Apr 30, 18 / Gem 08, 02 18:29 UTC

Although many think of the subject of the LGBTQ+ as pretty self explanatory for Asgardia, the community is not directly recognized in our laws and reforms as of yet, nor has the discussion really been made officially clear in elections and discussion boards. This petition I am suggesting comes with 2 parts:

- The first part is to rename the community with an acronym that is more inclusive of all sexuality and gender preferences, and that is easier to remember than the enormous acronym that is used in the community today (LQBTQQIAA+ and other variations). I suggest it be called the Sexuality and Gender Equality (S.A.G.E.) Community, for its simplicity in name and clarity of mission. This also ensures that all peoples are included when referred to in future laws and the constitution, with no confusion.

- The second part of this petition is to include S.A.G.E. members in future bills and budgets. This includes proper healthcare budgetting, inclusive support networks and identity confirmation, access to chosen and changing identity options on legal documents, and having the S.A.G.E. community members included in the definition of "people" in Asgardia, without question.

As a fellow S.A.G.E. member, identifying as non-binary and a demi-asexual, I feel it is important for everybody in Asgardia to have their rights and freedoms declared, no matter who they are, and the S.A.G.E. community needs to be a part of that declaration. We are people. We are equal. We are one nation and humanity.

May 4, 18 / Gem 12, 02 22:35 UTC
Defining the full-spectrum of gender and sexuality combinatorics under a single term that is simple and easily used in future legislation seems like a prudent bit of clerical work. There is a blanket non-discrimination clause in the constitution, but that doesn't cover the future needs of specific groups, nor future-proof ...
May 8, 18 / Gem 16, 02 18:31 UTC
there are a few problems with that .... for one, there isn't really much proper support in term of there actually being anything but two genders ( by with i refer to this problematics core in psyche and hormonal works ), secondly, i myself have no problem with any other ...
May 6, 18 / Gem 14, 02 23:27 UTC
Yea this ones not needed qs it included in the fraze "all asguardans are equal ". So if you have to have it stated explicitly I really feel sorry for your need.
May 7, 18 / Gem 15, 02 12:54 UTC
I support this. Thank you for initiating it.
May 8, 18 / Gem 16, 02 18:44 UTC
I am happy to support this petition. It is important that we understand and provide for all asgardians equally.
May 9, 18 / Gem 17, 02 00:52 UTC
Humans are ONE... humans. No more divisions between us!
May 10, 18 / Gem 18, 02 00:07 UTC
That's what I think, there shouldn't be acronyms, we are all human or people, ONE.
May 9, 18 / Gem 17, 02 07:04 UTC
This is not about division. This is about inclusion.
May 9, 18 / Gem 17, 02 12:08 UTC
This is a provocative petition, attracting attention to a group of people united by sexual fantasies and preferences. This post fuels interpersonal enmity, it is also an attempt by a certain group of people to declare that they are better than another group of people and an attempt to groundlessly ...
May 9, 18 / Gem 17, 02 14:07 UTC
I agree. It doesn't matter what a person's sex, beliefs or sexual orientations are, people are equal, PERIOD - that is the intent of the constitution which we signed up to. Once you start pandering to one section, then every hitherto unheard of claim for special treatment from various groups ...
Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 11:31 UTC
Вы не правы, дискутировать можно много, но от мужчины и мужчины детей не получается, так настроена природа человека. А то что они от безисходности сходятся это отклонение. Мужчина звучит гордо. Женщина звучит гордо. Не надо законы подстраивать под отклонение. Толерантность это тоже хорошо, но есть множество "НО", вы должны осознавать ...
Jul 5, 18 / Leo 18, 02 06:13 UTC
Я не писал про подстраивание никакое, я написал, что против каких либо дополнительных законов и привилегий каких любо групп объединенных по каким либо признакам, включая и тематику петиции.
May 9, 18 / Gem 17, 02 16:10 UTC
As a transgender person I don't really understand WHY you are proposing this. LGBT associations in most countries fight for rights that are often ignored as well as to stop harassment towards LGBT people. Asgardia takes us all AS EQUALS, so we have the equal rights and nobody will ever ...
Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 11:43 UTC
Послушай странный человек, то что мы все равны перед конституцией и законами Асгарда это верно, но не забывай учитывать природу человека. Почему ты решил что любовь однополая это для всех? Почему не понимаешь и не хочешь понимать что не всем дано это странное чувство как у тебя и тебе подобных ...
Nov 13, 18 / Sag 09, 02 01:00 UTC
Wonderfully said. I didnt think of this perspective until your comment.
May 10, 18 / Gem 18, 02 00:08 UTC
All equal, no acronyms!!!
May 10, 18 / Gem 18, 02 12:54 UTC
Please, stop it. Don't bring this s**t up from Earth. I bet you just want some tention. Everyone is equal already. No preferences for any group. We should make another petition - if someone wants preferences, he gets the hell out of Asgardia.
