Apr 6, 18 / Tau 12, 02 11:33 UTC
Apply photo and real name always in Official Asgardia Space Kingdom Nation web page.

Proposal : Apply photo and real name always in Official Asgardia Space Kingdom Nation web page, without exception of person.

On Free speech.... We all have freedom of expression, but example.... it is understood that there are countries were their dialogue is sometimes insulting, humiliating, despised and threat. for them everything is absolutely fine, for others not, there are those who hate one country or another, in Asgardia there must not be a divided !Nation!, to expose a concern, a complaint, or discomfort as humans wish to call,  it shut not be offended, good dialogue entails a good response, perhaps, investigative it ..and often ignorance in some questions is due to envy , many times they do not read or observe how things are concurring. Maybe the dialogue is right, obviously the reason is to be observed, because the problem is present, ..... Free expression is a right. but like all, that right has limits. there is in the Constitution which indicates it, in the law, and amendments, that protects it directs and defends. People no matter where is their culture , those not have to offense nobody, humiliate, no despise ,,, all around the planet earth, the cultures are different and when some humans leaving their nest they modify their being ..( but nobody is limited if they do not want to change ...) we have to be careful what an individual with free expression refers to, because what he or they wants is to provoke a riot to obtain his purpose. anyone in some places asks for their right of expression, asks at the same time for their right to freedom because they are captives, this is a right that we should all defend, and the right of expression with respect, the word right to expression should always be put on a scale, which is the request the reason, the cause to ask for free expression.

The purpose is to stop people or not human in insulting, threat, humble, despite, went they debating a Question or in comments, also to approve a rule, amendment, a law, that oblige Citizen of Asgardia Kingdom Space Nation, to be with the real names, photo.In that way the citizen of Asgardia if they want to complain, cut write directly to a Department of Asgardia Citizen and non-Citizen as well as non-human.  An official document is need on the purpose to complain, Who, Where, When, Date, Place, Time, adding the real name and photo, also Asgardia have to verify is the name and photo are real, is persons involve, the documents are official, The official Asgardians in charge at the Department of Asgardia Citizen and non-Citizen as well as non-human. Investigated the case.

To act with any action against any member, for having committed one or a few faults, will be imposed suspension for a period of weeks plus a fine, and depend in the weight of the case, could reach a total suspension. the implementation of these rules, amendments and laws will be added within any Asgardia community in space and the planet Earth.

We need a Department of Asgardia Citizen Complain and non-Citizen as well as non-human. A bill to become a rule, amendments, law it will no conflict with another law, this rules, amendments and law will protect well-being, physical and mental tranquility of all our members Asgardia kingdom space Nation. including the space and terrestrial area of

The offense is analyzed and investigated if a Asgardia citizen member enters into a felony, the case will be transferred in front an Asgardian judge, any fault, offense, crime will be applied to the defendant's file even with cause or without cause ... it will prevent the accuse from having a high job position or job changes. And will prevent an accused to be accused on a made-up case.

Working also with Art 9 sec 2,3,4.

Art 10 sec 1,2,4.

Art 20 Art 6 sec 4

Conclusion, it will stop the insults, threats, humiliation, despised, to any member of Asgardia, in implement, rules, amendments and laws that protect the well-being, mental and physical tranquility for all Asgardian Citizen. We need to name an office Department of Asgardian Citizen Complain and non-Citizen as well as non-human.  All actions apply, lack, crime, offense, rape, harassment, sex offender, abuse, robbery, insults, identity theft, invent a false case. mutilation, it does not matter that the culture is not equal, what interests is the Respect to all Asgardian Citizen. Att Aida M Crescente Tamaris

Apr 9, 18 / Tau 15, 02 08:17 UTC
We need a better system of dialogue that can allow us to mark-up and parse our conversations to allow us to distinguish portions of the message we may be confused about, or insulted by, and let's us better self-curate our communications systems. This is important for such a massive multicultural ...
May 8, 18 / Gem 16, 02 18:42 UTC
Art of dialogue id say ... for one, sometimes, its difficult to rely ones thoughts to other people ... as for the negatives, its just about the level on witch people are in terms of being free but responsible. Also, the fact us being many, far away etc. ... non-personal ...
Apr 14, 18 / Tau 20, 02 08:07 UTC
I have Signed this petition. Its important to stop all kind of hate speech, name calling etc. Using real names Is one way to prevent it. Of course its not easy.
Apr 16, 18 / Tau 22, 02 22:50 UTC
Yes we Need it ,,,to help share Thanks
May 10, 18 / Gem 18, 02 14:14 UTC
Bonjour. Votre demande concerne bien entendu les fautes graves et je suis d'accord avec votre vision de protection et de sanction, mais cela ne risque t il pas de faire effet papillons sur notre constitution Asgardienne? Lorsque vous mettez dans votre titre "Afficher la vraie photo de profil et le ...
May 15, 18 / Gem 23, 02 05:01 UTC
i support this petition with real legal name and photos of itself and using petname/aliases its.okay too but in the official must be REAL NAME & PHOTO/S!
Jun 6, 18 / Can 17, 02 18:36 UTC
We need to stop all kind of hate speech, nick Names, in Asgardia. Please sign in
Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 04:47 UTC
Любое королевство падёт если внутри него начнётся разлад. Подписал.
Jul 7, 18 / Leo 20, 02 07:03 UTC