Jul 5, 18 / Leo 18, 02 08:21 UTC
Department / Ministry for Health

Healthcare is a fundamental imperative to any progressive civilization. Even the most ostensibly primitive of civilizations have had there interpretation of health care and promotion. Granted, these were all based on their relative, contemporaneous understandings of health and welling. But the truth is still the same. Asgardia needs to a functioning Department of Healthcare and respective Ministerial staff.

Therefore, it is crucial to consider Article 11) 5 of the constitution, which states "Asgardia shall support its citizens in leading healthy lifestyles". Would it not be fair to assert that organising a system of at least primary healthcare is a constitutional right? For all Asgardian citizens?

Therefore I propose the creation of, initially, at least a Minister for Health. Who will prioritise the collection of evidence-based health related data, and make this information easily available to the citizens.

Furthermore, the Minister shall also seek to create a charitable arm of the Government, which in keeping with Article 17) 4) c. of the constitution, will at its core establish charitable and philanthropic healthcare to fellow citizens. Healthcare professionals, within Asgardia should seek to volunteer their time and resources to promote this effort. I myself, as a Registered Nurse, would happily forward the common good of Asgardia.

Unfortunately, we here many stories of people being unable to reach/access or afford even the most basic forms of healthcare. Bridging this gap would prove to the world, not our genuine resolve for the common good of man. Let us lead by example.

The world has so much bad news these days, and people searching for a compassion, that certain institutions of belief have failed to offer these days. Well let's make them believe in us, in the future. In, Asgardia!

Jul 6, 18 / Leo 19, 02 09:44 UTC
Jul 11, 18 / Leo 24, 02 10:55 UTC
Thank you!
Jul 6, 18 / Leo 19, 02 16:37 UTC
Поддерживаю. Каждый асгардианец, должен быть здоровым и счастливым человеком.
Jul 11, 18 / Leo 24, 02 10:55 UTC
Completely agree.
Jul 7, 18 / Leo 20, 02 12:19 UTC
You have my support aswell a step in the right direction.
Jul 7, 18 / Leo 20, 02 21:02 UTC
Jul 9, 18 / Leo 22, 02 00:02 UTC
Thank you for the support so far. Please share the petition. We have a rare opportunity to make difference in the world, and we need to build the momentum.
Jul 9, 18 / Leo 22, 02 23:04 UTC
I've received some complaints because I'm asking multiple MP candidates for their votes. First, I can vote for as many candidates as I want (as can any Asgardian as per our constitution), and as long as that candidate supports the creation of a Department of Health and charitable health endeavours, ...
Jul 9, 18 / Leo 22, 02 23:06 UTC
In other words, this is a democracy - go out and vote for as many people as you like. We need to be the change people, get the message out there. As long as you aren't hurting or harassing anyone!
Jul 10, 18 / Leo 23, 02 09:39 UTC
I support yout petition and have signed it.
Jul 11, 18 / Leo 24, 02 10:56 UTC
Thank you
Jul 11, 18 / Leo 24, 02 09:32 UTC
signed and support
Jul 11, 18 / Leo 24, 02 10:56 UTC
Awesome, that's for the support
Jul 11, 18 / Leo 24, 02 13:10 UTC
Geniale.. On est ts avec vous
Jul 11, 18 / Leo 24, 02 14:21 UTC
Hmmm... Why Ministry of Safety and Security isn't enough?
Jul 12, 18 / Leo 25, 02 06:29 UTC
If you were sick would you go to a security guard? If you were coughing blood, do you go to the police? When you're sick you go to a Hospital or Doctor, and you hope they are regulated by a Department of Health.
Jul 12, 18 / Leo 25, 02 10:10 UTC
And there won't be any problems, if doc will be part of safety and security, we talking about ministry, not about common employees. It just ministry which will regulate working of hospitals and etc. along with security department. I don't want to stop you from whatever you doing, just give ...
Jul 20, 18 / Vir 05, 02 00:30 UTC
People's healthcare can be a very sensitive topic. Like I said before, if you had personal problems, you wouldn't want to tell these problems to the police. You'd prefer to tell these issues to trained health care professionals that are regulated by their respective professional governing bodies and associations. For ...
Jul 12, 18 / Leo 25, 02 10:01 UTC
Aaaand... there won't be any problem, if doc will be part of safety and security
Jul 11, 18 / Leo 24, 02 14:52 UTC
healthcare is really important ! I support this petition, and hope for the best ! Leaders should take these ideas from petitions even if they'r not highly voted. Its really hard to get this petitions through ,recognized by creator of Asgardia... I hope this petition get's recognized
Jul 12, 18 / Leo 25, 02 06:30 UTC
Thank you. I really hope it's recognised too!
Jul 11, 18 / Leo 24, 02 21:14 UTC
Yes, Да, はい
Jul 16, 18 / Vir 01, 02 02:23 UTC
This is something that should be implemented globally
Aug 5, 18 / Vir 21, 02 18:33 UTC
I fully support this petition, a minister of health is the first very good step towards a larger department of healthcare, a humanitarian state takes care of its citizens.
Aug 7, 18 / Vir 23, 02 23:53 UTC
How would this be put into practice as we are still only a virtual nation really so how could one make it that a fellow asgardian in brazil for example gets the health care they need today instead of waiting till we are a fully fledged nation, I signed the ...
Aug 15, 18 / Lib 03, 02 19:03 UTC
I support your proposal. Our nation needs the best healtcare system in the world/space. As a healthcare professional, I will help you in the creation of this ministry.
Aug 19, 18 / Lib 07, 02 02:10 UTC
You have my full support, it is important to have a fully education, healthy ministry. With the best health care system above all others, take the bested bits from each one.
Aug 27, 18 / Lib 15, 02 16:28 UTC
je soutiens votre proposition, nous sommes de moins en moins virtuel, qui sait un jour je mettrai mes compétences d'ambulancier smur au profit de l'unité. Et puis nous serons tellement exposer médiatiquement qu'il faut que tout sois sans grand reproche.
Aug 29, 18 / Lib 17, 02 05:28 UTC
Aug 29, 18 / Lib 17, 02 19:13 UTC
I had medical training in the Military and in civilian areas and I would be proud to help you in this area.
Sep 3, 18 / Lib 22, 02 18:38 UTC
Health of the people should always be a priority. So much depends on it.
Sep 7, 18 / Lib 26, 02 19:24 UTC
I missed the voting but I support this as well.