Jun 20, 17 / Leo 03, 01 21:19 UTC
Winning anthems should be reconsidered after composed into a live symphony

Many of the anthems I found to sound more like a prototype of concept having been composed using electronic instruments from various audio digital workstations you can find on the market ie: Ableton or Reason etc, rather than something you would expect to be a full anthem.  Those that made it to the top should be composed to a live orchestrated symphony with additions and developments to accommodate the change in expression.  After having been composed, Asgardians can have a final round of voting for a solid symphony anthem.

Jun 27, 17 / Leo 10, 01 21:57 UTC

Totally agree as an composer myself. In addition, the content in terms of lyrics should be voted and discussed..

Dec 20, 17 / Cap 18, 01 10:46 UTC


Jul 1, 17 / Leo 14, 01 19:49 UTC

Hans Zimmer can help us for that !

Jul 2, 17 / Leo 15, 01 14:06 UTC

yes, and, an acustic and eletronic plus voice/es mix, would be ideal

Jul 9, 17 / Leo 22, 01 19:08 UTC

I totally agree...I would also like to see a new round of entries considered...mainly because I would like to submit an entry of my own that I composed some years back...

Thank you for your suggestion...

Jul 13, 17 / Leo 26, 01 09:53 UTC

Absolutely. If this nation is to be included in the United Nations and be taken seriously by terrestrial countries, it must have a competent national anthem. One which can be played in diplomatic or political ceremonies.

Aug 5, 17 / Vir 21, 01 13:19 UTC

Should be anthem with written idea, so you know generally what it is about.