

May 12, 18 / Gem 20, 02 14:25 UTC
Is Labor not currently optional? I thought slavery was eradicated by the 13th amendment. Someone best holla at my boy Gorsuch.
Jul 13, 17 / Leo 26, 01 00:53 UTC

I believe that the necessary income of society comes from the hard work of the people and creates more wealth for Asgardia, so I believe that we should first solve the problem of employment and develop a new batch of future jobs. We have to think about it before ...

Jul 15, 17 / Vir 00, 01 02:03 UTC

I don't see ANY pro's of this. First and foremost, this petition lacks ANY kind of ACTUAL evidence in any claim contained within. Without some kind of actual independant and neutral entity conducting a study on said subject matter, I must kindly decline to vote on this.


Jul 15, 17 / Vir 00, 01 02:06 UTC

I must clarify on #3...***when provided with an income source by the government without incentive to work.***

Jul 16, 17 / Vir 01, 01 16:37 UTC

hey david.kingsleyjr

I agree with you when you say that UBI lacks evidence in any claim contained. But that is because UBI was never implemented in large scale. The experiment with UBI in Canada ,

Aug 23, 18 / Lib 11, 02 02:05 UTC
Some cities in Canada and the United States have started to implement this kind of income. They find that people are more likely to spend intelligently, and do things that will make them more wealthy than they were before. There is a a Ted talk on poverty and a video ...
Jul 19, 17 / Vir 04, 01 08:06 UTC

Asgardia is the society of the future not of the past and that means, the majority of Asgardia income will come from automated and robotized assets.

Collecting space debris appears to be a priority for Asgardia and this can't be done manually like asteroids mining, planetaries shield, ...

Jul 19, 17 / Vir 04, 01 20:17 UTC

I feel as if UBI will ultimately make it more difficult for people who rely on it as a source of income to get anything done and proceed to create drag on other people in the nation who are working for their income. If everyone has $20, then $20 ...

Jul 20, 17 / Vir 05, 01 22:54 UTC

I believe that the UBI could be interpreted as a populist measure ... Perhaps and perhaps inspired by the fatal experience of my country Venezuela, where the Paternalistic State has put an infinite number of "aids" equivalent to a monthly minimum wage, being increased almost excessively Frequent by the ...

Jul 27, 17 / Vir 12, 01 16:46 UTC

The bottom line is, I would like to remind you of a famous quote by J.F.Kennedy ,if am not wrong. It goes roughly like this Do what you can do for the country, not ask what the country can do for you. Please somebody correct it.

Asgardians ...

Jul 28, 17 / Vir 13, 01 19:22 UTC

Im a bit worrying about lazy generation that may appear caused by UBI. However, as I realize that Asgardian must have the accessibility of "food, clothing, shelter, and basic material and immaterial benefits", UBI becomes to be a very good way to make sure that all Asgardians get what ...

Jul 30, 17 / Vir 15, 01 15:43 UTC

I support! Here in Brazil, we had a Senator who also defended this thesis of Basic Income of Citizenship, Mr. Eduardo Matarazzo Suplicy (who unfortunately could not re-elect, even because the Party in which he was part, became involved in corruption), but taking this Christopher J Boardman, ...

Aug 2, 17 / Vir 18, 01 03:47 UTC

I don't think I noticed anyone bring up the following point; where does the money go? [note: these comments apply to denizens of earth, which we will all be for a very long time]

Asgardians are distributed into many current nations. We have no Asgardian local economy. ...

Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 11:14 UTC
достаточно хорошая идея а не могли бы вы ее доработать? если появятся такие точки для обслуживания UBI и его возврата в Асгардию
Aug 2, 17 / Vir 18, 01 03:47 UTC

I don't think I noticed anyone bring up the following point; where does the money go? [note: these comments apply to denizens of earth, which we will all be for a very long time]

Asgardians are distributed into many current nations. We have no Asgardian local economy. ...

Aug 2, 17 / Vir 18, 01 03:53 UTC

I don't think I noticed anyone bring up the following point; where does the money go? [note: these comments apply to denizens of earth, which we will all be for a very long time]

Asgardians are distributed into many current nations. We have no Asgardian local economy. ...

Aug 3, 17 / Vir 19, 01 20:25 UTC

Hi Israel L.

I made some considerations about the destination of UBI's money in the midst of these comments. I proposed a trick to stimulate the economy among the citizens of Asgardia. Briefly speaking, a compulsory expenditure of income earned through the UBI ...

Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 11:17 UTC
приветствую Кардосо, если ты этим занимаешься как можно тебе помочь?
Aug 3, 17 / Vir 19, 01 09:53 UTC

I am from Venezuela and I would also like to clarify some things because when they talk about not implementing the UBI say, look at this is what will happen if you implement it first you have to differentiate what the Venezuelan government system has never interested yoand will ...

Aug 3, 17 / Vir 19, 01 17:27 UTC

Плюсы: - социально-экономические разногласия между богатыми и бедными исчезнет, так как состоятельные люди будут вносить существенный вклад в развитие страны и поддержку для менее состоятельных граждан. В то же время, поскольку под имеет ограниченный Размер, менее состоятельных граждан будет стремиться к повышению их производительности труда и улучшению состояния экономики ...

Aug 5, 17 / Vir 21, 01 07:28 UTC

There is no need to use it on big scale from the start, but not doing it at all is worse. We are no longer in era where we are incapable of implementing this.

Aug 5, 17 / Vir 21, 01 13:07 UTC

Also direct money support is not the only way, it could be done roundabout way by exactly dividing expenses for paying for/ giving free accommodation, food, education, entertainment, sport, clothes, work/hobby expenses.... That way money wouldn't be wasted in any way.

Aug 6, 17 / Vir 22, 01 03:33 UTC

This concept has its place and time, just not sure it's with Asgardia

I ask everyone to consider this

As someone here said we all come from different backgrounds and such, the key to a successful future of all Asgardians, is to put aside all ...

Aug 6, 17 / Vir 22, 01 03:51 UTC

OH yeah one more thing, until we are able to get to space, we all donate to Asgardia so we can reach our goals and objectives. It don't matter how much you donate, there is strength in numbers, a little or a lot, it all goes towards our future, ...

Aug 6, 17 / Vir 22, 01 18:57 UTC

Finding a country requires the funds of the United Nations

Aug 19, 17 / Lib 07, 01 05:22 UTC

Consider the fact that our nation doesn't have enough wealth to support this right now, but later down the road when we make it to space, get our resources from space, and recognized by the UN as a actual nation. I don't see why this couldn't be plausible, besides ...

Aug 22, 17 / Lib 10, 01 03:56 UTC


Aug 22, 17 / Lib 10, 01 08:27 UTC

Olabilir. Ama bu insanları kolay paraya alıştırmamalı.

Aug 23, 17 / Lib 11, 01 09:31 UTC

I would like to see this as something which starts small but grows over time. It could be initially funded with donations, and I would certainly be willing to donate for that purpose. The problem with universal services is the logistics, cash can work anywhere.

Sep 4, 17 / Lib 23, 01 18:25 UTC

I'm support this idea!!!

Sep 13, 17 / Sco 04, 01 20:10 UTC

Excelente iniciativa que ya se está aplicando en algunos países como Canada y Holanda. Yo la veo como una iniciativa de transición a la Economía Basada en Recursos que promueve Jacque Fresco en la que "se deja de utilizar el dinero, y se declaran los recursos como patrimonio de ...

Sep 19, 17 / Sco 10, 01 00:22 UTC

If not UBI, we should have the basic needs provided, ie; power, water, gas, internet, dwellings and food. Everything else you pay for.

Sep 19, 17 / Sco 10, 01 15:02 UTC

I'm support the petition!!!!!

Sep 21, 17 / Sco 12, 01 23:48 UTC

I think that's a great petition but only applicable when Asgardia have its first territory whether a donation from the ONU, a donation from another country a space station or a colony in another planet or satélite. It can cause real problems with the original countries who am be ...

Sep 21, 17 / Sco 12, 01 23:58 UTC

I think that's a great petition but only applicable when Asgardia have its first territory whether a donation from the ONU, a donation from another country a space station or a colony in another planet or satélite. It can cause real problems with the original countries who am be ...

Sep 26, 17 / Sco 17, 01 00:04 UTC

Asgardians are leading - in motivation, in ideas, in future space projects and much more - Asgardians think different, we are all highly motivated and have one purpose! So a UBI for all Asgardians will NOT cause lazybones - it will free us from financial constraints and give everyone ...

Sep 26, 17 / Sco 17, 01 17:49 UTC

Отличная идея - идея будущего. Это снизит преступность, создаст благоприятную атмосферу, освободит мозги человека для творческого поиска применения своих сил. Только в России это не реально при нашем режиме. Государство на это НИКОГДА не пойдет. НИКОГДА.