May 11, 18 / Gem 19, 02 18:20 UTC
I think this is covered well enough in the constitution. heterosexuality is not directly recognized in our laws either . should there be a petition to protect them as well? no of course not, and that is why this isnt needed either
May 11, 18 / Gem 19, 02 18:35 UTC
Equal is equal in any direction by definition. I suspect some may want to be more equal this way.
May 12, 18 / Gem 20, 02 03:29 UTC
The constitution already covers gender equality, among others. Add sexual orientation to the list and that should cover it without having to define new terms and acronyms: "All citizens of Asgardia are equal, irrespective of their Earthly country of origin, residence, citizenship, race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, religion, language, financial ...
May 12, 18 / Gem 20, 02 18:05 UTC
I think stressing on this fact is what alienates the LGBT...( whatever it is ) community . The constitution explicitly states that all are equal irrespective of all earthly , cultural and biological divisions . We should act as a species and not drag this LGBT matter into the constitution ...
May 13, 18 / Gem 21, 02 00:52 UTC
Labels divide people and only serve that purpose. No vote necessary as we are all human beings of equal equality. If you don’t feel equal a vote is not the answer, seeing a psychologist is. All people regardless of age, gender, sex, ethnicity etc. are equal and we should not ...
May 14, 18 / Gem 22, 02 16:37 UTC
As an MP-Elect and a lesbian, I have a few words. One of the reasons that I was first drawn to Asgardia, was because they stated firmly that HATE, was not allowed and that everyone, was equal
May 14, 18 / Gem 22, 02 17:00 UTC
As an MP-Elect and a lesbian I can understand this petition better than most. What originally drew me to Asgardia, was the belief that HATE had to end and Mankind, had to grow up. Equality for all. I didn't join to wave the Rainbow Flag around, but so that one ...
May 14, 18 / Gem 22, 02 23:33 UTC
El hecho de que una parte de la comunidad tenga que ser señalada y resaltada por enzima de los demás, ya genera un mensaje de odio y una llamada de atencion muy negativa sobre esta parte de la comunidad y automáticamente lo convierte en una minoría y por lógica ser ...
May 15, 18 / Gem 23, 02 04:29 UTC
The phrase, “We either have minorities, or we are all equal. You can’t have both.”, reflects my views. I do not support the petition.
May 17, 18 / Gem 25, 02 15:38 UTC
demi-sexual here too ! n___n gladly support this petition. S.A.G.E thank u for initiating about this. Gender equality in Asgardia is important ! n__n Per aspera Ad astra! from hardships to the stars :3
May 18, 18 / Gem 26, 02 17:40 UTC
I think it's a bad idea and the beginning of a slippery slope. No need for specific recognition since we are all equal under the ASGARDIA constitution. Once specific recognition is allowed, then specific privileges and treatment will eventually be requested. The passage of this petition will cause dissension among ...
May 20, 18 / Can 00, 02 13:47 UTC
I completely agree. There are gender-related problems in current laws and politics because there have always been gender-specific laws. Asgardian laws and constitution should always only refer to asgardians or human beings. There is no need to specify gender in any case, as today we should all be treated equally ...
Jun 3, 18 / Can 14, 02 14:44 UTC
I strongly disagree. We are already equal. This sets the precedent that only sage members are exclusive and or separate. We can not and must not have one group raised above, or separated from, the others.
Jun 8, 18 / Can 19, 02 05:07 UTC
No Thank you. A proper acronym would be HUMAN.
Jun 12, 18 / Can 23, 02 17:45 UTC
Citizenship is in the acts we do to protect our motherland. So I reported this ideologue piece of crap. This authoritarian ideology and hypocritical stance is self evident. So we are all equal but there groups "more equal" than others? Get out of here, brainwashed nutcracker.
Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 04:13 UTC
Я против, в Асгарде все равны, но вы хотите больше прав и особое отношение а это уже попахивает расизмом. Scuro Megan Acheson я предупреждаю вас не пытайтесь пропихнуть что-то что даст вам больше прав чем другим Асгарцем. Если вам нравятся женщины (не кого не хочу обидеть), то это не значит ...
Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 11:50 UTC
Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 11:46 UTC
Люди, прошу принять меры, по недопущению навязывания и приучению с детства к разным "различиям" которые потом взрастят нацию вымерающую
Jul 1, 18 / Leo 14, 02 04:09 UTC
Приветствую всех 2 дня до окончания голосования а я не могу проголосовать ни за ни против
Jul 3, 18 / Leo 16, 02 15:09 UTC
apoyo la primera parte, pero la segunda parte no puedo apoyarla aún porque no se que presupuesto maneja el país y creo que el dinero nunca sobra.
Jul 8, 18 / Leo 21, 02 13:52 UTC
Все асгардианцы равны между собой. Отсутствует необходимость в выделении или подчёркивании прав сексуальных меньшинств.
Jan 15, 21 / Aqu 15, 05 04:27 UTC
I have the privilege of looking at this topic after the Parliament is functioning and passing legislation and I can assure you that when a proposal is made it includes all Asgardians. All Asgardians means every Asgardian in Asgardia.