Sep 26, 17 / Sco 17, 01 17:54 UTC

This is never a good idea unless uou can regulate firms to stop transfer cost by firing employee or raising price. Otherwise no matter how much you raise wages, the firm will just raise price to comprehend the cost

Sep 27, 17 / Sco 18, 01 09:52 UTC

Asgardia will save mankind their ideas are so fascinating

Oct 6, 17 / Sco 27, 01 07:25 UTC

Perhaps it is wise to expand our thinking and try move away from the old linear thinking patterns as humanity has been groomed into being on Earth. What do you say to it?

How about YES I agree with the automatic income/allowance. Every person will decide how ...

Oct 17, 17 / Oph 10, 01 12:30 UTC

In fact i'm agree with the idea of equality and liberty that UBI would provide but i think that Everyone who want to become asgardian has to participate to the evolution of the nation, of course everyone can not participate at the same level and ...

Oct 18, 17 / Oph 11, 01 06:23 UTC

first things first , let me pinpoint something as important than mostly unknown by everyone :

People who create money and distribute it decide what they wanna see build or not .

So i think the power of creation ( then may ...

Oct 23, 17 / Oph 16, 01 11:07 UTC

Согласен. Другими словами, этот базовый доход или выгода. Зачем? Проще говоря: заставить людей работать продуктивно, чтобы переход к новой эре произошел качественно и как можно быстрее. Для общества стало гуманным, и что основными инвестициями Асгардии были инвестиции в человеческие ресурсы: в первую очередь в здоровье человека. Потому что только ...

Oct 23, 17 / Oph 16, 01 11:08 UTC

I agree. This basic income or benefit, in other words, should be. Why? In simple terms: To make people work productively, so that the transition to a new era has occurred qualitatively, and as quickly as possible. To the society grew humane, and that the main investment of Asgardia, ...

Nov 11, 17 / Sag 07, 01 00:01 UTC

I support the idea of BIG. Its a fair way of compensation toward those, whom are can't find a fairly paying workplace. For the long years of delay that is equals with the long suffering, which is degrades the human mind and all significant abilities. Taking high risk of ...

Nov 12, 17 / Sag 08, 01 17:38 UTC

A nations value is to some degree dependent upon its currency. Currencies value, likewise, is dependent upon the work or material that it can provide. Therefore, before we can hope to achieve UBI for Asgardians, we must provide a material or service which is valuable to the international community. ...

Nov 16, 17 / Sag 12, 01 16:20 UTC

Yes, this is an interesting concept.

As it stands, the concept is idiotic for Earth bound societies to adopt (except maybe the ultra wealthy ones like Norway?), but perhaps it is a perfect solution for Asgardia? Since this is basically a virtual society (for now?), ...

Nov 16, 17 / Sag 12, 01 18:20 UTC

I support UBI in principle but believe our purpose should not be fiscally driven.

Our society is one of innovation and exploration. It is one built by both artists and engineers. The most basic of services necessary for life must be provided and be the ...

Nov 17, 17 / Sag 13, 01 00:05 UTC

I propose the implementation of virtu dollar for the solar monetary system that you cam pay yourself more if you run out and feed it into the economy. More on the model is in my blog on it.

Nov 28, 17 / Sag 24, 01 16:04 UTC

As far as worrying about a UBI encouraging 'lazy' people; Who are we to be in charge of who is lazy, and who is not. Is a person being lazy, or just relaxing? Is lazy a crime, and what punishment should be given? Do we exile them to a ...

Nov 28, 17 / Sag 24, 01 23:22 UTC

I support UBI as a means to an end, which is to work towards a technologically advanced, post-scarcity, space civilization, basically achieving the various stages in the Kardashev Scale of civilizations . It's hard for many of us to imagine how these type of ...

Nov 30, 17 / Sag 26, 01 18:18 UTC

My fellow Asgardians,

It seems that we agree on UBI, but not on how we get there or how it would be implemented. In my candidate profile I have out lined how we could reach this high goal.

Here I would just like to give ...

Dec 5, 17 / Cap 03, 01 09:04 UTC

Tout à fait d'accord, il y a beaucoup d'espoir pour l'humanité et ce sont des initiatives comme celles-ci qui nous sauveront de nous-même.

Pour plus d'info sur ma candidature : Economie circulaire, énergies propres, I.A, Robotique

#district 6 FRANCOPHONIE - ...

Dec 5, 17 / Cap 03, 01 09:09 UTC

Le revenu universel doit être implanté au plus tôt car l'éducation est dépassée et les hordes d'humains inemployables car obsolètes par rapport à un robot rendront bientôt cette société invivable. Par contre, il ne faut pas tout miser dessus et faire en sorte que l'éducation suive car sinon, nous ...

Dec 14, 17 / Cap 12, 01 10:05 UTC

Anyone know the answer where the funds from for UBI? How we could make income in Asgardia? be employed or run self-employment? if no earning and not paying tax, how will be the government providing this money?

Dec 28, 17 / Cap 26, 01 21:35 UTC
UBI is only a working long-term solution when it is done 'share-holder style' - essentially, each citizen holds 1 share in the 'common stock' of the nation, with the total number of shares being equal to the total number of citizens.
May 16, 18 / Gem 24, 02 22:50 UTC
Universal Income is meant by some to enslave us, instead of liberating us. We should do what Corey proposes, and move to a barter based system, instead of Marxism.
May 22, 18 / Can 02, 02 10:24 UTC
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Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 11:14 UTC
Азгардки, нужно объединяться уже на земле. Там тогда проще будет. Го в личку)))
Jul 8, 18 / Leo 21, 02 12:55 UTC
Jul 17, 18 / Vir 02, 02 23:10 UTC
Hey im kinda new here, can anyone tell me how to actually vote yes?
Aug 3, 18 / Vir 19, 02 03:42 UTC
I was not surprised at all to see a demand for UBI without any suggestions as how to sustainably fund it, among many other problems the idea of UBI has.
Aug 16, 18 / Lib 04, 02 05:44 UTC
the nice post thanks
Aug 18, 18 / Lib 06, 02 13:21 UTC
i agree to this idea
Aug 19, 18 / Lib 07, 02 11:40 UTC
The source of the Universal Basic Income in Asgardia can be the connection of Asgardians' computers to the ONE NETWORK for the mining of the Asgardian crypto currency SOLAR
Aug 23, 18 / Lib 11, 02 02:12 UTC
For anyone not aware, Income and intelligence go hand in hand. Some cities have already started looking into this program have seen that is working. I highly suggest watching the TED talk on poverty and how people spend money differently, and to look at the recent research on what the ...
Aug 27, 18 / Lib 15, 02 22:50 UTC
Hey friends! I need your vote to be the Mayor of Toronto for Asgardia. Can you click here and upvote: Thanks for your support :)
Sep 7, 18 / Lib 26, 02 13:04 UTC
I am in favour of UBI as opposed to being forced to work for an income so that your basic needs are covered. BUT, I think as a forward thinking nation, which Asgardia certainly is, we need to start thinking about better solutions than even UBI. We need to start ...
Dec 11, 18 / Cap 09, 02 01:19 UTC
interesting, however for hard works and other kind of works could be used specialized robots to help, but not A.I. obviously. So it could be a flexible economy system, where humans could contribute freely without being forced.
Sep 9, 18 / Sco 00, 02 04:59 UTC
Sounds an awful lot like communism..I vote no!
Sep 9, 18 / Sco 00, 02 04:59 UTC
Sounds an awful lot like communism..I vote no!
Nov 12, 18 / Sag 08, 02 18:54 UTC
This should not be put into any kind of effect until we establish proper base whereby the workers directly working for Asgardia would get that, or once we are up in space then yes, this is great idea, but to start a colony you would want everyone to work even ...
Nov 12, 18 / Sag 08, 02 18:55 UTC
everyone that states they should get a basic income whilst not working in space that cost xxxx$$$ to get you up there, and you want free money..
Dec 11, 18 / Cap 09, 02 01:25 UTC
I support. For different kinds of works there could be used specialized robots, but not AI. And humans could contribute without hard efforts and even improving their intelligence. Obviously in Administration, Health, Law and Justice only humans work, not "robots". It depend how you organize the system.
Dec 21, 18 / Cap 19, 02 07:15 UTC
Poverty is so acute, it is need of the time. A basic income will protect poor from being exploited by rich
Feb 13, 19 / Pis 16, 03 12:57 UTC
Считаю что внедрение универсального базового дохода , согласно которому можно будет победить бедность и дать возможность людям осуществлять свои изыскательские способности к открытию нового и полезного для всего общества . К примеру приведу себя -пенсионер , сам бывший шахтер , жена учительница , бывшая разумеется .Пенсии наши не большие , ...
Feb 15, 19 / Pis 18, 03 09:53 UTC
Хотелось бы добавить -БАЗУ для создания капитала для универсального базового дохода надо создавать на основе создания государственных предприятий .Частное предпренимательство надо запретить , оставив совместное с государством создание предприятия , где бы 51% акций данного предприятия пренадлежал государству , которое бы на этой основе и создавало БАНК для универсального базового ...
May 23, 19 / Can 03, 03 13:12 UTC
Who's paying for it ?